Buff to Bastion?

The developers have been buffing F tier heroes such as Mei, Doomfist, Reaper (Even though not f tier but doesn’t see much play in owl or higher levels), and Hanzo, Symmetra, Torn reworks. Also to help deal with the tank meta on the horizon. Will Bastion be getting any buffs? He does need one but not sure where, maybe moving faster during tank mode or faster switching between recon and sentry mode ?


I have a friend who really only plays Bastion and he says Bastion’s ult isn’t powerful enough. His suggestions were to increase the rate of fire in tank mode from 1 shot per second to 1 shot per .75 seconds and decrease the ultimate duration from 8 seconds to 6 seconds. This change would keep the amount of shots Bastion has in tank mode the same, while increasing the dps and making the ult less clunky.

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That would be cool but maybe a bit op. Bastion seems like a hero on a balancing scale where something can rip one side to much. A reduced delay in the switch to tank mode would also help!

Did you ever get to experience the Original release version of Bastion’s Sentry mode?

Most of the Bastion players (Including Myself) can confirm, That a “Revert” Needs to happen to Sentry, Specifically…

Which would mean:

Lowered Bullet spread in sentry.

Sentry can hit headshot Damage.

This would bring back skill And Reward Good Aim, in Bastion’s kit, Allowing for better players to get more use out of the character as a whole…

-ChibiFox :fox_face:

My megathread contains many ideas on how to buff him and several reasons why:

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