Brigitte was never the problem

Well the state the Brig is in now, she needs a major buff. Then Blizzard needs to ignore all the complainers and allow us who enjoy playing Brig to have a decent hero.

I am Brig main and she is very underpower right now. Also I have learned how to play her. I use her CC and use walls as cover. The problem is her health is way to low. The need to raise her back up to 225 or 250 to make her playable.

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You have 9 hours on brig in quickplay and you don’t play competitive.

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yeah constantly adding things like doom, sombra, ball and echo, and i suppose old moira with her flank potential at times. Especially when in game lucio was pretty much the de-facto must pick for 15 seasons straight, flankers already being a staple in the dps slot in most metas and the main tank line including dva constantly after her DM rework

the sin of not giving us much to deal with that outside of hard stun mechanics is also an original sin of this game. they keep adding more ways to move stupidly quick and whilst also providing high grade dmg and burst but in return we either stun it away or sustain yourself through it somehow.

we have hacks from sombra, slows from mei, rooting cc from junkrat but they are awful to play against the generic picks that we have and getting eaten and countered by mobility as much as they theoretically counter it. that utility not only needs to be expnded but added onto more future characters instead stunning or pressing left click harder

if this game is meant to take inspiration from mobas and MMO style abilities then they are woefully under representing all the cool buffs and defbuffs whilst over representing the easy cool and fun factor obvious to see ones

Compared to just not having a gun like every other character in the game aside from rein how has a shield too btw.

See I can do that too…-_-


How is Brig ineffective? Brig is picked more than Tracer in GM. If Brig was ineffective she wouldn’t be picked at all, nevermind eclipsing Tracers pickrate

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This is pretty much word for word something I posted a long time ago and I 100% agree.

The uncomfortable truth for a lot of players is that the entire Brig fiasco could have been avoided entirely but they pressured Blizzard into not nerfing blatantly overpowered heroes. Be careful what you wish for :man_shrugging:


It’s also important to recognise that all of those are DPS. Flankers aren’t designed to target other DPS. They are designed to kill supports and unless you have DPS who want to peel supports are stuck with two stuns in Brig and Ana. Ana’s sleep is the hardest stun to land in the game and brigs is close range and tied to a 200hp shield. Plus every flanker can safely play out of their range with no issues. So it leaves supports either choosing those heroes or fighting duels they have the disadvantage in.
And Tanks only have 1 consistent stun in Roadhog so they can’t do much in stopping hyper mobility.

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i’ve been saying this since before ana being released.
They give all heroes nieches and weakness while Tracer weakness is: “player is bad with her”

High DPS, high mobility, one of the smallest hitbox in game, undo actions, teleports, fast ult.

Now we compare to a tank that people still want to nerf: Orisa
Low DPS(good dps on long term only), slow as F(will get trash talked on attack for sure), GIANT head and body, shield that can be placed by time to time and does not move(also low life shield now), get’s “shiny gold” so it gets killed with style, ult on decent time(my opinion)

I could go on and point that every hero has a CLEAR weakness or even a nieche, but when it comes to Tracer, if she cannot counter it then the hero is unbalanced.

I quitted the game for good. Waiting devs to remove her from the game or balance it properly. I seriously don’t care anymore.

[use the foruns to see how things are going… still the same after a few months off]


they nerfed her before releasing brig. so significanlty she wasnt usable up until they upped her range.

now she’s usable and you pretend shes an issue, and brig didnt change the entire way the game is played, make every dps but snipers unusable, and like tanks and supports havent kept dps at an unusable state forever.

they have always gutted dps first so this, quite frankly, asinine idea that this has anything to do with dps that were made unusable by a support added to the game and tanks and supports being catered to is just that, asinine, moronic, wrong.

the game went on a downward decline when they started catering to supports tanks, and casuals.

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Not disagreeing with your overall sentiment, Tracer needs a slight nerf.

But I disagree with this particular sentence. Since Tracer was part of the first set of heroes, you are implying that this game was dead from the start. And it wasn’t.

Overwatch was hugely popular upon release, but I agree she is the poster child.

Moira and Brig didn’t kill this game. They changed it. And a lot of people couldn’t adapt. So they complained enough, and eventually won.

But at the same time, I’d say that almost all the nerfs placed upon Moira/Brig are well deserved.

Moira was way to easy to heal. And her healing resource was a joke to manage. I could lose a match with Moira and still have 50% healing juice.

Brig was way to easy to do a lot of stuff. On release, she could do almost everything except deal with long range. But with natural and team cover and healthy 600hp shield even that wasn’t a big enough counter.

Here’s the way I see it.

Most of the tanks and dps released didn’t have as drastic affect on the meta as the support, Brig and Moira specifically. But Blizzard released both of them incredibly OP.

And it’s only now that they are within more acceptable balance, as per the general sentiment of these forums.

Brig mains may complain, but we know she’s balanced now. And like Sombra and D.Va, she’s mostly balanced for OWL/Contenders and even Collegiate. On ladder, these trio are probably a throw pick.

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c’mon keep shifting blame to whatever crowd your ego is angry at and not at blizzard who is supposed to think about this stuff

It’s nothing to do with that but do carry on.

I blame Blizzard for being too weak to ignore the demands to not nerf dive and Widow.

I dont blame the people who demanded no nerfs. However, I do find it funny that their crying was the actual cause of the release of Brig. Which then caused them to cry even more.

I uderstand the reason why Tracer is kept intact for most of OW lifespan in terms of changes but when complete characters had to be created, reworked and killed because of the fact that a hypermobile hero like Tracer (just movement abilities) is around is laughable. Back then when they made her range better I first thought it was a joke.

Nerf Tracer or rework her. Its sounds drastic but the past have shown us that Tracer should not be the point of balance.


Brig was added in the state she was in because the devs were too scared to nerf Tracer.

That and they focused too much on their philosophy of switching over actual gameplay.

I’d honestly put Soldier at that point instead. For only DPS. He should not affect tank and healer balance whatsoever. They should have their own defaults to go for. Sigma should be the default for Tank considering he is a perfect mix between main and off tank.

Idk about Support tho. Maybe Mercy? Idk.


I feel like widow punishes bad positioning and awareness. I can almost always hit my shots with widow if enemy team doesn’t care abaut me, but when they start to care it becomes harder to continue playing her agaisnt them.

you claimed they “pressured” blizzard but then say you “don’t blame them”

Yeah. I blame Blizzard for giving into the pressure. It was their decision and their fault.

I can also find the same people who demanded no nerfs and instead wanted a counter also crying about Brig funny.

It’s not complicated.

they buffed tracer because she had one of the lowest winrate in the game for several seasons

no idea what players are on about when they say “tracer is op” i lose most games with a tracer on the team unless they’re a smurf

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