Bronze to grandmaster

me and an online friend are trying to climb up together. I play off support and she plays DPS. currently looking for another dps, a main support, and tank players of both kinds. I am at around 900 sr at the time I posted this.

Confused are you grandmaster players smurfing or actual bronze climbing?

i’d be willing to tag along if you would like, im going to plat then i’ll stop.
i can be the DPS, i play mccree, reaper and sombra mainly as far as tanks go i can play zarya,, and roadhog. supports i only play ana, i would say im decent at ana for sure and play aggressively.


i think today i played with you, in game you where lucio i think in ranked.
if you two use mics makes it better i dont mind being the shot caller calling bodies ect.

go ahead and add me if you wanna give it a go


I could come play with you i play dps most f the time but i do play moira and orisa now and then so i can play those too if needed

I’m a sombra main but can flex to support or off tanks if needed. Mainly I’m DPS. let me know if you want a Sombra :slight_smile:

ima have my friend savanus see if ur good enough

Do you really have the right to say that though? “Good enough?”

haii there im now 1653 but if it can i want to play with you two. add me on blizzard ChickenHorse#2222

I’m a Silver with 1500+sr. I usually play DPS - Reaper, Soilder & McCree but can flex to Tank or Healer.
Feel free to add me.

I’m support main :slight_smile: I switch among Mercy/Moira/Lucio but I’m mercy main. I seriously wanna improve my SR. I would like to join if you want :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m looking for a group to play competetive, I haven’t play competetive for a while. I usualy play D.Va, Moira, Ana, Orisa . Add me Getsukage#21538

Bro I can help I’m at silver and play mostly tank and some support and can flex on dps add me Phantom#15417