"buff and revert" These words literally don't matter at all

Why is this becoming a thing, whywhywhy

Mercy was buffed on the PTR, and that buff was a revert to her valkyrie healing.
See? Buff and revert, it’s the same thing in this context.

Plus, the changes she received are not even entirely a “revert”. She gains ult charge 15% faster. This also affects damage boost and her pistol. This is not a reverted detail because these 2 abilities NEVER charged her ult this fast

This is because the nerf to her HPS made her gain ult 17% slower.
The gun charging ult more quickly is the only thing, but since Mercy can barely keep her teammates alive, It’s rare she’d have time to use her gun anyways.

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And for the love of all, do NOT tell me she doesn’t use damage boost frequently because that is kind of half of her base kit

Burst damage meta + low healing = You have to be almost always healing, and it’s not enough to keep people alive generally.

But you’re right with the damage boost increasing the ult charge as well. I just wished they had reverted her HPS nerf, and if necessary, nerfed other parts of her kit.

No one read the wall text of your feedback?

You call this a wall…?

And I’m not even addressing Mercy’s state of balance. I’m addressing the fact that people are getting mad about an issue they are deciding is an issue. “It’s not a buff! it’s a revert!” - It’s both, the end