Building on the Fun with New Overwatch 2 Drops on Twitch!

Wow, look at these responses, rofl. And you wonder why blizzard never posts here.

I know. They should probably just give these entitled kids NOTHING, lol.

Isnā€™t that what Blizz is already doing lol


No. Someone literally worked to create the art that they are giving you for watching a few hours of OW2. (or just leaving your browser open)

I wonder if they even realizes it considering everyone is talking with sarcasm.

Considering how much disconnected they are from the community it wonā€™t be suspiring if they think it is legit.

Youā€™re getting something that youā€™ll never use or show another player. They worked to create something that people donā€™t care about or want. Sorry to put it so bluntly, but thatā€™s the case.

Since OW2 has released, Iā€™ve seen exactly 1 player use the Souvenir emote, and Sprays are only ever used in the Lobbies, but then no more.

Just because someone spent time on something doesnā€™t mean everyone has to accept it and be happy.


I mean, you donā€™t have to ā€œacceptā€ it, or be happy. But itā€™s quite literally something that someone worked on, and for you, is basically free.

Did you want some super cool special skin for leaving your browser open for 2 hours? I mean, what do you expect?

The ā€œdealā€ if you will, is that you spend 2 hours of your time watching a stream, and in exchange, you get this souvenir and/or spray. Yes, you can cheese it and just go do something else, but then your argument is lost because you didnā€™t actually earn it.

So essentially it comes down to, is it worth the 2 hour time investment? For the majority of us, it isnā€™t. Itā€™s more of an insult and slap in the face.

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Giving you an added bonus for watching a stream, which I may add a lot of people do anyways for nothing, is a slap in the face? Amazing.

And itā€™s like, the EASIEST thing to do, to open your browser and leave it open for 2 hours. Or you could watch OW2, and maybe even enjoy it. AND get something from that. Itā€™s not like they are asking you to dig a ditch.

XP Boosts/Premium Pass/Coins. Please make it actually worth it lmao

If someone is already planning on watching the stream, then they clearly arenā€™t the target of this. This is geared towards generating more interest on Twitch for Overwatch 2 by pushing people who otherwise arenā€™t watching Twitch Streams.

Letā€™s be clear about that. This reward is not meant for people who routinely watch twitch streams. This is meant to entice people who donā€™t watch them so that Blizzard can then use their inflated numbers to say how successful the game is because they bribed people to watch it.


Yeah, sure itā€™s like when your 5 year old draws you a picture and you gotta hang it on the fridge

Itā€™s really disturbing when you realize every economic model relies on losers and idiots.


Yes, yes it is, lol.

Alternatively, itā€™s nice when you realize you arenā€™t one, and get that chedda

Then maybe they should rethink how these resources are being spent.

Souvenirs for example really doesnā€™t work well for this game simply because they are just unusable no matter how good they are.

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Lets be real nobody is watching the streams even if there is a good incentive to, most people just have it in the background and continue playing the game.

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Wow no skin this timeā€¦

We have been graced by the Gods everyone. Exactly what we want. A spray that barely gets used unless youā€™re a selfish potg farmer who ignores your own team, and a souvenir which is less used ingame then the spray.


Tell us you donā€™t care without telling us you donā€™t care.


WOOWEE a spray I canā€™t use because I had to unbind it since Iā€™m console and a souvenir which are the worst cosmetic addition to the game and should all be weapon charms instead, thank you.

At least thereā€™s Contenders and OWL drops.

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Makes sense and normally Iā€™d say this but a spray and a souvenir???

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Iā€™ve seen one single person use a souvenir since launch. And I donā€™t even know if you can see other peopleā€™s weapon charms or not because Iā€™ve never noticed one.