Bring back symmetra 2.0

A support? Shes moved to the damage role, the place she was supposed to be a long time ago

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Sym is a DPS character. However, she is a high team utility DPS character. Perhaps the most utility in the DPS slot. So although she may technically be a DPS she is NOT a duelist.

Sym functions far better when used to apply additional pressure and/or offer utility to her team via slows and movement.

Agree. But pros made fun of her so she needed to be deleted.

no it was changed because she was too op shes not jeffs mains which are bastion reaper junkrat and torb

Perfect at being trash you mean.

Shes nothing more then a taxi service.

ANY character, can walk up to her, do their melee attack and BEAT HER TO DEATH, before shes an active threat to any of them if they can dodge on a intermediate level. (Assuming they didnt walk into a turret nest)

EXACTLY, how is she perfect to you?

actually not.
she didnt require aim.
now she does.

You do realise this was written 11 months ago?