⚠ Broken False Report System, fix it

whats lfg, and yeah its so stupid to just try and enjoy a video game, but get so easily frustrated off unbalance heroes, angry players, and this dev team that doesn’t do their job at times like this.

We can take a survey to see how many beta participants have actually been actioned against. Perhaps that would clear the air.

It’s a new tool where you can post a small title outlining what you want:
"Public profiles only, QP games, Voice chat plz. "

and set roles/rules and people will join and once the roles and party are all filled you can queue up for whatever.

I am a solo competitive player. Usually play with randoms often.

I suppose but I’m just wondering where you’d get that idea.

I play the game a LOT.
I play comp almost exclusively, and I only solo queue. Pretty much the only time I play quickplay if there’s a new hero that’s not in comp yet.
I also talk on mic and never leave voice chat.

Hundreds of hours in, and I have never received any punishments from reports, false or otherwise. A lot of your statements just aren’t true.

Still useable. You don’t have to comp with those people forever, it just lets you throw together a group before you start so there’s less randomness in who you’re with for that session.

You play how you like, but that tool might help you.

I edited my post, but because you replied too quickly, you didn’t see it. :slight_smile: Basically, all old Overwatch accounts I’ve seen have never been actioned against, even when they play Symmetra or another off-meta hero. Yet when there is a newer account, it takes about a month to get a silence, and a bit longer to get a suspension when playing off-meta heroes in Competitive.

Well if you talk on the mic, just saying its easier to defend yourself. If a guy gets angry at a guy like me who only types in chat. Everyone on the team can easily be like report this guy, even though I cant properly defend myself.

I feel talking on the mic gives you a bonus as people can get a good impression from you or you can properly defend yourself if someone falsly accuses you for a bad mistake / play.

I never defend myself in chat, it’s not worth arguing with a stranger about a video game.

I get the occasional guy try the whole blame game thing “thanks for the throw Doomfist, can everyone report him please” but I just ignore it and try to focus on winning, or leave if the game is finished.

Btw, why do you think you’re getting so many reports?

your second example has the reason right there. You understand people are going to report you for that yet you continue?

It’s not right, but it’s understood that certain characters run the chance of you getting reported. That’s not just logging time, that’s logging time and tempting fate.

I know people who didn’t participate in the beta yet are still fine, one of them made it to gold and then bought another copy because while they were having fun everyone had unrealistic expectations of that portrait. They weren’t good at the game and never really tried to be but they wanted to keep playing. This 2nd account has not been banned either…

I’m highly dubious that being part of beta would have any sort of benefit since it was a lottery to get in for most of it and it’s not like there was a screening. Bad people still could have gotten in and blanket protecting them all would have negative effects.

Yeah, but I guess I am more of a guy who gets provoked often and cant take it when a dude just trash talks me and I sit there taking a beating.

I think majority of my reports are false reports. Some guy gets angry at me saying simple stuff like “your not healing, your throwing” when they just saw a simple mistake from me, but judge off entire performance, and then report me for throwing, or if I get angry back I get reported.

I do report a majority of players saying “I think they false report” and often explain my side of the story.

Outside of some basic anger off unbalanced mechanics, I dont talk trash to anyone and leave everyone alone.

Majority of the reason I think I am punished is because people push me often and I try to defend myself. Most likely the better option would be just to stitch my mouth shut and take a beating as I cant win.

Suspended til Aug 11, 11:48 pm.

^ Today, the match I got suspended was cause of a guy kept trash talking me saying im throwing on Moira. He was talking trash about my Moira gameplay, I killed Hanzo, Genji, and healed up Rein to shatter, but this guy was mad cause he saw me not healing for a moment. I said he was wrong, he kept making me mad so I trash talked him & said hes the reason we are losing, because im busy trying to explain why hes wrong. At the end of the match I got suspended, even though the guy who was being toxic to me should have been. I was even doing good on Moira early match as well.

Before this was a lot of quickplay matches where I reported people for false reporting / being toxic to me.

Like I said people keep pushing me and I get false reports stacked.

That wasn’t the point I was getting at. I was getting at the fact that older Overwatch accounts I’ve seen haven’t been actioned against despite playing off-meta heroes in Competitive. Perhaps it isn’t just the beta, but accounts equally as old, or just about as old. It’s possible this person just was good with people (like I can be if I really wanted to be), as well as having a white-listed beta account.

Not everyone makes smart decisions.

Well seeing how your tone is mainly the reason why I got banned 3 times. You see what you’re not realizing is that you didn’t have the patience nor don’t want to be bothered on why I got banned. Emotions is what creates false troll reports. They don’t want any explanation so they report because they’re not in the mood to be rational. Overall that’s how false reports are created.

You don’t need theory explanations on why the player got banned. You can just tell by what type of mentality age group you’re dealing with. If they’re mature and get along there’s no reports regardless of wins or loss. If they’re immature and most of the player base are when it comes to competitive play. They’ll report constantly and with the support of lfg makes it even more faster.

Yeah, this happens often. You piss someone often, congrats they false reported you most likely and you cant do anything about it.

Then you get muted / suspended like me. I guess Blizzards message is to just sit there in silence as you take a beating, dont defend yourself.

False suspension sucks :confused: I wanna play Overwatch. Ughhhhhhh

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It’s not that I don’t have the patience, I just won’t believe you because this is the internet and I don’t know you as well as the fact that discussing your punishment and the ensuing process is not allowed here. Everyone THINKS they did nothing wrong and they tell that story especially when there’s no way to validate it.
It’s not that I don’t want to hear it, it’s that it will be both unverifiable and possibly damaging to the discussion at hand.

Being immature or mature isn’t the claim here though, just that if you play long enough you’ll get banned, which is untrue.

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I like it when i report someone for telling me to “kill myself” but i never get a notification that they have been banned.

What a waste of a system blizzard should be ashamed

and most likely that guy who was mad saying kys was just angry and probably didn’t intend it. I do agree that if he was hardcore about it and deserved punishment than yeah, but if it was a trash talk comment then probably not.

People get some basic anger in video games, Blizzard doesn’t understand that with their reporting system.

Yeah that’s why I said you’re the perfect example.

There are less false-actions taken on console because less people are likely to use the system (typing with a controller is hard). As such, it’s basically impossible to be actioned against on console. I’ve played Sombra for a year on console in competitive (gold border), and never got silenced or suspended. I played Sombra in competitive for a month and a half on PC, and I get silenced, and suspended.

It’s based on the number of reports, else I would have gotten actioned on console. There is no human hand in the process, and it’s apparent when you compare the two systems.