BUFF Widowmaker's Venom Mine

Unfortunately I have no other option to provide feedback to the developers but this forum. Dealing with naysayers is a inconvenient necessary evil to deal with.
I personally would love to privately send suggestions, ideas and criticism to Blizzard about my desired changes to its games :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, not unlike Rockstar Games allows us to do regarding GTA Online (I can’t recall if the same happens with Red Dead Online), but very unfortunately :frowning_face: Blizzard does not do this, so you people have to endure these uncomfortable ideas :stuck_out_tongue:.

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Venom mine is fine. It has won me games before.

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Venom mine is secretly OP, slap it on the wall you’re using to peek from at head height and win every sniper duel.


Thats, sadly, what she is suposed to be, a one trick pony completly reliant on her sniper rifle.

her primary weapon is super strong, so the rest of her kit has to suffer as a result.

venom mine by itself is a trash ability, but its so bad too because of her rifles strenght

my suggestion for widow would be to nerf her primary charge in exchange for buffs to her abilities

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(20 characters)

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Quality bait, thank you.

Is this a serious question? She is a sniper, meaning one has to have skill aiming and hitting her targets, with the complication that her “Widow’s Kiss” charges the shot to reach maximum power, there is falloff damage and she is not as good in close combat, since her automatic rifle had a wide spread, she is not very mobile on her own (her Grappling hook takes several seconds of cooldown), can’t sprint, she doesn’t move much while aiming thus may becoming as easy target, and as I have mentioned her Venom Mine is crap.
This has the very obvious implication if one has terrible aim, is hasty shooting and doesn’t know to keep hidden nor to keep the distance, that one will have a terrible performance while hindering its team.
Apparently some, even possibly you, are so good with her that can’t realize how difficult is to use her. Or are feigning ignorance, trolling.
So, yeah, high risk, high reward.

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What if she could have two out at once and the cooldown was reduced by 2 seconds? In tandem with giving her smg a bit more power, you could justify reducing her lethality with scoped fire by a small amount.

Yup, pretty much sums up this thread.

Well said!

Widowmaker is like the safest sniper of entire gaming history, with her long butt grapple hook lol

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And nerf all her other damage by 30%.

don’t forget the reddit lucio

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venom mine is a stupid ability, widowmaker’s kit is outdated and never belonged in overwatch in the first place

More afraid of speedboosted frogs, aggressively wallriding into backline and dishing out some sick headshots, ngl.

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If aim is a skill then all the heroes requires skills and her falloff damage starts in 65-80 M which is still pretty far,With grapple hook you can escape from where ever u want and I know it has a long cooldown and Its the same thing as dive heroes like Winston or Hammond,

She becomes a easy target for another sniper like Ashe or Hanzo.If by high risk You mean The aiming part i totaly disagree with that because that’s the thing You need if You are playing a fps game Or if its a low mobility part i still disagree because Grapple hooking is a really good escape tool and its hard to chase widow after that.

“Alive” short (at 3:46) displays precisely what “Venom Mine” truly is: TRAP, Trap, trap! Blizzard cannot even follow its own lore for the sake of (dis)balancing.

It is a pretty garbage ability to be sure… but that is the point. Widowmaker is by far the single most powerful character in the game if your aim is good enough.

To buff any part of her kit be it the widow mine or her Ult would require nerfs to her primary fire. Not something I think most widow players would want.

Widow is the exact opposite of Genji imo. Genji has a pretty weak kit with an over powered ultimate. Mean while Widow has a garbage kit, stupid alt fire and a semi useless Ultimate that they even nerfed to end if she died. But she can one or two tap over 90% the hero roster with only a 1.5 second or so delay between shots at any range…

As a Widow main, no.

If you wanna buff her, don’t buff literally the least important part of her kit.


You must achieve for improvements, therefore, Buffing yes. You will become a better player and you know you need this.