#BuffSymmetra, I Dare You

(Sym Main, 85+ hours)
I know you guys are working hard on a multitude of things, but these changes could help put Sym in a much better place right now until the rework.
Below are suggestions for variety improvements to her Shielding, Turrets, and Energy Ball .

+50/100 Shields to teammates:

  • Allow her to give teammates 50 extra shields with a 3 second cool down at a 30 meter range. (For comparison Brigitte deals 150 hp or 75 armor + full health with a 5 second cool down at 30 m)

  • Shield Senerator stack: This would now give teammates 50 shields instead of 75 and would stack with her independent shielding ability, it also cuts Symmetra’s shielding ability cooldown in half for as long as it’s up.

Teleporter/Shield Generator Location Reveal/Sonar:

  • Teammates will be able to see the silhouette of the Teleporter/Gen through walls to better defend it.

  • Sonar: A pulse every 3 seconds that reveals the image of an enemy lasting for about 1 second before fading with a range of 10-20 meters. The closer an enemy gets to the ult the more visible they become. Possibly add a ping noise to alert Sym that a player is close allowing you to engage the enemy or alert your team.

Sentry Turret Health and or Damage Boost:

  • Return Sym’s turret damage to it’s original output before the 30% reduction and increase the health of the turrets from 1hp to something like 10hp+?

Lower Casting time On Sentry Turret Placement, Increase Movement Speed:

  • Placing Turrets decreases movement speed by -25% and it has a 1.4 second casting time. (Along with a delay for the beam to shoot the enemy?) There should be no decrease in movement speed while casting, and the time to cast is decreased to 0.5.

Energy Ball Speed Increase:

  • The projectile rate of fire, speed, and damage should be determined by the size of the ball. This would provide a new method for dealing with barrier heavy comps while increasing her viability as an offensive support.

Min energy: 3 rounds per second at 26 damage, 60-70 meters per second, (ramping to)
Max energy: 2 Second charge at 125 damage, 10 meters per second. (current)

(Healer comparison)
Mercy: 5 rounds per second at 20 damage 40 meters per second.
Lucio: 1 burst 4 rounds per second at 20 damage, 50 meters per second
Zen: 2.5 shots per second at 46 damage, 80 meters per second
Ana: 1.2 rounds per second at 70 damage, 90 meters per second (Unscoped),

Thanks for your time.

Symmetra is a free full hold on D for players less than plat. Please do not simply buff Symmetra and make that problem even worse. Make her more viable as long as she is less viable in the cheese defense strat that is the fear of every less than plat player.

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How about those players keep playing until they are good enough to beat the worst hero in the game instead of balancing around them being bad?

the 50 shield suggestion actually gave me a backpain. Shield gen already sucks to play against when my team doesnt want to take it out.

so the shield thing is her replacing her photon barrier? shield ability has to replace something.

She clearly is not the worst hero in the game since she’s actually good under plat. There’s lots of heroes that are never good like DF Mei Ana Sombra etc.

I agree that bad players need to find a way to beat her but generally that is teamwork which doesn’t exist until at least play normally even higher though


It’s not too bad, it’s only +25 more shields. While it’s bad when your team doesn’t want to seek it out, it’s Worse when you team can’t defend it because they don’t know where their own Generator is.

Plus it would place more importance on it, more effort to seek it out meaning a possible hero advantage for the defending team. Add in the Sonar and it almost acts as a Venus fly trap.

This word is always a delicate one in a topic because the gaming experience is different at all levels. I don’t know how the game play is at that level but you can’t really balance a hero based around the lower tiers. Those lower tiers can look up hero counters and their skill against said character rises because of the knowledge they acquired.