Bronze to GM(Educational)

Link to that thread with the comment you claim I said that. I never made such a claim.

The POINT being made here is that the account is NOT his account. Therefore YES, it makes sense that a HIGHER skill player would gain SR on a LOWER skilled players account. Thats NOT the same thing as bringing up your own account, when you have been stuck in the same tier because of the UNSKILLED players around you who throw, leave and cause massive coordination and communication issues. He is also talking about BRONZE not Gold. if I did the same thing of course I’d climb back to Gold. The other POINT being that when the owner of the account then plays again his rank will then DOWNGRADE because he isn’t performing as well as his friend did who got him the new rank, he’d just lose SR dramatically until he was lowered down to where he should be.

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Not mad. Confused as to how people can even believe that these kinds of videos validate the “git guud” mentality. They don’t. They only showcase exactly how the system can be manipulated by intentionally playing poorly on a new account and effectively SABOTAGING other people in their placements, only to then try hard his way to Masters and GM.

Peoplee like him completely derail their “git guud and you’ll climb” argument by making a fresh battlenet accounts and saying “Everyone can climb!” when all theyv are doing is giving themselves a bought and paid for MMR reset.

So he admits that he plays poorly (basically throwing) to fool the system into thinking he is a bad player during PLACEMENTS only to switch gears and try to fake out the system, because that IS what he is doing! He is manipulating the system into giving him less SR after placement and then by extension gain more SR based on his ACTUAL skill level to bring him up to a skill level that he ALREADY plays at!!!

That does nothing but pollute the system, does nothing to improve anyone elses SR in lower tiers, it doesn’t teach anyone anything of value as far as improving their current accounts MMR,/SR, and all it REALLY does is skew the performance data across the board when they add his high tier stats into the low tier mix and it robs people of SR because they didn’t perform as well.


Not viable for me and I won’t learn unless you do support only bronze to GM.

I think you’ll find it is near impossible :).
And yes, I’ve seen Youtube video playlists of one dude doing it. I’ve seen ML7 do it in 24hrs on stream… but those are statistical outlier situations… a generally, high skilled player won’t be able to climb solely filling support who doesn’t do cheesy stuff like camp spawn as Zen or Lucio…

Is the tip I’m supposed to take from the first part of this video that it okay to waste a Zarya ult?


It’s almost as if… You aren’t skilled enough to get out of your rank because it’s where you belong. Wouldn’t the same rules apply to each rank :thinking: someone who is more skilled will climb out of a lower rank

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You clearly do NOT understand that SOMEONE ELSES SKILL BEING USED TO RAISE SOMEONE ELSES RANK (Possibly by using different heros) can’t be used to justify your crappy logic/opinion.

Because what they have done is also a violation of the EULA/CoC/ToU!! Sharing accounts can get his account banned as well as having someone boost it for him.

And again…the OP made a NEW account that has no MMR. A higher skilled player playing on someone elses account that has already played multiple seasons will definitely still climb, but your point is rendered INVALID due to the fact that his higher skill level tips the scale more in his favor in terms of SR gains because of the way the skill comparison between players works when calculating SR gains. If the boosting player is performing BETTER than all the other players in that tier playing that hero, YES he will get more SR, but that’s only because AGAIN, the system is being manipulated in the opposite way, where the player who is boosting the account is of HIGHER SKILL LEVEL than the owner of the account.

There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between someone who strives to get better, and someone who is already at a higher skill level boosting an account.

So no, your point is rendered invalid.

Like I said, thats the equivilant of a normal man faking his way into the Special Olympics.

No, it’s just that you aren’t at a highe skill level, and aren’t playing better than the people at your skill level. If you were already someone who was of higher skill, you wouldn’t be held back. The whole point I’m making is, people who are genuinely better are going to climb, and you keep on going on about how they can do so because they ate better, yet you keep on saying you are better and being held back.

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Won’t be replying to you any longer. You clearly do not understand that the scenarios you are using do not back your opinion. Goodbye.

Someon who is better than the rank they are playing in :slight_smile: something you are not

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This honestly is my favorite post in this topic. Its literally cracking me up. You realize someone of higher skill will rank up while someone of lower skill wont. For some reason though you cant apply that to your own games and own scenario.

Its like you are fully in denial about your own skill. You just told someone since they are better they get more sr and can easily rank up like its obvious stupidity that anyone could think anything different that that truth. APPLY THAT THOUGHT TO YOURSELF!


Here is the thing. I am not saying that a “skilled player wont climb”. I AM saying that the METHOD used in the video, as well as someone SHARING an acccount to have it boosted is NOT THE SAME as a person who GETS BETTER at the game over time and brings THEMSELVES up from a lower tier. End of story. It renders his arguement invalid because one of those actions is a violation of the ToU and EULA where he admitted to boosting his fiends account.

He is incorrectly using these as justification for his point and that does not apply.

Regardless if they got better over time or not, they are still a better player and will rank up to what they are deserving. The thing you keep on trying to ignore is both of them are better, regardless if someone got better over time or there was a sudden jump the game will recognize this and give you a boost in your SR gains due to this.

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lol I was thinking the same thing

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I guess his argument is “it’s impossible to climb if you get better over time” :woman_shrugging:


Yep, ya gotta get GM level skill over night or it doesn’t matter


It’s not like there aren’t tons of people like this or anything…


Guys part 2 coming soon. I would have done it earlier but I have been somewhat busy in college etc. But part 2 will be from silver to gold. part 3 will be from gold to plat. Part 4 will be from plat to diamond. and part 5 will be from diamond to masters. part 6 will be the most hardest so probably will take me the longest.

I dont think you should record it in these long parts. It would be much better to record every game separately with explanation what happened or why did you do certain stuff in that game.

Btw you didnt answer my previous question. Are you really Gm with you main? I am ocasionaly watching gm players and i have some friends in GM and your gameplay really doesnt look like you are gm player. Are you holding back


This post is basically a coming-out call for all smurf-abusers.
People have 0 self-awareness these days…

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I mean you can’t educate people that don’t want to be educated, it’s been done in the past bronze to GM and they keep making excuses… just let it be not worth it.