Buffing Tracer will fix OWL

And buffing tracer still wouldn’t make her able to kill goats.

It would certainly make her kill everything in ladder games though.

Tracer doesn’t need any buffs.


Why should Tracer be powerful enough to bust apart the composition she, and backline flanker picking off isolated heroes, should be weak against…

The Damage heroes that should counter clustered/short range/death ball comps like Junkrat/Pharah/Bastion are the ones that should be looked at.

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buff hero for literally 0.5% of population witout considering the 99.5% is worst idea lets see why.

My aim is bad and I waste 20 out of 40 bullets your telling me i can get upclose waste 20 bullets and hit the remaining 40 on my target sure not too much at all

yes sure lets buff a hero to nerf another hero best idea ever
(being sarcastic sorry)
so you are saying lets also delete orisa, torb, bastion, winston just because zarya is too good and you dont want to nerf her?

buff tracer goats will still live. you just making the whole game unfun for the whole population that plays the game and doesnt care about owl (most of them)


Id rather give her (not die by own bomb) since it isnt kill tank with oneclip ult anymore. But maybe a slight damage if it is too strong

Hard to say.

I feel like the issue has always been that Tracer and situationally Widow, Sombra or Genji are basically the only dps heroes that have ever been worth picking over just having more tanks.

Rather than making the horde of meme tier dps heroes useful, they killed Tracer instead and the result we got was just no dps heroes.

Only last patch have they realised that the entire dps category was underpowered, but the top where Tracer was is still probably the standard we need for a dps hero to be worth using. Maybe Tracer didnt cause this, maybe Tracer was the one dps hero they got right.

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I think I would rather watch GOATS.

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Goats were created because dps are too strong, requiring lot of turtling counterplay. And stars alligned that was that lucio + zenyatta/ana covered behind tanks are good at killing dps heroes.

To fix goats you have to rebalance whole game, otherwise youll just replace one meta with another.

Probably one that says tracer is only countered if it makes boom tschaak smash, tracer dead. :sweat_smile:

I thought people were against having a “delete” button in the game…

You’re being incredibly biased here. GOATs isn’t even that common anymore, and buffing Tracer would be a terrible idea. She can already delete non-tanks in one clip, she can kite tanks forever and she can charge Pulse Bomb fairly quickly, which can be lethal when used right, even on tanks.

Tracer’s in a fine spot and you’re the only person who I ever see asking for Tracer buffs on a near-daily basis lol.


Making Tracer good against tanks will make her even better against everyone else.


Even if this does end up making Tracer good against GOATS, it won’t really get rid of it. We’ll just replace D.Va with Tracer, and the community will call it something like TOATS or TROATS. In any case, people will just refer it to Tracer GOATS, just like how a Sombra/Zarya/Rein/Brig/Zen/Lucio comp is still GOATS despite having Sombra, a DPS hero, in your composition.

It will just make one hero too strong but won’t actually get rid of GOATS. Even if it did, GOATS is already on the decline. It is still a viable comp, but it is slowly getting to the point where it is not the viable comp, which is where GOATS should be. The main thing keeping GOATS in OWL now is the fact that the pros have worked for months on perfecting and evolving this meta, and they don’t want to take the risk of learning a new meta. Not unless it is obviously significantly better.


She can already chew through up to 480 health in a single magazine. 240 if she gets just body shots. This definitely doesn’t need to be increased. Sorry, but she shouldn’t be one clipping literally every character in the game.

Didn’t they reduce Brigitte’s shield bash damage by 90% from 50 to 5 because it was a supposed “delete Tracer” button? Sorry, but I don’t think giving a hero a “delete” button for a hero with literally more than double Tracer’s health is going to go over too well.

Hard counters to 3 tank./support comps.
Weak against dps heroes. Or only 2 tanks
(hero would be utterly bad)


Because dive was so much more “fun” to watch, right?

I am so tired of watching tracer since season 1 cuz all they showed was her all the time.

Why would anyone want to be tank if they die as a normal 200 hp hero? you want this to be dps watch dont you

Tracer is being used in OWL, it’s a myth she can’t be used against Brig. The problem she had before was that she was literally better than every other DPS at doing what every other DPS could do. We don’t need to go back to that.

I mean, I love Tracer, and would love to be able to play her in Comp; she is too weak at this level, but I appreciate that buffing her would make her intolerable in GM/OWL again. Not to mention just pour out more unkillable smurfs to the mid-low ranks :frowning:

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What happened to not talking about crazy buffs? That’s absolutely nuts. No way.

So, a revert to her ult nerf? I can get behind that. Her ult currently feels like a basic ability with a long cooldown.

The thing is, in season 1 of OWL you either had a Tracer one trick or your team was doomed to fail.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it had turned out that Brigitte was a band-aid to that.

No reason to make Tracer strong again if the organizations had their hands in this " sudden " change.

I mean, devs themselves said that dive was a thing only in that 1% so what’s the point of creating Brigitte if not for OWL ? They do not want Tracer being an all round pick again most probably.

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