Brigitte WILL Be nerfed during Season 10. It's just a matter of when

You have no issues dealing with her because you’re a goldie.

It’s not a matter of when even, it’s a matter of WHAT will be nerfed. I feel like they’re going to nerf the wrong aspect of her kit (Probably Shield Bash because people think that’s the main problem when it’s really not).

it is very interesting that the pros are complaining about the exact opposite of the casual player base. It will be interesting to see how Blizzard responds to both sides of her kit being attacked for completely different reasons.

Then again, they may be able to thread a more subtle line in response to deal with both issues. Increased healing, reduced armor impact, decreased stun impact may even be delegated to other characters (such as a Rein stun immunity or a similar effect for Hog). We’ll see!

What makes me laugh is people think she is so detailed it takes a long time to learn how to counter her or play her. She is one of the most simple hero’s in the game, and I would honestly rank her a zero star difficulty.

However, people like Kabaji, cane load her for the FIRST TIME EVER, and pull numbers to get him a 84% kill participation card and end the round. Not even talking about his healing and damage done. She is a very simple Hero, and even more simple if you already have map knowledge and game sense to play at the level they do. It’s very painful to see, as a new overwatch player I honestly cant see this being good for the community at all. Sadly, since her release in PTR and QP people have said she is too overtuned and now the same thing is coming from the top players int he world. If you still refuse to believe she is overtuned then you literally want to try and climb ranks with her only to get dusted back down after she gets a change.

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The question of “will she get nerfed” and “does she need to be nerfed” are entirely different questions.

People certainly want her nerfed, but thats because people cant lone-wolf her.

Does she need a nerf? No.

Will she get one? Maybe, but its certainly wont be permanent. Eventually when people get comfortable with brig, her survival rate will head south and people will call for a survivibility buff.

This is bastion all over again. People have short memories.

You make little sense considering how you’re trying to argue your point…

Fact: A Hero being OP is completely divorced from whether or not the changes to balance them out ACTUALLY balances them, or leaves them overpowered. You’re trying to act as if Pros were wrong in those situations, simply because Blizzard simply failed to rectify those situations well… That’s a well-below-intelligent argument.

A lot of people complained about “Find the Mercy.” There was nothing balanced about the old Rez bringing back literally a full team of players. The issue with the revamped Rez was that she got 2 insta-casts during Valk, where she has pretty good mobility and ridiculous regen. If you didn’t have a Mercy to counter their Rezes, then you were at a severe handicap. It wasn’t balanced, because it basically mandated Mercy Picks. The fact that Blizzard may not have done enough to compensate Mercy for her nerfs is completely irrelevant. The Pros were complaining about the current design, not any theoretical future design. They also aren’t the game’s developers.

We can talk about other balance changes as well. If something is not balanced, broken, too powerful, etc. then it is what it is.

The Pros are not developing the game. The only thing they can do is call out imbalances to Blizzard. It is on Blizzard to rectify those in a way that leaves the hero in question viable moving forwards. If that isn’t the case, then that doesn’t make the Pros less correct in their initial assessments. It just means that Blizzard is bad at game balance…

Complaining about clear imbalances does not mean that a failure in the developer’s attempt to rectify them makes you “wrong” about what was imbalanced in the first place.

And this B.S. about “data.” Lulz…

It depends on what blizzard sees as the problem. People not countering her, or that she is what she is.

Blizzard already made changes to her to lower her abilities on the PTR before the new comp season started after they got the number from the Pro scrims.

So it’s just a matter of hoping they don’t make her useless vs balancing her properly.

Only time will tell

(Ominous music plays)

You’re arguing a strawman, and no I wasn’t doing that. It’s easy for someone else’s argument not to make sense when you just make up your own nonsensical argument for them though!

Old Rez was statistically balanced, and most pro teams took other the healers because they would rather their team not die in the first place because it’s objectively better to not die than to be rezzed in most circumstances.

Data is the only objective measurement. If data contradicts something an authority figure is saying, that authority figure is wrong. Pros can be wrong, everyone is wrong sometimes, no matter who you are.


They way blizz described it, they were wanting to make S.B. more easily controllable.
I admit there were time where I didnt hit who I was aiming at, so I see that more as a controll-quality-of-life change.

I disagree completely. Flankers are simply not used to this form of opposition, and it is clearly taking them some time to adjust. I’ve already watched this evolution in QP which saw as high a level of anti-Brigitte complaints at release there as Competitive is now. Over the past few weeks these complaints have tailed off (though not vanished, I agree the consensus is that she is over-tuned). The same will happen to competitive players as they adjust to her presence and learn to play around her.

In my view actual observation disagrees with your assertion. Whether or not she is “simple” to play (I wager that your judgement here is more intimately related to your “if you already have map knowledge and game sense…” comment than you have let on), playing against her is clearly not quite as simple or it wouldn’t take a week or two for people to adjust.

Lastly, I’ll just mention that “Meta changing” means what it says. She was intended to change the way the game is played. That means she will disrupt what people are accustomed to and comfortable with. That necessitates time to adjust.

So did like NO ONE play quick play all this time while she was out??? She was popular for all like 3 days and then hardly anyone played her after that. She is SO EASY to counter. Literally take a junk rat and she pretty much instantly becomes useless. All you have to do is stay out of her 5m range shield bash and she cant do a darn thing.

It really saddens me that people cant learn how to play against new heroes and call for unjustified nerfs.


Also in the Rein part hes up against two heroes so its a 2 v 1 situation so of course he should lose. SO I have no idea what that video is trying to prove?!?!?!


They were all asked which hero is OP and they all said Tracer.

Blizzard didn’t do anything and when they did all it was was a pulse bomb Nerf.

Just gotta say, I hate when people try to pull off these clips as valid.
It’s so obvious that the Doomfist is what’s knocking Calvin around there. Brigitte adds to it, sure, but not the actual problem.

Was planning on stopping there, but checked the other clips out, and now I just have an axe to grind.

Both Brigitte’s were being pocketed by Mercy’s.
Brigitte does not have the DPS to out damage a Mercy heal.
If anything this just highlights how if you actually have a teammate with you, Brigitte isn’t capable of just going in and getting tons of kills like people claim.

Using teamwork to get a Rein shield down is nothing new. If his queue buddy were playing a McCree who flashed over the Rein shield, no one would bat an eye.

xQc is a little hard to judge Brigitte’s power and gameplay since, ya know, he’s not actually showing anything, it’s just yet another couple of clips of him sitting at a menu complaining.

there is a difference in playstyles between masters and bronze bronze players can rush in because people wont have as good aim masters cant let a shield down because they will die immediately

I can tell you when. Tomorrow.

The same pro’s that put Sombra in a terrible spot?

Brigooto defo needs a nerf, lets just hope they dont make her useless. At least ive heard so far her shield bash radius is getting nerfed… Yay?