Brigitte was never the problem

compared to just having 200 HP with no armor or external shield like EVERY OTHER NON TANK CHARACTER IN THE GAME???

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I do agree that she can do a lot. I suggest removing the repair packs, let inspire be the only means to heal team mates and herself.

I think a lot of players are hung up on a characters supposed skill level. If she is too strong then I am all for change but if player don’t like her because she easier hero then I will have to disagree.

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Of course the Brig main (at least im assuming this going off your avatar) is the one saying this…if you didn’t think Brig was the problem when she first launched, then idk what to tell you.

There is in fact dps that have more than 200 hp.
I believe having a shield is needed since she has a melee weapon. If you don’t like the shield then brig would need a gun.

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This just isn’t true - she dominated up top for quite a while in 2016/2017 - and is so close to broken a slight nudge and shes back in meta instantly. The problem is hypermobility; Seagull is right. No Tracer, then no Moira, no Brig. Take away her spam damage (not mobility) and then I would agree. She can’t have both.

That’s the only real proof needed.

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Tracer players aren’t the ones constantly whining about brig it’s the genji mains and genji is an issue not tracer nice try


They both are problem children with hypermobility. Winston comes very close to this, but his huge hitbox makes it not an issue directly.

I am willing to tolerate their advantageous movement; its the spam they do that’s the issue.


im saying its a stupid point to say her shield is “low HP” when its literally a second heroes HP pool that you have to break before you can kill her… like wtf

Then how would you make her work with no shields. If you want Brig with no shields then you would need to buff her self healing from inspire. Probably more damage for her flail too.

im not saying she should have her shield taken away im saying its stupid to not acknowledge that its a strong part of her kit and undermining it is just lying

Ah then I misunderstood. Yes I agree her shield is a strong part of her kit.

Sounds like what the game in general really needs is for hypermobility to come at the price of having lower damage than non-mobile heroes.

Being a glass cannon is one thing, but hypermobility that enables a character to be too slippery for anyone to actually get a hit in effectively nullifies their “glass” weakness and leaves them only with the “cannon” strength. That’s not balanced or fair.

High evasion/sustain, OR high damage. A single hero shouldn’t be allowed to have both.


Because YOU oversimplifying her as a hero doesn’t magically make it easier for everyone else to deal with her.

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Not necessarily _less_damage, but less spam and chip damage, and more direct fire.

You will find that both Genji and Tracer mains roundly refuse to even admit that the mobility does anything for defense when it obviously does across 2/3 of the ladder.


interesting discussion.

I love playing Brig, I just do. As much as I don’t mind her as she is now. 200HP etc etc. Even I can see why people are frustrated that she’s in the game. She just does…well…a lot.

I’d love to see her be even more brawly. But to compensate have her do less healing than she does. Because she does a lot of healing. Even ranged healing with her repair packs. I think why a lot of people have a problem with the health buffs on her is that because she can sustain herself better than other supports, is that she’s alive longer. And because she’s alive longer/more easily…she outputs even more of her healing. Which makes it hard for others to secure kills because of the way she heals.

So more “tanky” cause it fits her character, but less heals.

Yep I would be fine with a beefy brig with low healing.

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The problem is those “top players” are exactly how the devs are balancing around. We have an issue when the top players, who probably play a lot of Tracer, run how the game is balanced.

It affects the playability of certain heroes like Brig, who are rendered unplayable because the top doesn’t like their main getting countered.

I’m fine with Tracer being only relatively seen at the top, but when she starts affecting the gameplay in all ranks, that’s where I have issues. She’s absolutely dumpstered Brig. Possibly more.


Me too. That way she’s an off-healer. Because at the moment she can in certain situations do as much healing as an Ana/Mercy/Bap etc. Like there has been games I’ve had when I’ve outhealed my other support. I’m in mid diamond where at this point I’d assume people are at least competent with their heroes so it’s not that i’m in bronze and they’re just bad or whatever. I even had the card at the end of the match the other day for most healing done - as Brig. Only Brig. Just under 22k heals.

Like she should be like Lucio/Zen. Doesn’t do much healing. But provides support and utility in other ways.

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ah yes, the lies about why brig was added are back, said the person with the brig avatar…