Bring back “Heroes Never Die!”

So she will say the old’’ heroes never die’’ when she pops valk ?

Hey Michael, thanks for answering us about the voiceline question. But would you guys pretty please give your thoughts on our Mercy suggestions? She’s boring and completely messed up in most Mercy players’ vision. We don’t want her to stay like this, specially Uprising is coming and she is near uselessness with Valk…


Should we expect the change Soon?

She sais it for me every now and then when I Rez, I was shocked when I heard it!

When mercy pops valk, her healing should go up to 85 from 60 during the duration.

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Please give us some new voice lines for the Blizzard World skins.

yes she says it but it is not the same line from before, its very quiet and the tone is very different from the old ‘’ HEROES NEVER DIE’’

Valkyrie shouldn’t even exist as an ultimate, lol.


You know what I mean. if Valk has to be an ultimate, then the amount of heals should be increased in order to have a slightly better counter to enemy ult damage or concentrated enemy fire. As it stands now, even with chainhealing, 60 is not enough to keep your team alive in a determined enemy push, and stopping to rez someone during valk is a no no.


Thanks <3 I’m so glad

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Will the new voice lines be used for anything once the old ones come back? I’ll admit, I really really liked “Gemeinsam kämpfen wir!” Moreso than “Helden sterben nicht!” to be honest.

Would be a shame to have that one gone for good.

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I don’t think chained beams will counter many ults even with heal increased. Valkyrie shouldn’t be an ult. Its idea is like so poorly designed. Blizzard needs to understand that.


I doubt the Lead Writer has much to say about Mercy’s design and current iteration. That being said, I doubt any of the devs will say anything about her anytime soon. If anything they’ll nerf her again just to spit in our faces.


Well, at least we should try right? He was online 30 mins before I replied, wasn’t expecting a answer tho cause it’s Blizzard xD
If they keep nerfing her I think I should quit OW then


We have already established that it’s not a good ult, and not an ult at all, but until she has one again, they need to fix what’s there. But lets be real, they are not going to remove this “ult” nor are they going to buff it’s heals, so here we all are.


I don’t know, Blizzard always surprises us right. With good and bad things. In Mercy’s case are mostly bad things but oh well I still have hope. : p


I’m hoping with you, but honestly, given how they’re fumbling poor Doomfist, and now even heroes that were perfectly fine (Tracer and Reinhardt were affected by the Doomfist enviro changes) tells me that they’re just going to keep killing Overwatch while bending over backwards for the OWL.

Poor Sombra’s probably about to get nerfed to hell because everyone’s whining about her (though I do agree that she needs a shorter range to account for the lightning hack…)


If someone wants to know which voice lines will be still used with Ressurect:
This is not your time.
We still need you!
Let’s get you back in the fight!
This is not the end!
The battle continues!
Der Kampf ist noch nicht vorbei! (hostile)
Dein Schutzengel ist da! (hostile)

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I mean her ult is so underpowered the most significant thing she’ll contribute is that voice line I guess.


So she’ll have simultaneously for E ability Rez and Valkyirie Activation:

ᴴᵉʳᵒᵉˢ ᶰᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵈᶦᵉ
