Bronze 5 just climb fast they said

One game doesn’t matter. If every game is like that you can come back and complain.

Think about this mathematically. You are (supposedly) a good player - your team has 4 randoms and their team has 5 randoms. Their team is more likely to have terrible players than your team is. If you are under-ranked, you will inevitably climb. If you can’t climb, you’re at the correct rank.

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I feel for all the players that blindly believed 5v5 would make them rank up easily (compared to OW1) because of a so-called “more solo carry potential” devs promoted which was a lie all along.

Once again, “doomers” tried to warn you… but well…

The best thing devs could do at this point is adding one or two ranks between Bronze and Platinum so players don’t feel like they’re constantly hardstuck.

Except you’re wrong, there is more solo-carry potential now, some just aren’t as good as they thought. 5v5 is magnitudes better.

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Being hardstuck is objectively a good thing. It means the game has placed you in the correct rank. It’s fine to have the goal to climb the ranks, but you shouldn’t expect to be making progress towards that goal with every single rank update. It takes a lot of practice to go up a single tier.

I don’t think I’m wrong, 6v6 and 5v5 play exactly the same. The only difference is that the game has become even more team-reliant (than it ever was in the past) and that the solo tank player in your game has an insane throw potential you can’t do nothing about.


As far as I’m concerned, I retrieved my OW1 rank pretty fast and I don’t feel like I’m playing a new game. The mechanics are at 80-90% the same.

I don’t feel like it’s a great thing for people in very low ranks not to feel any change after many games won. it’s just poor design. Most players on Overwatch are placed between Bronze and Platinum so if devs had the slightest interest in their community’s experience, they would be adding more ranks (in the lowest ranks) so those players don’t feel like they’re playing for nothing (if all they get is Bronze 5 in a loop).

Well, I couldn’t tell 'cause I didn’t experience this but if I were getting Diamond 5 after 40-50 games won, I wouldn’t be sticking around 'cause it’s repetitive. The old system was better 'cause you could track where you were at perfectly.

Even deranking would be a good thing in terms of change but when people are Bronze 5, it’s like no matter what they do there is no change, ever. I’m glad I’m not in their place 'cause this wouldn’t encourage anyone to keep playing (I barely play Competitive already 'cause there’s no point for me to try hard ranking up a Competitive game released in 2016).

I agree, that’s why I feel sad for people that believed the October 4th update would be something completely new when the reality shows that it’s the same game so… no reason for your rank to be different anyways.

Well, they literally did add more ranks, in the form of the numbers. Problem is that when you’re at your correct rank, you’re likely to be demoted and promoted again on a fairly regular basis. I think the way they obscured the number of times you’ve lost before each update was a mistake. They want to portray the rank update as a positive thing, but when people “achieve” it and their rank goes down they feel robbed.

Nah, tbh I felt robbed the moment they disabled Overwatch1 and replaced it with this garbage “sequel”.

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Not really. Diamond 5 = 3000 to 3099 - Diamond 4 = 3100 to 3199 - Diamond 3 = 3200-3299 - Diamond 2 = 3300-3399 - Diamond 1 = 3400 to 3499 - Master 5 = 3500 to 3599 and so on…

I didn’t experience that. I feel like the placing is pretty random just to hide that they’re now mixing players from very different ranks in the same match. When I retrieved my Diamond rank, I didn’t even play that well on the last 7 wins I had and sometimes I would win 7 matches in a row and don’t climb as much as I thought I would…

It just doesn’t make sense and it’s not really a transparent system (but again, they did that on purpose to hide the poor matchmaking and the fact they have trouble merging new players in the Competitive system).

I agree. I just don’t get why the game keeps track of your 7 wins but never keeps track of your 20 losses… Maybe it’s because I haven’t experienced 20 losses before getting 7 wins yet… It’s still pretty weird nonetheless.

True, but I think it’s not even about that, yet about not knowing if the system takes into account your performance despite losing matches or not and how it translates into your placement. The lack of transparency feels like no matter what you get, you still feel like it’s not legitimate (whether it’s a rank up or rank down).

At least, that’s how I feel. It’s like a Kinder Surprise type of situation after every 7 wins (if you know what Kinder Surprise is 'cause it’s been banned in the USA more than 20 years ago lol).

I mean, it is a sequel, so it’s going to play different. If you don’t like it, take a break and wait a while for more balance passes. Or jump into it with the mindset that this is going to be one hell of a climb and things aren’t going to be like ow1.

Like I know you wanna go back, but something nobody talks about, is what happens when a competitive game gets a sequel. I remember when CSGO came out and everyone was flocking to it, leaving only a handful of dedicated players in the CSS competitive scene until they either retired or moved to CSGO.

You were able to climb before, you can do it again.

