Brigitte worst thing that happened to ow

All sorts of spam are going through the point that makes even reinhardt shield die in seconds from teamfire, if you will look me in the eye to tell me brig still has a shield after all that spam that is either your teams fault or the certain dps characters and tanks your team has aren’t suited for high damage spam.


She has too much.
her shield needs to be 200 max, the 600 shield on top of her health and armor give her a potential health pool greater than hog.
Its all well and good to keep your distance but to have to do 600 dmg before you can get to her is just too much.


why is she an ‘abomination’ ruining the game?

  • her stun? Lots of heroes have CC like McCree, Doomfist, Mei, etc
  • her squishy killing combo? Lots of heroes have this like Genji, Doom, McCree, etc
  • her shield? All melee-based heroes in a game with 95% heroes with ranged attacks will ALWAYS have shields otherwise they would be impossible to play. It’s not that strong, you can literally focus it out of existence in 2 seconds
  • her ult? It’s a worse transcendence and even heals slower than lucio’s healing aura so…
  • her weapon? She’s a melee-based hero, there’s no way to make her attacks precision high-aim intensity attacks, just like you couldn’t make rein’s hammer precision high-aim intensive (unless they gave her a rapier pokey sword or something with pixel perfect hitbox)

I dunno what other reason you could hate her


Picking junkrat or pharah is hard…


If you’re having a team fight, Brigitte shouldn’t be an issue. Her combo would be negated by healing, which feeds ult charge to healers. Her shield can be focused down and destroyed easily. If she gets aggressive she can be punished, and if your entire team is struggling to focus down Brigitte that’s not her fault.

I’d love for you to tell me how OP and un-counterable Brigitte is though. That would explain the low pickrate in GM (3.66% in-case you were wondering).


Where is a Brigitte located during a poke phase with a Reinhardt in each team ?
Behind her Reinhardt shield.
I guess her personal shield is way too much endangered there.

Again I have nothing against Brigitte, I don’t find her OP or something, I just think she’s boring to face. But I just think in a context of Rein/Brig/Zarya in both teams, the sentence “keep your distance” is not pertinent. You have to go close to make the team fight happen at one point, otherwise, you just wait and the defence team will have the advantage.

So here, two solutions, the poke phase last a bit too long, and the first team to lose shield loses. Or the poke phase lasts long enough for the team to engage, and there, you can’t avoid Brigitte’s contact.

That’s the game, I don’t care about that stun. I just don’t agree with the sentence “keep your distance with brig” because if you keep your distance and the opponent brig has a quarter of a brain to have a good positioning, nothing will happen.

And another one in the world of “I make you say what you didn’t”.
Can’t discuss with people assuming things that does not exist.
It’s boring as hell.

If you want to be taken seriously, start by not making things up. Thx.


This Brigitte thing really is an easy fix…

Just have Torbjorn tell his daughter, to let his robo son to borrow her shield for a bit.

Shes to frustrating and too simple. Shes never going to be universally liked

She just doesn’t feel good to play against is all.


Hero 27 - Brigitte
Sheild Bashes into the fight!


Basically, she’s a skill check. Requires thought when approaching, unlike most other heroes you can just walk up to and kill. People don’t like having to think in a shooter.

Seriously. When/if Brigitte attacks someone on your team, focus her and send her back to the spawn room. I mean, Doomfist usually requires the same strategy if you want to beat him. Don’t hear people complain about how oppressive he is.


Junkrat is a soft counter at best to any decent positioning with Brig and Pharah? Good luck double snipers going to end you really quick.

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Well I’ve seen threads complaining how oppressive he is since the meta favors him or people are playing him religiously

Healing can only negate so much her combo takes away 190 health in quick order that plus any other damage coming your way you would be very luck to live through that.

I don’t see how you find it boring to play against her if it’s so easy to counter Brigitte though. Your complaints just don’t make any sense to me.

You say you don’t care about the stun, and yet you find Brigitte boring to play against. Do you not like the fact that you have to engage the enemy team, at which point you’re in Brigitte’s range? In which case, that holds true for every close range hero in the game. The main difference with Brigitte (which is the part that everyone who hates Brigittte seems to complain about) is the stun. But you don’t care about the stun. So, what’s your actual issue with Brigitte?

You spelled Hanzo wrong.

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And again, you fail.
I don’t complain you can check. (unless reading more than two lines is too much of an effort for you that you have to assume things or guess things all day long …)
I’m just talking about the sentence “keep your distance with her” and telling that’s it’s not always a possibility.

Gosh man, you’re the best exemple of the typical forumer. Do not read, assume things, and answer after.
Please man, try to read and understand what people have to say, it’s annoying.

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I don’t think she should have a stun like Mccree. There’s already enough stun effects in this game with Mccree and Rein’s shatter.
They could have given her something in this list instead, like Confuse or Dazed which would allow an escape instead of an almost guaranteed death…

And people hate them too…

In a team-fight Brigitte’s combo would most likely be used on a tank (since they’re on the front-line). It could also be used on a flanker, but if they die to it that’s their fault for being too close to Brigitte. A tank is easily going to survive Brigitte’s combo in the first place, but with healing it’s a guarantee.

Brigitte’s combo is no-where near as ‘bursty’ as people make it out to be though. An Ana, Brigitte or Moira could easily out-heal the combo. And, a squishy hero (basically not a tank) should usually either be on high-ground, the enemy’s backline or with the team. If a Brigitte lands a combo on a squishy, there’s really not going to be any other damage (unless you’re flanking), meaning it’s really not an issue. A tank is also not going to die to the other damage, unless there’s like a Hanzo and a Widow, in which case your other tank should peel for you.

Brigitte’s combo just isn’t an issue in anything other than a 1v1.