Buff Orisa/Bast/Mei/Sombra/Bap/Brig. Nerf Widow/Ana EDIT: Genji rework instead

I’ve mentioned different buffs/nerfs in different threads, time to put them all in one place:

Hero pure buffs:
Orisa: fortify back to 50% damage reduction.
Mei: 60hps self-healing in cryo-block
Sombra: Translocator sticks to surfaces
Bap: 100% height exo-jump as soon as fully crouched
Brig: +50 Armour (so 150 base HP, 100 armoured health, 250HP total)

Hero pure nerfs:
Genji: Deflect uncancellable (neither manually nor with dash/climb)
Widow: Reduced speed when scoped to -85% (from -65%)
Ana: Sleep Dart has arcing (rather than linear) trajectory

Heroes getting a bit of both:
Roadhog: Hook range reduced to 15m, velocity increased to 60m/s (0.25sec to 15m)*
Bastion: Ironclad GONE. In its place: 100 temp armour & self-repair 120hps
Doomfist: 2 charges on Seismic Slam (like junk mines) but damage cap of 62 90
Genji: revert deflect cancel/duration, health is now 100 base HP + 100 shield-HP
Zen: 40 damage orbs (was 48), 40hps heal orb

The only heroes getting straight buffs are those who are really struggling (objectively in terms of pickrate) and the only heroes getting straight nerfs are those who are the highest picked heroes of their category.

Also some general changes:

  • Option to turn off hitmarkers
  • Enemy’s red outlines (+ health bars if damaged) visible through allies
  • variable colour + greater thickness variability of crosshair outline
  • Hotkey to shift to alternate mouse sensitivity

*EDIT: I originally proposed reverting hog’s fire rate nerf instead of faster hook and changed this based on input from the user Venom.


Okay so why are you nerfing genji? He is terrible


Genji is one of the worst DPS currently, and sombra is meta.

It seems like you just based these changes on what you’ve seen in your games and not how the heroes are actually performing.



His pickrate is really high, way way above average.

And this isn’t nerfing his core damage dealing and escape abilities, it’s bringing back an old limitation on the most annoying part of his kit.

Deflect is so incredibly annoying as it totally controls the fight, no one can do anything, they can’t reload, they can’t use a self-healing ability, they have to wait Deflect out as if they try to do anything else then Genji will instantly cancel it and punish you.


His pickrate in GM is more than 2 times lower than sombra’s, and it’s 2.7x lower than reaper

Yeah, but what’s the point in nerfing a hero that’s underperforming?


GM is a tiny proportion of the game.

Why should I ignore 99% of the game to only focus on GM?

By the way I’m not ignoring GM. When I cite pickrate I include Genji’s pickrate in GM… and his pickrate in Masters, Diamond and all the metal ranks.

I’m just not giving any rank any unfair treatment.

Genji isn’t underperforming for 99% of players


They can stun him tho

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Who can stun who???

EDIT: Here are the specifics of the bastion change (might as well add this here)

The temp armour is very simple to apply but you do have to make distinct decisions exactly when and where it applies and I think it’s best to be clear:

Q: “Is this just more armour AND the damage resistance”
A: No, the Ironclad’s 20% damage resistance is gone in all forms. Bastion is taking 25% more damage in sentry mode, when factoring armour sentry takes as much as 50% more damage. (Torb’s shotgun does 50 damage against sentry’s armour right now, with my change torb’s shotgun would 75 damage per shot vs armour.)

Q: “Is this temp armour on bastion generally”
A: No, only in sentry mode and tank mode. Recon mode is NOT running around with 400HP. That’s now what this is about.

Q: “When is this temporary armour actually applied?”
A: When the animation to go from recon-to-sentry is completed, temp armour of 100HP is added. If tank mode is activated, temp armour becomes 100HP if it isn’t already. Temp armour is set to 100HP as soon as you finish transforming into sentry mode.

Q: “How long would this armour persist?”
A: It wouldn’t have a timer. It could be replenished only by exiting sentry and re-entering it or if at 300HP healing using self-repair. Temp armour cannot be healed by any other source like allied healers or health packs or being in the spawn room. It disappears the frame you begin any animation to exit sentry mode.

Q: "Why temporary armour? "
A: Temporary armour (also known as yellow health) cannot be healed by allies, this means bastion isn’t too powerful when sentry has a pocket healer as the first 100HP of health that sentry loses the healers can do nothing as it’s being lost nor replenish it after it’s lost. Also with ironclad damage reduction healers must heal 100% of the damage dealt while Ironclad meant only 80% of damage dealt had to be healed. Mercy can currently heal bastion’s armour faster than Orisa can deal damage to sentry.

