Brigitte was overnerfed

Really? Because they seem pretty comparable in most ranks :woman_shrugging:t5:

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Brig brings far more utility and play making than the moira. A brig can boop enemies, skirmish, cancel ults, stun, lots of really nice things. Her healing is also sustainable as well while Moira’s requires her to spend time getting her succ juice back.

If you’re being dove and have switched over to playing Brig/Moira then you’ll have plenty of opportunity to smack, bash, succ, and survive the attempts by DPS to murder you. You took what was an effective enemy tactic, harassing your supports, and turned it into a negative by wasting 1/3rd of their team’s time and getting more ult charge for your supports.

The absolute #1 major problem I see with people’s assumptions is that every hero should be 100% viable in every situation. Heroes are tools. You have a roster of them that you take out for situations. Each has their own major feature or weakness.


Which is why I said she should be B-Tier. But she’s supposed to be one of Hog’s best counters and it’s very easy for her to get maximum inspire uptime from whipshot procs because nothing is blocking them.

Her shield and health nerf is why she isn’t fulfilling that function but Brigitte hasn’t needed to brawl since her rework to have decent value.

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If she’s as good as Moira, then she’s in real need of big buffs.

Moira has literally 0 niche and 0 value over ana. There isn’t a single situation you would go Moira over Ana.
And if she’s an option that is worst in every way is to another option; that option becomes required for two years and it gets really annoying (: cough cough god forsaken Ana

But brig’s biggest problem isn’t that she doesn’t have a niche, it’s that her niche suck, countering a comp will never put you in the meta or even viable for that matter, especially as support.

Current brig enables NOBODY and that’s the biggest problem, the only comp where she would enable anyone (brawl) she will be replaced by Lucio because speed boost is a must-have in a brawl; and in dive vs dive matchup her 200 hp and no over health both limit her enabling and peel potential as brig is now a decent dive target because her hitbox is larger than zen’s and she has no range.

It’s like saying bastion isn’t that bad because he excels at shredding shields and therefore is great against bunker, which undermines A LOT of the problems of the hero and only shows their strength, of course, you could make the argument they are good and viable.


Whip shot is still strong as hell on such a short cooldown
Shield Bash is still strong as hell and also the easiest stun to land in the whole game
250 health barrier shield debunks the claims that she’s vulnerable

Brig only “sucks” now because people keep running her against the dynamite spam hero and Hog/Zarya out of stubbornness or some other complex


Wait, so we are actually acknowledging that Brig would not have been as good on this meta as she was on the last one because it is painfuly obvious, right?

Maybe people should start differentiating between meta favored and OP.
Sure Brig was good but it was not OP by any means, not even stats. Yet she got nerfed into oblivion when in reality she needed minor adjustments.

Now that she is out of the meta, I wonder where are all those Lucio mains and DPS main who say that Bapt and Lucio were gonna be meta once Brig was out of the picture. It is almost as If they were wrong because healers adpat to tanks and DPS not viceversa. And since this logic applies to this meta as well, Ana, Mercy and Zen so far are better picks.

The only time I can recall this situation being otherwise is when Mercy was way too broken.

What do you mean? One is an off healer and the other is a main healer…
Mercy and Zen actually replaced Brig because they are off healers who are being meta favored.
Let’s compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges, please.

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I’m sure these numbers are probably inflated by people who one tricked her into ranks they had no other hero they could play at that rank and now they are dropping which is inflating the loss rate. Didn’t the same thing happen when mercy got hard nerfed at the end of moth meta and all the one trick mercy players dropped hard?

And yet somehow Ana was seeing successful play in a metawhere she absolutely was not suited (double shield), with an incredibly high pick rate. But that’s totally,ok and she’s not,overbalanced because: skill, right? :roll_eyes:


Even if they run dive, there is not need for her. If you play Ana+ Lucio/Zen/Mercy, dive will still have a more than hard time due to Hog’s damage output, Zarya’s bubbles, and Ashe, Torb, Hanzo, Mcree being there as well. Even If you just swap to Moira and Mercy or Moira Lucio there is just no need for a Brig anymore. Plain and simple.

