Bring back Tracer 400 dmg pulse bomb

Tracer is one of the most skillful heroes in overwatch, she was the only hero in the past without change since game launch day, in my opionion the only change (pulse bomb nerf) was a mistake, it needs to be reversed, i feel this change can help to reduce the use of goats, because tracer can punish comps with fully tanks and all together team comps

Ps. Sorry for my english, isn’t my native lenguage


Tracer has the quickest charging ult in the game, it needs less charge points than any other hero (1125) heroes like Lucio need LITERALLY over double the charge points to get ult (2625)

Now, I’m sorry you can no longer 1 clip a support and then drop a 400damage bomb on a tank to delete them… that was way over powered for way to long. Tracer should have had that nerf long before she got it.

You say “i feel this change can help to reduce the use of goats, because tracer can punish comps with fully tanks and all together team comps”

So you want a hero with the tiniest hitbox in the game, with a “get out of jail free” card (recall) and the quickest charging ult, who can one clip over half the roster, whos ult insta-kills anyone not a tank to ALSO be a tank buster?

Do you not see how overpowered this is? There is absolutely zero counter-play to that.


op just wants pulse graviton combo to become a thing again

I agree, also her bomb shouldn’t be able to be interrupted after the animation and she should be able to blink out of grav. Blizzard rewards low skill heroes so much and has added so many stuns without giving tracer anything. :frowning:

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Pulse bomb damage can be whatever rly, just not too much AoE spread. That becomes a bit to destrutive. Her base damage is what has to be in line, and it is something I have itterade upon since the dawn of the dive meta. Instead of brigg we could just have a tracer that did not oneclipp eveything in the game and she would be fine. Same fun mobillity playstyle just not the blink up to your face and splatter your head with a sledgehammer all across the freaking map so hard she hits.

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but heroes like lucio also have more than 1 way to charge ult.

Huh? That combo was not impacted by the pulse bomb nerf.

Agreed that the pulse bomb nerf should be reverted. Either that or nerf all other ults across the board. Its not fair that she has such a weak ult in comparison to most of the roster. Its pretty much only worth sticking on Ana or zen (to force out trans). Or using as a combo with grav

Its usually easier to kill people with her primary fire than her ult, which is pretty dumb

Bring back 8 second genji blade. Genji blade nerf was a mistake, it needs to be reversed. It will help reduce goats because genji blade can punish comps with full tanks and all together team comps.


Why do we wants tanks if they die like healers? You people seem to play a diferent game.

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You do realize if you buff genji to counter goats it won’t jus the strong in goats. Think about the impact that would also have against a traditional 2-2-2 as well. Blizzard has a hard job tbh. How do we nerf goats and buff hero’s to give more counter ability to it without also making it overpowered against traditional compositions? There’s gotta be another way. Genji is fine how he is, maybe you can’t do much with him but I’ve seen people wreck with him just how he is now. He’s still plenty viable. Just difficult to play.

You do realize that I was being sarcastic?

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No, not at all obviously. Lol. If that’s the case fair enough.

Lets bring back Mercy Mass Rez.

i think blink out of grav isn’t the best, grav is okay right now

You remove brigget? Rework her. Dunno why people still dancing around the issue cause they do not wanna see their precious free SR machine get put in line or better yet graveyard her.

Maybe 350 because Blizzard doesn’t like reverting changes.
No she should not be able to blink out of Gravs.
Yes the Ultimate shouldn’t get canceled when throw because it’s a projectile.
Lucio needs more Ult points because he can heal and damage at the same time (not saying he needs a nerf just explaining why that’s the case).

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I’d be ok with them deleting brig altogether but it’s not going to happen.

Lucio heals up to 5 people at once. Tracer can only directly damage one person at once (unless you want to get technical—if players are right on top of each other you could melee multiple).

Also, one clipping “half the roster” requires 80% accuracy assuming they receive no healing and you land no headshots. If you land a pro players amount of headshots (10%) you still need 63% accuracy. Most pro players have ~40% accuracy and that’s brought up by shooting tanks. You act like one clipping is something anyone can do. If you’re dying to one clips often your movement is really, really bad.


Tracer is perfectly fine where she is.

Well, there is enough CC ablities in game that make tracer not viable. So tracer should be fine back to 400hp, other dps heros got so many buffs, like junkrat can almost one shot tracer now lol.