You were probably pocketing the tank, that in itself is a mistake.

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Only watched up until the bridge. You spend a lot of time idle, healing team mates that are already full health, twice wasted your ult, taking damage from from behind flankers and not even being aware of it, giving up high ground unnecessarily, not using your orbs to charge your ult while you’re alive but team mates are running back, wasting fade to get in to engagement, getting out of engagement too early (you don’t need to run cos you got a scratch), hiding behind your team when they don’t need you, not prioritising the genji/mercy for you dps (there are times when both are right in front of you, but you’re spamming heals on a 95% health rein with his shield up). There is a lot you can work on.

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I can see why you’re having trouble climbing on Moira.


You seem to struggle balancing your healing and damage. When you heal you tend to overheal. You spend much of your time healing full or near full targets; this is not needed especially if it’s a Rein holding up his shield. There’s nothing wrong with utilizing Moira’s lingering heal to cover for potential damage, but you’re not efficient with it. If your team is at full health you should be dpsing.

When you decide to do damage, you don’t focus targets often. You keep switching from one to another. And when you do focus on one target, you decide to go for the tank more often than not. As a Moira you need to prioritize damging squishy/low hp targets. Don’t be afraid to follow through like you did on Mercy/Bap. That aggression will help you climb. Great target focus as well.

Then there’s your ult usage. You aren’t getting much value from your coals. The only decent one I saw was when you used it to clear cart. Your first one was wasted. Maybe you hit it by accident, it happens. Notice how you didn’t get a single kill with either of them, nor did you heal any significant damage. Get in the habit of throwing a damage/healing orb before you coal depending on if you’re focusing damage or healing.

You’re very good at recognizing when a fight is lost and backing up. That alone will set you apart from many other Moira’s down there. Don’t be afraid to follow your tank in, though. Just save fade to escape if necessary.

You definitely have the potential to climb out of bronze on Moira. Just work on the fundamentals. Be more confident about securing kills and more efficient with your healing resources.

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…so you had a leaver? That’s not reflective on ‘not being able to climb’ just that you had a very unsportsmanlike person on your team… :wink:

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Thank you very much for the detailed answer!
I am still playing a handful of games every day and try to do exactly what you describe here. I realized I “panic ult” way too often already and know I need to get an eye for when to use ult efficiently.
Also as someone noticed I realized I was doing the “sarcastic thank you emote” when being angry about the game, which helps nobody and is an habit I try to get out of.
Backing up after lost fights is a thing I am insecure about as well… I usually have significantly less deaths than my peers, however I feel like that’s not always good as in “should have tried harder/more aggressive”.

Also I feel it’s very difficult to play at this elo, in tank queue for example I climbed out of bronze with the first 14 wins and the higher I get the easier the games feel with people understanding how to play together with the hamster instead of against it.
However, especially my healing habits are really bad and had I not made this “rage thread” I probably would never have reflected on that, so yes, I probably belong in this elo and need to climb out to get better.
Once again, thank you very much for the advice, it is greatly appreciated! (That goes to all the constructive ones in here, I just didn’t reply after some meh and off-topic comments… :stuck_out_tongue: )

Well, in retrospective they were only half as negatively impactful as the 2k dmg “i am a doomfist otp” person I met in today’s comp games. :slight_smile:

Oh, after ranking from Bronze1 to Bronze2 the day before yesterday I climbed back up to Bronze1 today. :slight_smile:


Yay! Grats on your promotion!

I heard about bronze ELO hell in OW1 so I cough placed bronze and climbed out easily. I might have to try it again in OW2 and see if it’s real:wink:

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Thank you very much!

Well, the elo hell depends heavily on the circumstances I think: time invested to grind competitive / amount of games played per day, whether you spend that time in one kind of queue or different (tank/dps/support), comms (voice/chat) yes or no, premade or solo, eventual other circumstances - I myself suffer from dishydrosis (a kind of extremely painful dermatitis) and sometimes am symptom-free for years, right now half of my mouse hand is basically looking like a huge burn wound…

I’m not sure if you are looking for advice (sorry if not), but having 10k healing every 10 minutes is the standard I aim for - and it’s pretty normal in Plat.

If you are doing 10k healing every 20 minutes, you have half my healing output.

My Duo even manages double that with Zen sometimes.

If you want to climb, I wouldn’t compare the stats to other bronze players, I’d compare it to other ranks.

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Thank you, I know I need to become more efficient with my resource management, having a goal (10k/10min) is a great help! :slight_smile:

It’s way easier if your team is grouped up - so that goal is harder in bronze but hopefully skewing towards that will show the system you are better.

For reference, I placed silver and I’m now plat. Sometimes I’ve climbed with a negative win rate but I’ve maintained my stats every game.

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