Bronze to GM(Educational)

i have to agree on the cheater part,crossed you in quickplay when you was playing hanzo and the whole team agreed.

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Dude you cheat anything you say is null and void your like a banshee screaming at deaf nun. No one is taking you seriously just go ahead and make another account and hopefully this will blow over and you get your dignity back by doing stuff legitamately no one likes a cheater. You have got to be like 14 or 15 to think this would actually fly considering growns up who know better read these forums.

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I made a video showcasing my tracking style keep in mind i can’t track like this for long periods of time since my forearms and wrist begin to ache. Blizzard can check my account to see if i cheat but i don’t. I will do a hand cam once i figure out how to lmao. Keep in mind this is me first jumping of overwatch so i feel like i can be much more accurate :slight_smile:

no video of your hands? then this mean nothing…
this clearly look like a soft lock, easy to set up.

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looks like your ab is broke. (KIDDING)
people play OW for hours, maybe you should find easier way to aim.

Add me. My Battlenet is MsSysbit#1411
I was once trapped in that same zone and clawed my way out. I have 2 rules though.
1: You have to admit you need to improve and not blame Matchmaker. (I’ll show you how to make that irrelevant anyway)
2: Just give what I say an earnest chance, okay?

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Was checking your channel, are these tho videos on your channel supposed to be educational too?

Tracer trolling in plat: - YouTube

Trolling in silver: - YouTube


He made this post hoping to get approval for what he was doing. Very clearly backfired

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I made it to show how my style of aiming is. But okay sure :slight_smile:

So you made this entire thread of 200 comments to show off your aim :thinking:

No because i am getting annoyed of low tier players accusing me of using aim bot or lock. It is extremely frustrating.

This post isn’t about aim, my comment wasn’t about aim. Read man

It was to show players how to climb from bronze to GM but you know what i was a little toxic and i admit but am getting all this hate. So you tell me is it worth continuing right now am on high plat.

People’s movements are non-existent in lower ranks. I could be accused of an aimbot in gold and below simply because people lack the ability to move more frequently and be aware of there surroundings at the same time. I’ve watched plenty of GM gameplay and this isn’t GM gameplay - this is just looking for attention from smurfing low ranks ha.

To be honest, you should stop unless you will record all games from start to end so we can see all, its not educational to see only parts of your games in one video. Its pretty much useless.

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So…this guy banned yet?

Why he should be? link me his video and time where he was cheating.

The whole video is the proof that he is cheating. If he is so good at OW that the videos need to be educational, then he should have placed in Plat. I mean, this was his response when I told him that I have decent game sense, but my aim is crap:

So by the logic that the videos are suppose to be educational, then he should never have been placed in Bronze. The fact he is in bronze = cheating. Even past the aimbot debate, the sheer fact he was in bronze (which GMs would have to actively try to get there) is proof of cheating.

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OK am not doing anymore my wrist is crying its had enough for 1 day. :frowning:

I know I suck. I know I’m literally the worst player on Earth. You cannot find anyone who’s worse, guaranteed. Therefore I don’t blame the matchmaking system for being bronze. I’ve no idea why people think that.

After almost three years of play I’ve given up – it’s simply not possible for me to reach silver. I’d need to be a pro-level GOD to do that, and simply don’t have that kind of free time. On top of that I cannot learn. It’s been proven again and again, that NOTHING helps me improve.

So at this point, my complaints about the matchmaking system are simply that I want it to give me a FAIR fight – one where I actually have a chance to win. For real. Not for the purposes of gaining rank, just so that I can have some sense of hope when entering a match.

I’ve repeatedly offered solutions for fixing bronze matchmaking so it will at least be fun (because it’s fair). For example, in bronze never match me vs. anyone more than 50 SR higher. Because 50SR in bronze is the same as 500SR in other colors.

There are many other things that can be done specifically for bronze players. Almost every change they make is at the behest of GM and above, so just this once they could give bronze some love.

And of course I’ll give what you say a chance. I’ve never said no to anything except things I’ve already tried.

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