Bronze main tank *actually* trying to climb (LFG MT PC NA)

So I only recently did my placements in comp playing only main tank, orisa and rein, and got 1400SR. Terrible ofc but I wasn’t expecting much. Though since I’ve been playing more matches my sr has only gone down and after reading a bunch of posts around here my story is no different than any other bronze thats actually trying. No one knows whats going on, allies or enemies, almost no one is talking, and its a general feeling of utter chaos. Basically quick play. I’m sick of trying to get better and trying my best with randos. I know my personal skill and confidence as a tank will sky rocket if I can find myself in a group that at least talks reliably, but I’m not asking for people to carry me.

I’m looking for a group of people to get with so we can all get better, people I know are trying their best to not just win off of chance but learn how to win intentionally XD. As I said I’m a main tank player mostly orisa and learning rein at 1200-1400SR currently. Pc Na, very vocal with great mic.

(sorry for the rant XD)


I main support and would love to group with you, currently I am in silver 1549ish but I play to win, am positive and climbed out of bronze to gold a couple seasons ago. We could probably start with us and collect quality teammates as we play. Let me know

Hey there, I’m also a tank looking to do the same. I can play all tanks so I’m flexible, I can also play support.


Legacy#11076 add me i main support!

Support main here, also looking to climb.

I can fill any position and am really looking to climb with somewhat decent players. I am currently really low because I don’t play carry characters but I think I’m at least a 1400 in actuality. I just want to play with people who don’t quit or don’t work as a team.

Hi KripKat and everyone that has replied so far

The group I run with are always looking for more players to play with so I have quoted our most recent forum post with some information about us.

If you like what you see below you can contact me on my battletag and discord tag that are in the quoted post.

Hello there, I am a support trying to do the same thing, but flex. Maniacal#11803

Hey there, I play with a small group and we’re lacking a main tank. We’re friends with a few great coaches too if you’d like some help on improving your own game play as well. Most of us were bronze a few seasons ago and have climbed to gold (or at least high silver). Feel free to add me if you’re interested Volatile#11834 discord Volatile#4126

Id like to join in on trying to rank up, Im at 1610 and I want to get better!

I can play any role, but I primarily play DPS. I’m looking for two additional players (tank & support) to go to at least platinum with. I have a certain strategy in mind, but it’s highly dependent upon the use of Wrecking Ball. If you can/would like to learn Wrecking Ball, I’d love to speak to you! :slight_smile:

Look no further and join me, i am looking for people with such dedication. I play all tanks except Rein, sigma and Winton. So i can back your Orisa with Dva, Hog or Hammond and your rein with Zarya.


I have amazing group who win most of the games. It is very hard to get bronze players to use mic so join me. I just recently got Silver on tank. Once you played with me then you will never like to play with any other.

Moreover we always run Orisa in our matches, very rarely we use Rein and Zarya comp, instead we do sigma zarya comp.

Also we take extra care of our Orisa player, always backed up by one healer and one dps.

I’m a 1433 support and a 1250-ish DPS (we won’t be discussing my tank SR). I’ll be online tonight, and I’d be happy to go a few matches with you and your group and see how it goes.

Support: Mercy & Lucio, mostly. Can play some Moira (not dps) and Ana, but much prefer Mercy/Lucio.

DPS: Reaper, Mei, Soldier, Pharah, Junk, Bastion, Torb. Capable of playing McCree, but not my first choice.


Hey! I was wondering if you would be willing to join a discord looking for bronze players. We have a few people looking to team up, and coaches to help you improve and all that good stuff. LMK if you’re interested!

Hey! I was wondering if you would be willing to join a discord looking for bronze players. We have a few people looking to team up, and coaches to help you improve and all that good stuff. LMK if you’re interested! we’d love to have you and help you improve

If you are still looking for team members let me know. I main Tank and Support. MindRobber-11640

I’ll get chu to gold if you want, I don’t ever wanna see anyone in bronze.

HEYYYYY hello. i am looking for good tanks because i am ana main support but no one can play good tank