Bronze, By Its Very Nature, Makes It Easier To Stay Bronze

I would guess that there is lots of players who dont even want to improve. They just wanna go in and fight so they dont really care about regrouping. And tbh on higher ranks ive got yelled about the regrouping thing (like wtf, im trying to make us to play as a team and I get yelled like “st-fu about regrouping and do something!” while we cant do anything since we just trickle all game). Some people are just idiots and I bet there is more down in the lower ranks.

blizzard enables him by giving him anonymity behind a username and a voip (that doesn’t record when abusive chat reports go on)

he knows he will not be punished in anyway for calling her anything he wanted to
or if he is he has another account to go run off his punishment on

so I recommend anyone playing the game and trying to climb

1 hide text chat
and sound options set team chat to auto join and the volume all the way to zero in sounds

that way players think you are present and active in there abuse generator

while you don’t get affected by there toxic voice chat or toxic text chat

enjoy play the game, and keep trying to climb

I don’t have a solution, but I know what you mean about bronze. This seems especially true about lower bronze. Higher bronze near silver the communication gets better, but at the lower side, it’s a brutal slog fest. What with teammates who have no game sense, don’t communicate, or are only toxic when they do. It can be really discouraging sometimes. But if you can find some folks who are trying and are receptive to comms, it’s good to make friends and group up. Hopefully she can climb out of it and join you again soon.

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Good on you for helping her improve… Bronze is going to be the rank that she is in regardless of her communication if her skill level is Bronze… Communication is probably the least important thing at that rank. Mostly from what I have seen in my short time in bronze is that people generally either stay out of chat or just use it to give terrible criticism and complain. Imho she should pick two characters that she enjoys from different categories, and get as good as possible with them. Good to hear that she didn’t give up though. :smile: The game is better with people like her in it!


Unfortunately, this game requires a certain degree of, “Really, Dude??” attitude. Don’t take what people say too seriously, especially in bronze.

Go ahead and try to get people to group up, but it won’t be too successful.

The ticket out of bronze is mostly getting better with mechanics (and if you “group” up, with at least one other person, you’ll be better than a lot of others in bronze).

See Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide for a more detailed guide.

When this happens, report and mute.


i am sorry that your missus had to endure that kind of verbal abuse and kudos to you and especially her, for sticking with it.

I would say that it kinda balances out in the end. No one communicates on her team? Well, probably the same is occurring on the Red team as well.

So as some of the other regulars here have mentioned, what would allow her to join you in Silver, would be her own play as she keeps at it and with you giving her pointers.

If she is unable to join you at Silver after 2-3 seasons, it may be that she had reached her skill ceiling already.

P.S. I had slipped to Bronze after placements for Season 11 but reclaimed Silver after 4 games albeit there may have been some bugs in the system.

I fin standing at just before the first choke from.spawn and spamming group up voice command works better than talking.

The Overwatch heroes are generally likable. More so than the average player.

My point is, people will listen to Rein or Winston more than they will listen to you.

“I can’t climb because other people are trying to climb.”

been saying this forever. higher ranks that don’t understand this talk trash butin low bronze, there are trolls smurphs and throwers, who affect the game way more than your personal performance and lock you at 50%


This reminds me of the time I was playing for comp points, and after a bad batch of games was determined to encourage teamwork. I made call outs in text chat, alerted my team about my ult, and, yes, when the enemy piled on the payload, I kept asking the team to group up, though they didn’t listen. After standing in a corner and hitting “group up” for what felt like too long, I noticed I hadn’t seen anyone trickle by for about fifteen seconds, so I started looking around the map, wondering where everyone was, but I couldn’t see any blue silhouettes anywhere. I brought up the stats screen only to find that everyone else had quit.

Yep, that’s right, five people quit the match seemingly all at once after I’d gone out of my way to communicate and get the team organized. Spoiler: I lost the game.

The next game I played had three leavers on my team. Lost that one too. Big surprise, huh?

So, yeah, lesson learned, in the lower ranks, unless you’re playing with people you know are friendly and open minded, don’t bother with the callouts. It will just make things worse.

the game is pura cancer, low elo are the worse not because of the skill (or lack of it) but because the game is toxic in all his levels, but in lower elo you get to experience trolling, leaving, smurfs and insults all the time…and when you point that out you get @git gut@ or @naa all iz cool just git gut@

so after a while most of the players leave the game altogether or become sour acid trolls two.

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Higher ranks don’t understand it because they are higher skilled. When they play in bronze they automatically shoot out of bronze because they are higher skilled and crap all over bronze players. Thus, they make their way back to higher rank.

What is the difference between them and you? It is obvious. The skill. You can’t climb out because you don’t have enough skills to climb out. There is no other reason.

It’s weird that you’re focusing on explaining “You’re not good enough to leave bronze”. Yeah, I know. I said this in my OP…

So i don’t understand why you said this, out of the blue…

And here you are pushing this further, with…

The point of my post, was to mention an aspect of bronze that isn’t too cool. That aspect, is NOT the reason for being in bronze, it’s just a characteristic of the rank that is worth mentioning. As much as you seem to want me to be blaming something other than skill for her bronze rank, that’s not happening here.

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Summed up your whole post for you.

You mean that players are bad? Yes, they are bad. That’s why they are bronze. The expectation is for them to be bad. Otherwise they wouldn’t be in bronze. So what are exactly are you trying to say?

I’m not saying bronze players are “bad”. I’m not commenting on bronze skill levels in any way. I’m mentioning that an aspect of bronze, is that good habits seem to be sometimes seen as annoyances. If you disagree with this, then great. I’d love to hear your reasoning. But I’m not making any excuses for my wife’s (or my) rank.

I feel like you’re arguing with some fictional point that I’m not making at all.

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Sounds about right at any rank. It’s crazy

Bronze is full of bad players that aren’t worth listening to or worrying about period. Nobody knows what they are doing. Nobody is worth talking to. Nobody is worth listening to. You should not be in voice chat because there is literally nothing you or they can say that would be beneficial.

Voice chat does not help you climb. Voice is not even beneficial until Masters or GM.

Well this is not even close to be truth. While sure the bronzes dont really know what they are talking about, it still helps if you try to play as a team. One guy doing something stupid is stupid, 6 guys doing stupid together is a strategy and the lower you go the more f’d up strategies work.

So use comms. It helps.

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Try watching it. You might learn something.

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I know iostux. Disabling voice chat is not good for CLIMIBNG. Its good for improving so you can focus on your self.