Buff Bastion.... how about NO

Because Tracer, Pharah, and Genji aren’t annoying to play against. Honeslt I’d rather fight bastion than a good Doomfist though.

I thought the consensus was that Brig is the most unfun hero?

I don’t think they specifically said it, but they started reworking a bunch of “niche” heroes to try and make them less niche…

But Sombra and Junkrat have been made more niche.

Well, Junkrat was made much much less niche, and then he was nerfed again… hopefully they’ll undo that last nerf (the projectile size one) and nerf his ult charge a bit instead like people actually wanted…


As a Mei player, I take great offense to this statement.

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But they don’t do reverts… :weary:

If they gave Bastion a buff that required the player to practice to utilize it I would be okay with it.

If it’s just going to make his gameplay more effortless I would not be okay with it.

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Most unfun if one is a noob. Otherwise he is the worst hero in the game right now. He needs buffs or possibly a rework.

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except enough people to have 1k votes for different Bastion buffs and enough people to fill up one megathread so we had to make another.

read above comment. ^

read above comment.^^


reduce his spread, now you need to practice aim.


Lol i don’t have a problem with him but his inherit design is to be a scrub killer. basically cancer for platinum and below…buffing him could be annoying.

Bastion is one of the most teammate-dependent heroes in the game. He’s only good when he has shields and, sometimes, a pocket to reinforce him.

Alone he’s bad, and easily taken down.

If a hero needs crutches to be successful then that isn’t good balance. :tea:

I know this post is two months old, but the bolded is a big part in why you were successful with him.

Bastion is too team reliant for a DPS and it’s hurting him.


Bastion alone is underpowered. Bastion with tons of shields and heals is balanced.

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So reading through this, this isn’t a “I hate Bastion” thread, this is an “I hate garbage teammates that die too quick” thread. Bastion just so happens to be the one killing them, so he gets the blame… That happens on occasion no matter what the enemy team is running, you get bad teams sometimes…

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They were heading in the right direction to making him more independent when they buffed his Recon, his sentry config speed, and gave him mobile healing.

However, the massive nerf to his Sentry config makes all of his damage potential wasted due to the wide spread and lack of headshots, and Ironclad is a problematic passive overall because it makes it easier to pocket him and any tweaks to it can make him broken or underpowered. It had also nerfed Tank mode when it was bumped down from 35% to 20%.

He’s “absolutely fine” my shiny metal rump.
Just revert his sentry spread and headshots, get rid of Ironclad, and make tank give 150 armor again, and then he can be viable as a high risk stationary DPS monster.


SCREW TEAMWORK, Send a message! :robot:

Based on evidence of comments supported, you are wrong.

More people want all heroes to have a place than not.

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At least Bastion has to aim and he has one of the worst and slow charging ults in game. A sitting duck in THE fastest paced FPS game on the market with tons or hard counters, unless the team plays entirely around THAT ONE HERO.

Want to know what feels bad?

Being shot by Hanzo’s zero scatter arrow - oh excuse me - storm arrow.
Being slammed by Brigitte’s zero skill flail + her insane self heal.
Being randomly charged or hammered by zero skill Reinhardt.
Being molten by Moira’s zero skill damage orb.
Being slowed and killed by Syms shootable turrets.

Shall I continue? There is SO MUCH CANCER in this game, Bastion is your least problem.

fancy how you say that having a brig icon