Brigitte Rework Idea (edited)

The goal of this change is to make Brig more durable and defensively supportive, at the cost of some of her own play-making abilities. As someone who literally squires under Reinhardt, I’d love to see more “protective” gameplay from her. The difficulty was doing that without just giving her another huge team-covering barrier or something lazy. I think I’ve come up with something solid enough.

Smaller Changes
  • Health/Armor from 150/50 to 150/75

  • Melee range from 6 to 7m

  • Shield’s health from 250 to 300

  • Inspire healing from 75 to 90 ( will be nerfed to 75 in OW2 apparently)

  • Repair packs removed

  • Shield Bash removed

Ability Changes

E ability / "Bolster"

Brigitte plants down a flag. While allies are in the radius, 20% of their max health is converted into armor.Bolster automatically uses inspire in it’s radius (does not stack with Brig’s own inspire). Additionally, as long as they stand in the radius, Brigitte will be able to restore the converted armor with inspire.

Cooldown: 10 seconds (activates after duration ends)
Duration: 6 seconds
Radius: 17m (2m less than inspire)
Armor lingers for 1.75 seconds after leaving the flag’s radius.
Ability holds two charges.

Passive / "By Your Side"

*Brigitte gains increased movement speed to allies that have 65% or less health

Range: 25m

Q Ability / "Kattastrophe"

Brigitte calls down her Katt to hover over, and buff an ally.

If the ally is a tank - Katt will grant them 100 extra armor.
If the ally is a dps - Katt will grant them a 15% damage buff.
If the ally is a support - Katt will grant them a 75 health shield and a 15% movement speed buff.
(Katt’s shield will behave differently. If 2 seconds pass without taking damage the full shield will refill.)

Additionally, Inspire will automatically proc on Katt and the ally after an ally becomes buffed (Inspire healing does not stack).

Buff lasts for six seconds.


Right, so I think making her a lot tankier is fair since she loses her engagement ability. Her mobility is now tied solely to assisting allies. Same reasoning for the extended range. With no stun and no engage ability, she’ll be a lot easier to kite. Having just an extra meter for her melee is to help compensate for that, hopefully.

I think her E and Passive have good tandem, and she can still use whipshot to get enemies away from herself and allies.


btw before i read anything else, the incombat healing system is no longer gonna be in OW2 so you can get rid of “inspire from 75 to 90”


these are some good changes, i think it should defiantly be tested first though.

I wanted it back at 90 because she’s losing the repair packs is all. Need inspire to be strong enough to be her sole source of healing.

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If inspire become her only way to heal I think Brig would need a way to proc inspire more often.

I am not sure how useful the 35 health on leap would be.

Maybe buff inspires healing more. The 35 health could also go up maybe. But the idea qas to use leap, then bolster. Restoring 35 health and converting it to armor.

But yeah, the numbers could be better.