Bust Matchmaking

Recently, my account was restored after a hack, and a person played Overwatch, and after it I have too much rank in a competitive game, I don’t want to spoil the game for those people, is there any way to lower the rank ?

Sorry I dont belive you.

And no, you cant lower it normaly, just play the game.


Always play to the best of your ability, and MMR / SR will adjust accordingly.

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Don’t worry, the amazing behind the scenes mmr system (which is lame and should be ditched completely) will theoretically drag you down to where it thinks you belong, regardless of how you actually play.

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The problem is that I can’t play with a friend because of this, and it will take a very long time to merge the rating, from 3500 to 2500

Isn’t the range 1000 SR that you can group with people? Are you trying to play with someone who is 1500?

Also, I reject the notion that people should group up for competitive. Competitive Suggestion - Solo Queue

Playing with friends should be in something other than competitive role queue. If an individual’s Competitive MMR / SR should reflect their skill, then they should always solo queue.

I think we should have Team Queue for people to queue with friends, and then that friend group would have their own SR / MMR that would not impact their individual SR / MMR.

Queuing with friends / groups should not enable someone to climb or fall by being carried or failing to carry someone.

Bottom line, go play QP or Arcade with your friend who is dramatically different skill than you. Have fun! Nothing like failing to carry your friend to make friends mad at each other.