Brigitte overnerfed?!?

dont worry she will get some buff when locked 222 will come.

Just remember guys, even though she’s the least picked Support in every rank outside of GM, where Moira is the only one picked less, Brig is still the most OP Hero in the game and still needs nerfs. /s


Brig’s pickrate is so low because it takes a lot of discipline to play her as her design allows.

She functionally does nothing without a second support to guard.

Dude, the amount of people who left the game because of her is insane. She is the opposite of what the game needed. She represented everything wrong with the game direction and still could do with a total rework. No character has ever been as badly received and universally hated as much as her.

Now she’s garbage tier, so people hate her because she’s basically worthless in a team or is used simply to prop up the most hated meta, but the main problems she brings in the form of armour are still in the game, so she is STILL problematic to game balance, even if the 1v1 is more viable (if not a skill-less spamfest).

Ahmmm I think… Nope.

Wait wait wait wait wait just a gosh darn minute. Are you telling me that the supposedly easy as pie hero that supposedly counters every Hero in the game even without being picked(for some reason, it looks like the OP who posted that either got banned or deleted the Topic so I can’t find it) is actually not that at all? Weird.

fixed. The casual player is not very adept at this game.

Do you even play the game. Thats not even her last nerf!
If you wanna kill 200 hp target attack them when they are already half.
Or gife them 2 wipes (m1)
Then do the compe so you wil secure the kill for sure.
If you do combo first and then wipe(m1)
They might be alive and you still used your combo for it.

If you want more tips you can add me.

because she still is a meta defining hero.
Things have vaguely chamged with the last patch.

i’m so sick of the “braindead dps wont switch” argument. It’s stupid and it’s putting the blame on the wrong party.
Brig completely phazed dps players from the game, to the point the only two viable dps were widow and hanzo amd every other dps cant land a kill.

You all are fixated on her now low damage, ignoring just how much utility she brings to the table with both sustain healing amd burst.

Yet despite all the nerfs to pretty much every tank and support, up to changing core mechanic, she’s still a very solid pick.

Please, i agree that she’s not a big problem anymore, especially in casual play, but stop saying she was overnerfed when her pickrate in tournaments is still crazy high.

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And let’s face it, giving her any sort of burst was a mistake.


Brigitte is like a suckerfish, just cling to a host (Reinhardt) and feed off them.

The issue with Brig is that she counters dive too well. Comps like quad tank + Lucio and slambulance were extremely vulnerable to dive, but when Brig gets added in dive is impossible to play against her, so the comp has no weaknesses.

Brig need repair pack to be nerfed/removed and then the rest of her kit can get work done to buff her. Not a 50 dmg bash though because that was a no counterplay 190 damage with no skill shot required to make it.

No it wasn’t. Nuking Tracer was the entire point.

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And Brigitte never should have been designed with doing that in mind.

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Newsflash: She’s a support.

She was never meant to out duel every DPS on the roster. Supports should be fighting an uphill battle against their counters, not the other way around.

She maintains a very high winrate. I think the perception of how nerfed she is outruns the reality.


Why? Tracer demands a hard counter. She’s untouchable in the hands of good players.

Oh wow a Support isn’t the best DPS in the game anymore while also being the best healer in the game and still being an offtank too or just being a flanker DPS.

That’s soooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo friggy diggy crazy. And the hero is still a competitive pick that is perfectly fine.


I can’t wait for the new Genji buff that’s gonna let him charge Dragonblade while using Dragonblade so I can see if that being fixed is called a nerf

She was created to counter dive and honestly most of you were too trash to even land the wombo combo on a tracer and were still getting bodied by genji players

so really nothing of value was lost


Just one shot her with Ashe.
Tracer was never even remotely as big of a problem than Brigitte is.
Calling her untouchable is a massive exaggeration.

Fixed that for you there chum. OW shouldn’t be a rock-paper-scissors game. It should be a skill game with advantages and disadvantages that can be overcome in matchups through skill. Absolute hard counters are as good as hero bans, as they make certain picks utterly unplayable. If you don’t like it, well… git gud?

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