Bronze 5, 4 times in a row: Any tips?

SR can also exist as just “an approximation of the mmr normal given enough time”. That time being a matter of how fast you allow it to chase and how aggressively you decay people. Right now it looks like they want that to be 5 or so competitive updates? I can’t really tell. How have yours gone by the way?

The starting shape doesn’t have to matter by necessity. Only if you need the sr of the other team to decide how much to award to you at the end of the match. Though if you have an accepted MMR range, say -3 to +3 and you map that to the 0-5000 scale with the intent of it just lagging behind, then your sr will adjust for any starting condition of the sr curve as long as you didn’t also decay mmr. It becomes unidirectional, not bidirectional. A function of time, grind yes, but not a breaking issue.

For ref, I don’t think starting everyone 1k low, especially if bronze 5 is really a superfat band, is good. Nor is your suggestion of “well it’s fine just decay the top end of the ladder and boost the low end!”

IMO they’re both trash, but I’m guessing they think this will be better for engagement.

I can’t even leave Bronze 5. This sh*t is the backrooms lol. I am not the best player in the world obviously, but I also don’t believe I’m delusional for thinking I should be climbing. Even then I’d be open to advice and tips but oh right, can’t even view each other’s profiles.

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I have a winrate of 70%. My stats as (support) heals are close my husband’s, only slightly better as I’m a better healer than he is. He went from bronze to gold.

I went from bronze 5, to… bronze 5 today. I am incredibly disheartened, and I don’t think I’ll be pushing rank anymore.

This weird ranking system will push a lot of players away. We’ll be back to 10+ minute queues in no time, and only the whales will keep up with the premium pass. Yayyyy


My dumb self-purchased watch point thinking I needed it to play OW2. Even after I realized I was like ah but all the perks…what perks…they couldn’t even theme the battlepass so you get 2 cyber skins and then have to pay $20+ for the rest in shop if it’s with a hero you like.

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I have exact same problem. I am simply stuck in support platinum 2 with about 70% win rate.
7-3 = plat 2
7-1 = plat 2
7-4 = plat 2
7-4 = plat 2

There definitely seems to be some issue there.


yeah my wife is like 100x worse than me in every sense. She plays 1 hour a week and I play 5 hours a day. But im in bronze5 → bronze5 → bronze5 whereas she went like bronze1 → silver4 and floats in those regions. Her lobbies are ezland with welcoming people and nowhere near the sweat of basement5. It’s almost like they’re protecting people like her from predators like me. I think to get out of B5 you have to leapfrog all the way up into gold/plat. They won’t let flagged accounts pass through “actual” bronze or silver.

All the more reason to publish the algs so we can see if anything nefarious is going on.


I play tank! I used to main DVA but I like Orisa a lot better and have a higher WR with her as well as Sigma.

Same 2x in a row positive win rate stuck at plat 2 as support.

Totally agree with stat padding. For support you can go Moira since you can heal orb and do dps. Throw a damage orb at start and when you see a runner. I had an unlucky, maybe, 15 games in a row of leavers so it crashed me back to square one. But I think you will have better luck.

I play tank but what exactly is stat padding?

Doing worthless damage or healing.

Easiest is just shooting a tank over and over while the enemy heals them.

Reverse. Just healing the tank while they have 3/4 HP ignoring the teams HP so you get top damage.

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But I already out damage both DPS most games or 1 DPS who is complete poop so I’m carrying the weight while they run around playing Sombra and getting killed the second they hack.

really I’m at 63% cross chars and still reside in silver

I have a 71% wr with Orisa and 62% with Sigma.

This is what im so confused about? Wtf are they basing your rating off? I know 3 people who have gone to s1 in a few placement rounds. They all say their stats are not even close to mine as dps. yet i went B4 > B3 B1 S5 S5

So clearly something else must be taken into consideration, one of my mates sucks and he admits he sucks and still went B1 > S1 lol i just dont get it

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I love how ppl think just because you are playing and maybe winning a lot of games you deserve to rank up lol, there is way more factors than that to determine rank, and OW is finally starting to weigh performance based SR alot more. You want to rank up? Post a vod to the competitive Reddit so ppl can pick it apart and tell you want is holding you back

Ok gamer, I have always been open to criticism and have even said I might be delusional but am going off numbers, but it makes it hard to even want to when people like you drop in lol

“How cute, we’ll see how you fare in the lions den.” Everyone needs coaching but there’s a way to go about it.

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I heard its comparitive to say u do x amount of healing with mercy, it will then compare those stats with the players of the same rank, if its higher than yours, you go down if yours is higher overall you go up etc…
But who knows, at this point I’m not even sure the devs do.
I have way over 2000hrs in this game on one account, I know how to play as part of a team but I do solo alot which is a huge disadvantage to say 2 or 3 stacks etc. Way to many variables for my liking, but ow is a vice. So I play the good games and the bad with the same play to win attitude.

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lol I never claimed to be a pro, but if you are really invested in competitive gaming I’ll give you some advice, develop thicker skin. Constructive Criticism is absolutely necessary if you want to become top tier at what you do. Also stop caring about your rank, and start caring about actually improving, the rank will take care of itself

:smiley_cat: :sparkling_heart: I mean I’m not sensitive lol I even said in my description for this post maybe I just suck lol and was open to anyone providing me advice.

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