Bug with the connection at the server

hello, i have bug who penalize me, i enjoy your game but the connection with your server ruin it.
i launch the matchmaking it say match found and connection to the server like alright but that turn like it fail after few second.
i add that i have no problem of or internet at home, i have a connection with a debit of 100 mb/s.
But because of that BUG i can’t play whith my team, have fun with them all i get is be ban or suspended for dodging i didn’t dodge at all i’m here but the server is the problem and it’s me who get penalized how the hell is that.
thanks you for read my complain.


I’m having the same issue but instead of it being before the game/loading into one it happens during a game. So far on my latest card, it’s happened twice, the first time was the first game on the card the 2nd time was my latest game. Mid-game I lose connection to the server for a second or two and when I load back into the main menu I have a ban even though it’s only been around 10-40 seconds and I can’t rejoin the game. The first time this happened I could even talk in match chat after the game was done. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if I could join back but for some reason, you instantly get a leavers penalty and just have to take the loss even though it wasn’t my fault at all and the game stops me from rejoining. I have clips of this happening if that would be useful and I hope I can get those loses reverted.


Linking my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Competitive Match Disconnection And Temporary Ban. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

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I would’ve suggested that you bumped up this thread, Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension, but it seems the Moderators have closed and unlisted it…It almost feels like the Devs don’t want players bringing attention to these issues. Such a shame.

AFAIK they have (or had) a system to reconnect to the game, but still get the loss/SR penalty. So one leave like that can’t get you suspended, you need to leave multiple comps to achieve that. I guess you could also choose not to play it if you know there are server issues. I personally believe comp easily brings out the absolute worst in people. But Blizzard isn’t blameless, either.

That all said, I am personally not yet dumb enough to legitimize OW2 Comp by playing it considering their systems, bugs, problems, lacking rewards, toxicity, and worthlessness (to me/imo). This is coming from someone who got literally every season icon since S1 (until the final OW1 season as the game was fully neglected and I didn’t like anything I was reading about OW2).

That, and the thread was from October. Hence bumping this one (as I didn’t even see the other one until you linked it and never would have, otherwise).

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I’m having the same issue


Tengo el mismo problema, y el día de ayer me desconecto de una partida clasificatoria por error del servidor y me penalizaron hasta que termine la 3 temporada

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I’m not sure why that thread was closed and unlisted, but it’s not due to its age, as my own thread has existed since launch day and is still active. At the bottom of my thread is also a list of other posts regarding this disconnect and ban bug if you’d like to bump up some more posts about it such as this one: Can't rejoin a game after a DC, access to chat though.

Keep opening a ticket about it until you get an answer! You could also tweet at someone on the team if you’re that curious/willing to investigate.

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As it so happens, I opened up too many support tickets and my account received a warning that if I attempted to that again, my account may be deleted. I wrote more about that on my thread at the 156th comment: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs - #157 by Azdyph-1127.

As for tweeting and messaging the Developers external to the bug forums to garner attention, that is something only professional players and content creators have a large enough follower base to do. Unfortunately, I am neither of those. If you happen to know such a person though, I would grateful if you could spread the word about this thread in my stead.

Maybe the warning was automated, just depends on the consistency you do it, I think. Also, YMMV.

Disagree, if you tweet the correct person (like the community managers, producer, etc.), at minimum they’ll probably look into it. Maybe they don’t have a ton of pull or it’s been decided to be a clandestine decision regarding that thread/the reasons, but at least you will have alerted them to it. I agree with you it is a very odd situation, but I don’t necessarily care enough to do anything about it myself…

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The warning was given after the support ticket was reviewed by a supervisor in customer support, so I doubt it was automated. Considering it took over five months of consistent updates, it might also just be a numerical limit, though that’s hard to prove.

And thanks for letting me know about who I should tweet at to spread the word about the megathread. I had always assumed regular players could never have same developer attention as a pro or content creator, but it seems I was wrong and that there might be a chance after all. In any case, I appreciate your help.

It depends on your style and frequency of communication, as well as what you wrote in the boxes, but my guess is it was an empty threat/meant to be a deterrent from the supervisor. You shouldn’t ‘spam’ them and you should be polite, but firm. Also it’s not your fault they have :poop: customer service response times, nor is it theirs, it’s the management. Frankly it’s consumer hostile, from my perspective. I’ve done a bunch of customer service in my life through multiple different large corporations/institutions, and if you can get them on your side or see your point (which should be reasonable and valid), most CSRs are willing to work with you, or should be.

You can also tweet at video game journalists (or influencers/YouTubers) if you think something is being shushed and if/once they write an article about it, it’ll always be online to reference that Blizzard was behaving shady with XYZ topic. No thanks necessary, I’m happy to offer these kinds of ideas/help! I can’t promise results, but it does seem to be the best ways to leverage your time/effort, and at least you can say you exhausted your options if you are passionate about the topic.

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My updates were definitely more frequent during the first and last of these five months which might have played a role in the warning. I was exceedingly polite in my updates as well, after all, serious issues need articulate exchange of information, which vulgar and slang do not count as. The poor customer support though, not to excuse Blizzard in any way, is becoming increasingly widespread across the entire industry it seems. Maybe there was a way I could’ve communicated better as to not invoke an account warning, but in any case, that is in the past and that route of communication is closed.

As for tweeting, I’m not sure if it’s possible to prove Blizzard is intentionally obscuring this issue. Slow, inconsistent communication has always been Blizzard’s strategy after all. But I’ll have to do a bit more research before I decide on my course of action. And there’s no need to be so modest, you have been very helpful and you deserve to be thanked for it.

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Well that’s very kind of you to say, thank you! I wish you the best of luck with this, it’s an uphill battle for certain.

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