Q: “How much harder is to kill this 400HP no-DR sentry?”
A: Heroes that deal 70, 120 or 125 damage per shot destroy this sentry in the exact same number of shots. Zen’s orb volley needs same number of follow up shots. But:

  • Hanzo’s storm arrow combo 5 rather than only 4 storm arrows
  • Ashe needs 6 rather than 5 scoped shots
  • Tracer’s shoot+bomb combo requires 0.2sec more shooting or a quick melee
  • genji’s dash needs 5 rather than only 4 follow up right clicks
  • Reaper needs 5 rather than only 4 shots
  • Orisa needs 6 more shots to frag sentry
  • All beams deal overall 11.8% less damage

Q: “How significant is that really?”
A: This is most significant when taking fire in sentry mode since right now, as soon as you begin to transform you lose 20% damage resistance, which is effectively +25% more damage.
Right now sentry can survive 3 hits of 120 damage each, but if you try to transform from sentry mode while taking this fire the third hit of 120 damage will kill you. This means bastion can do what every other hero can do: disengage from overwhelming firepower.
This mostly increases bastion’s ability to escape.

Q: “Why buff self-repair?”
A: Because sentry mode has more hit points to heal to reach maximum, 400HP rather than 300HP. To heal 33% more HP in the same time then the heal rate must go up 33% from 90hps to 120hps. So many heroes frag sentry in the same number of shots.
So if Torb spams 5 shots at sentry then bastion can heal back to survive another 5 shots in the same amount of time.

Q: “Wouldn’t this self-repair buff make recon-mode OP?”
A: Self-repair has a 0.5sec cast time before healing begins, recon mode has a huge hitbox and bastion has no good mobility outside the tank mode ultimate. There’s also a significant delay before you can shoot again after activating self-repair.
It’s a shield, not a sword.
And a necessary shield for such a large and slow target.

Because that’s where people play the game correctly?

His pickrate in low ranks doesn’t matter.

Is junk OP because he’s so good in bronze?


I went and checked out of curiosity, and Genji’s pick rate’s actually taken a drop in GM this last week or so. That’s a bit alarming.

Anyway, while I appreciate the sentiment in buffing Bap, and doubly so in not simply increasing his raw healing numbers (which I think is the wrong direction): I’d rather they tried to make him work with more comps. Doing something with fistpump and increasing his RMB’s projectile speed would be my vote; I don’t mind whether fistpump gets an ease-of-use buff (higher radius) or something more exotic (AoE cleanse effect on cast), but anything that makes it an actually interesting ability would be cool.


Sombra can cc him, brig bash, mcree stun anywhere but the center, doom punch, mei frezze and some heroes it makes deflect useless like zarya, sym

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Say who?

So what?

My $60 says otherwise.

Maybe activision-blizzard stockholders should know that the developers are ignoring how the game appeals to 99% of the people who play it?

Let’s look at him in ALL OTHER RANKS to tell.


your wrong, in like every way


Orisa just got a buff. Let’s see how this one shakes out first. Hog seems OK.

Baptiste and Brigitte need something, but not sure what. Baptiste got that ult charge improvement, but doesn’t look like it has helped. Time will tell.

Genji is just fine. He’s middle of the pack in damage. Mei might need some number adjustments. Bastion needs his tank and turret modes swapped and rebalanced. Sombra is meta. Widow needs some adjustment.

My two cents. YMMV


Please be specific so that I can make any appropriate corrections.


Genjis deflect doesnt “Control Fights” considering is Currently a Rein Zarya Dva Winston meta and 3/4 of those tanks ignore Deflect not to mention the fact that Genji is AWFUL in team fights, the only value he gets is after the fight and with Dragonblade, He doesnt do enough damage to counter the amount of healing that goes out in teamfights, Genji doesnt need a nerf at all he’s super easily outplayed and one of the hardest heroes in the game


Mhm. Too much, too fast tilts people and last thing I want Blizz deciding Orisa needs the ‘Sym’ rework or the ‘Hog’ balance due to the flood of complaints on the forum.


Her pickrate already suddenly levelled off and she’s got such a long way too go.

She was barely hanging on when she had 50% fortify and 450HP AND her old good halt. Considering how people found halt annoying, how about just brining her toughness back.

I think 50% DR on fortify is the next logical direction if she stays in her current doldrums.

I like the idea of Brig being the survivor more than the saviour.

She should be the hero you switch to when you’re fed up of being endlessly focused down, she is the healer who can stand up to the most absurd focus fire and her impact should be low because she should be able to stay alive and do a little rather than nothing.

I think his damage is in a great spot right now.

But Deflect is so annoying and being able to so easily cancel it DOMINATES fights for all the non-beam heroes. You just have two seconds where you have to do nothing, just stare at Genji waiting out the timer.

Genji has no hesitation to deflect.

The inability to heal mei in ice block has been devastating.

She NEED a self-heal buff to compensate as she won’t be healed by others.

Sentry does not work as an ultimate.

Sombra’s pickrate is less than 1% when the average pickrate for DPS heroes should be around 2%. She’s picked half as often as she should.

This sticky translocator is quite a small change, the main difference would be to allow her to stay closer to the fight which good sombras are finding a way to do anyway but many lack the confidence.

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dude SEVENTEEN heroes can ignore or bypass deflect, stop complaining, and no his damage is not in a good spot, he does tickle damage


It’s not really gonna help or work to tell people on the forums to stop complaining. It’s literally what it exists for these days. Out of discussion wise, what would you propose for Genji? reworked secondary fire or smaller spread? Dash damage if it hits you at the end or at the front for more/less tradeoff

Discussion is good, you seem to know Genji somewhat so any ideas?