Brigitte's pickrate has gone down to 3.75%

Ana: 5.03 % pickrate 48.01% Winrate

Briggitte: 3.84 pickrate 56.92% winrate

Maybe instead of looking at an extremely small third-party sample you could belive Blizzard when they say Brig has the highest supports win-rate in the game?

But what do they know, they only made the game. For sure we should ignore that and focus on Overbuff.

Honestly dont get why they are nerfing her this much… they will only end up buffing her again. She is easy to counter. Dont get close. If you take away her attack power give her more healing to balance her or she is just going to be useless. How can u nerf a character in one aspect and not even it out in another? Whats the logic

If u want to stop her from completely nose diving. Up her healing blizzard.

Not surprised. Same thing would 100% happen to me if I actually used LFG. People are idiots.

Yeah, the name of the group was “suck = kick”. Really should have viewed that as a red flag, but there was no other groups open with healer role available (I usually tank, but that’s a completely different story). I was more confused with the group leader’s reasoning for kicking me than anything.

It was funny because later that guy was all alone trying to find a group and no one would join, so at least I got minor retribution.

My argument for her being balanced, even with 56% winrate, is that she’s picked when she works and doesn’t get countered.

I rarely, if ever, have started a game with a Brig. But I’ve ended games with a Brig, because she counters a very specific playstyle and hero set. If those aren’t being played, she doesn’t work as well. If they’re played (and not switched off of) she succeeds.

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You mean those Reinhardt mains, that currently play a hero that is in the top three of highest pickrate across any rank?

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lol i been preaching it for months, she is so easy to counter once your brain starts thinking “oh so i DONT fight her head on” makes alot of sense right

Brigitte win rate is high is cause she is a very niche char very dependant on maps that are not wide open.

If the people who use reaper played like the brigitte players there be a alot less crying on their end too.

Remember overwatch is more a strategy game now. See a brig go pharah. Blast her she cant do anything except hide.

Its not rocket science. You always choose heros to counter the enemy team and in turn they choose heros to counter your picks. Thats the way the game works…

Key objectves are to communicate with ur team. Pick counters if u cant play that hero… swap roles with someone who can.

Ive had enemy teams counter me every single time i change. Pretty much suffocating me. And they win… and fair play to them. They deserve the wn

Pickrate doesn’t mean anything.
People still play Ana btw. But it’s so hard to win with her.

Brig isn’t OP, in fact I like how the hero changed the meta now, BUT I do agree she’s very annoying to play against.


She’s a semi-hard counter, and that is kinda cool. If the enemy team has 1-2 annoying in-your-face characters, bring out Ms Smedius and go mace to the face!

No-one noticed that statistic sites can no longer track stats of players with hidden profiles.

This thread is null & void.

She just enforces a core part of the game: Switching heroes to counter other hero picks.
It’s been a thing for the entire games history, but now that there’s a hero that counters dive it’s suddenly bad.

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Still good to be honest. Pick rates are bad if they below 1-2% to me.

Pick rate doesnt mean anything

look at Moria- not picked because Zen/Mercy

look at Winston- not picked because of Zarya/Rein

Look at any DPS- not picked because of Snipers

Zarya was not picked and had really small pick rate 2/1 seasons back, then Hanzo was buffed and now she is a must pick

Also, snipers are semicounter to baguette, so another point why people dont really play her, still deosnt prove anything or that she is balanced or not bloated.

You all are just dumb.

even the thing with Sombra, people dont play her because of Snipers existing and not her being “useless”

nerf OP heroes in to the ground and you will see these heroes skyrocketing on top of pickrate.

By your numbers, out of every 1000 matches ana plays in 50 and wins 24.

Brigitta plays in 38, and wins 22.

I’m not seeing the problem, personally. All this tells me is that Brigitte is niche, and she is doing well in her niche. If anything, she deserves to be made a bit less niche (so long as she can still perform her primary duty of slapping Tracer and Genji down into the dirt.)

And I find it funny how pickrate and winrate are some kind of Schrodinger’s stat. They only matter when they matter to make the poster’s point, and the rest of the time they don’t exist.


it’s different when she engages onto you when your abilities are either off cooldown/hacked or you don’t have mobility/help. also hard to escape since she’s got that stun.

Honestly human element needs to be removed from balance decisions. We already got a Mercy changed that ruined the game for 6 months because of something being “unfun”. Do we really need another Mercy must pick situation?

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