Bronze to GM(Educational)

I only watched a little bit of Ep 2 but the execution looked pretty sloppy.

You make mistakes that you’re able to get out of because of the lack of skill from your opponents (no offense to the players from these ranks). That in turn doesn’t really translate into an educational video but more of a, I can do these things cause I can get away with it. There are showcases of your skill to overcome your opponents but it’s not a good display of good gamesense play.

Props for your annotations but sometimes you don’t even follow them through, in turn this can easily mean that players make bad mistakes but don’t think they are doing anything wrong because “Sully got away with it and they taught me it was a good play”.

The way you play and the way it’s edited doesn’t really teach people how to play hero X, it’s really more of a how to learn how to play hero X like Sully.

For the people that truly want to learn, uploading your 4k matches with what is going through your mind at the time of execution is probably better. Your current videos I find would much more appeal to people that are “stuck” in ELO-hell and have no willingness to improve at all.

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I’m just wondering if what you did in order to hit bronze was it soft throwing or bending the laws?
I mean its not reportable if Blizzard trusts their Matchmaking so much.

Bronze to GM streams are banned for a good reason.
Playing on another players account to raise his rank is called boosting.
So has the OP been reported? Rofl.


Heeeey bro you aren’t on rag tagg you got famous!!!

I saw that. A rather dubious honor.

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I would have loved to be featured tbh!

Still waiting for the day I’m on one of those threads lol

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Kawumbaa is probably the most credible person on here when it comes to knowledge on MMR… You are claiming it is, while he has spent countless hours studying it’s behavior.


I dunno why anyone is talking about anything besides this dude being a blatant cheater

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Is the hate not justified? Smurfing on bronzes.

Oke cool u do this, but then u allready belong in a way higher rank then Bronze…


So, your friend is complaining about smurfing, and your reaction is to make the problem worse?

GREAT. just great.

I hope you get your friends account banned.


Exactly spot on. Most people don’t realize but QP determines who you get matched with in competitive placements. If you play like a bronze player you will get placed with bronze level MMR players. The whole level 25 has two reasons why it is 25. Obviously first is the fact you need to learn how the game works LMAO. The second is a hidden reason which i don’t think the developers tell you aka blizzard. It has a hidden SR system that you won’t know about used to calculate your SR to determine who and what level player you are. That’s why if you win 6 placements game you could get silver only because you played with silvers. Against winning 6 games in placement and getting high plat possibly diamond because you are playing against plat/diamond level players. Now guys come on for all you SUPPORT MAINS I WILL BE CLIMBING TO GM WITH
“MERCY ONLY” now this means you have not got an excuse not to climb with mercy granted you do what i do. Obviously it can be determined on your team mates. BUTTTTTTT let us assume both teams are somewhat even the team that wins is the one who had the most consistent healers ETC. I will be posting more videos but would you guys be interested rather then DPS only “Mercy”

I wonder how you aren’t banned yet


The inability for Blizzard to give a poop is one of the wonders of the modern world.

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Meanwhile, the other thread was locked.

tWiLiGhT zOnE

“Okay guys, just play 2-4 tiers above your rank, and just hope that your teammates are good/smurfs.” Honestly, that is what that sounds like and doesn’t show anything. I mean, even looking at the forums you can see that teams will never be even, so basically its just playing roulette in order to rank up. Also, if you wrote up top:

Why should people wanna play like you, if you yourself say you have a lot to learn? Like, not to be toxic, but that is a legit question that people would want to be answered.

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Shouldn’t this guy be banned already?

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For Educational Purposes: