Buff Bastion.... how about NO

I have no problem playing against Bastion the way he is now. I do not want that trash buffed though.

You mean you want him to stay F tier because you don’t want to adapt to a Bastion who’s more viable in more situations than he is now.

I just wish they’d make his strengths actual strengths… he has somewhat decent survivability, but only against certain things. His damage is severely lacking though… At just 25 meters, his spread reduced his damage by so much (especially against smaller targets like anything that isn’t another Bastion or a tank) that he’s out-DPS’d by Soldier…

They need to make him into a glass cannon again. He started the game as a glass cannon, then he became a steel-reinforced-concrete pea shooter, and now he’s a plastic pea shooter…

I want him to stay where he is because by design he has great damage output offset by his Achilles heel.
People who want to buff him never want to give on the damage side.
His design is poor. But he is where he belongs.

Aaand, another player with 0 time on Bastion that doesn’t want him buffed because he can’t be bothered to learn to counter him…

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Not really

If that were true, then yes, I’d be fine with where he is. But it’s not…

I hate to say it, but he’s actually worse than Sym. Every time I check Overbuff ever, he’s always right at the bottom for pickrates.

When even the Sym community feels bad for you, you know its bad.


His “great” damage output is severely negated by range and the fact he’s stationary, where he’s completely vulnerable against any hero who can peek him behind cover and out gun him outside his range.
You can’t touch his damage either if his spread is reduced, that’ll make him even worse at shield busting as other people say he’s good at.

As long as they don’t make him harder to kill, I don’t mind if they reduce his spread or damage drop off.

I do agree that playing against a Bastion comp can be extremely frustrating and make you feel pretty helpless, but a dominating Widow isn’t much different.


Blizzard ruined Bastion when they tried to buff him then subsequently nerfed him into the floor. He needs help.


Which is why I want Ironclad gone, without it Bastion is very much a glass cannon out in the open and can’t just dominate the other team when they’re likely going to focus fire on him or pull him out of sentry.

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Most Bastion players would rather have him easier to kill… I personally hate Ironclad. It’s only real purpose is to encourage players to sit in Sentry mode more often, and it makes him far too easy to pocket because it’s easier to heal the incoming damage than it is for the enemy team to deal it…

I mean, it would also come with damage buffs, but yeah… we don’t want him to be quite as durable as he is now, especially if it costs damage potential like it does now…

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That might be in part that people are not used to playing against him. Thus, it requires a decent amount of coordination to take him down, especially if he’s getting help. I know playing against a good Bastion always threw me off.

Rather, he should have DR while not engaging in combat like healing or during transformations, so that he can have better self-sustainability and can disengage from fights easier.

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Yeah, that works too… Only give Ironclad when healing and/or during transformations…

I’d take an overpowered bastion and mercy’s team rez over seeing brig on my screen any day. SHE’s the most rage inducing character in the game in my book.

No, just stop, YOU don’t care, I don’t wanna hear it, and I want it.


“Completely vulnerable” behind a shield with a Mercy pocket?
poor bastion indeed.
His falloff is at 35m that is only 10 m shorter than Torb’s turret’s range.
Also he can heal himself faster than Mercy can heal others.
He is fine where he is. His role is made to be niche and it is that.

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His falloff range is fine, it’s his spread that’s causing his problems. He’s doing very little damage at 35 meters because he’s barely hitting any of his shots, even with perfect tracking.

Also, the “behind a shield with a mercy pocket” is also something we’re trying to avoid… if he’s decent on his own, people won’t do bunker comps because they’re not fun to play, and he can do work without them…

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to be honest i have no idea how people find bastion more infuriating then the british twig on speed, the weeb, and the flying rat. Bastion is so easy to deal with its actually funny. The people that say bastions the most rage inducing character in the game obviously havent fought any good genji or tracer. If it was up to me id have bastion s4 back for eternity and then gut tracer by making it so she cant teleport for a second after she just blinked. But thats just me.