She is destroyed and needs minor buffs to even be viable or competitive.

Still waiting for the revert :roll_eyes:

222 already makes her situational enough with her old kit but at least with her old kit her flavor and og chasacter style would still be intact

She’s by no means a weak healer, repair pack alone is Mercy’s same hps value, add then that she heals 15 hps on hit and you get a total value of 70 hps which is higher than everyone else’s but Ana’s add then your ult that heals 15 armor per second, and you would be going up to 85 hps + armor dmg reduction

in comparison, Mercy’s top healing is 65 hps during valk, Lucio’s is 52 hps, etc etc, the higher possible healing per second heroes are Moira and Zen because of their ults

Of course usability should also be taken into consideration and while yes Brig needs to be in melee range (ignoring whip shot inspire for argument’s sake) she also has 550 worth of hp which is more than double than of someone like Mercy or lucio who relies only on mobility, not to mention that she heals herself during combat which is a feat only shared by Lucio, Moira and Bap with the exception being thei hp pool (mostly because they can escape with skills)

What I’m trying to say here is that she is what you said on your first two points, she’s a strong healer but she’s also sturdy not the other way around

Thing is, people think she should be able to be in the front line dishing healing non-stop “because that’s her intended purpose” but think about it, if she’s able to heal more than Mercy under certain situations, why would she be able to heal ALL the time?


Repair pack is on a 6 second cooldown, Mercy can heal infinitely.


That is so selfish of you, some character may drop from meta because other got buffed, i can’t play rein or any shield tank right now too, but i don’t cry on forums about it. “Brig has been meta since release, i want her to be viable even now >:( why dont u buff her”


true, however you have 3 charges and the skill lasts for 2 seconds, which means that is has an effective cd of 4 and you would incurr in a cd penalty of only 1 second if you space it out right, meaning:

repair pack use -> wait 3 seconds -> repair pack use -> wait 3 seconds -> repair pack use

infinitely, when you reach your second repair pack’s 3rd second, your first one is already up, meaning that you could heal almost consistently on a single target as long as you are good enough with tracking your cds

of course, a second in between heals might mean life or death but that’s why brig has other tools in her arsenal to prevent damage in general

add to that the fact that repair pack has 30m range as opposed to Mercy’s 15m+mobility and you would start seeing who could use More HP instead of brig

It’s selfish to want a hero to be viable? Lol

Actually, Rein and Sigma are both still viable. Not meta, but viable. The only unviable shield tank is Orisa and she’s already getting buffed on the Experimental card.

  1. This is not true. She was not meta during the last double sniper meta, but she was still viable.
  2. Arguing a meta hero should be unviable is selfish. Reinhardt has been viable for most of the game’s lifespan, but I don’t think he should ever be unviable.

No hero should ever be unviable and this includes Brigitte. This isn’t “it’s my turn to be viablewatch waaa waaa!”

Remember: Viable =/= Meta.


Good, I never ever want to have to play against her again, or also have to play her because she is the best counter against whatever the enemy is playing.

We need to stop with this falacy of “any hero with a shield has HP+ Shield HP as a total HP pool”. If this was the case, then Widow would not be able to one shot Brig because of her “450 HP”.

Going by this flawed logic, Mercy would be unkillable because she has one of the best mobilities on the game and her HP regens constantly which means no one could kill her. It does not work like that.

*She was
There fixed for you.
She does not offer enough heals nor protection for herself or her main healer now, so she is in a really rough spot whether we like it or not. And time will only reinforce this once more stats are available.

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Brig is still useful against divers like genji or doom, I don’t see a situation where you would want rein instead of roadhog or zarya. But maybe just im bad.

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Which she can’t do if you have your shield up and facing her, your point? shield IS effective HP, if you are unable to use it correctly that’s on you

will they? we’ll see

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When a hero is constantly favored by the meta, then that’s an issue. Especially if they are in a meta that is not supposed to be good for them.

Not a fair comparison because that patch with the Brig changes had several other changes in it.

Yes, Ana is OP.

I see no proof of this. The only data we have is from a meta she isn’t supposed to be good in.