Buff widow back to 200 health

hello everyone, I personally think that widow is too weak now, she used to be somewhat viable even against dive but now if a feather touches widow is dead, like she basically doesn’t have any survivability, the 50m nerf was justified but the hp nerf wasn’t. Ever since the widow nerf I was stuck in cree/tracer jail and I would like for widow to be good again.


Widowmaker is perfectly balanced right now.


She is not, many people will tell u that she is actually not that viable right now.


She isn’t doing too hot right now because it’s brawl/rush. She isn’t meant to be good into that lmao.

She’s a glass Cannon. Lots of output, but can’t take much damage.


In what game is widow not viable? Minecraft?


Widowmaker is useless in below Plat, and OP in her 200hp state in the upper tiers. It really does not matter in the lower ranks that she is 175 or 200, because she can’t hit anything before dying.


200 hp is not enough

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175 is fine. Widowmaker is fine.


Guys and Gals I’ve got THE solution.
Lets give her 400 HP
and move her to the Tank role!


Have you tried keeping your distance? Like actually hugging every end of the lanes in order to maximize your distance from enemies? Positioning is key with widow and she will still be a massive threat even with only 1hp. Widow is a point and click hitscan able to delete anyone not being a tank on any map. Shes a sniper, play her like one.

I see a ton of players trying to get kills when their enemies are 30 meters close to them. Sure some maps wont always have a ton of lanes but thats why other characters exist, hanzo and ashe are both good at closer ranges. Widow is best used on really big maps with open space or lanes like havana, kings row, numbani, volskaya, junkertown etc. widow is perfectly fine, just learn to switch if you start getting focused, that usually means the enemy see you as the biggest threat.


Widowmaker is perfectly balanced, the Meta is just not in her favor.

But perhaps you should try clicking on the enemy’s head instead of next to them, trust me you’ll see how strong Widowmaker can be that way.

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funny because this is the only thread I’ve seen arguing for this. I guess all those people must be less than 10 in numbers.

a tanks role is to create space right?it makes perfect sense!



Everyone hates Widow so much that this probably won’t happen unfortunately. Even though she’s pretty bad now. Unless she has a Mercy pocketing her, she gets dived too easily.

She should be vulnerable to dive, that is literally the point.


Console my friend. Console. Widow is useless there.
I’m fine with widow back to 200 but most of the community hates her because of her one-shot (I don’t, I used to main her).

Console omegalul, the place where pharah dominates. That’s really a serious place hum?


Soldier is the counter m8.
Stop bashing console anyway or I will onetrick Ball from now on.

One trick ball on consolo xD good luck with that.