Brigitte is senselessly overpowered

I didn’t say you did, but those are some of the talking points that are spammed by the Tracer/Genji mains on here that constantly complain that they have to work to kill her. I’m defending her because I think she’s a good addition for keeping dominant heroes like Tracer and Genji and dive comp in general in check, not because I play her.

I don’t make opinions on balance based on my own personal enjoyment. I wanted Ana nerfed during the Ana meta when she did 80 damage a shot and her grenade did stupid amounts of healing, and I’m a 120 hour Ana main. As I said earlier…

“Actually I don’t think I’m the quintessential hero balance guru. I think it’s still too early to say how well Brigitte is performing, especially cause she’s not out in comp. I just don’t think ‘I’m having trouble playing Tracer against a character made to counter Tracer.’ is a valid argument for nerfing her. :^)”

We have different opinions, but that’s fine. Have a good day!

See, the issue here then is your flankers are bad. You know when I get to go destroy tanks? When the enemy team’s flankers are dumb and get in range to be killed. I’ve come across smart Tracers that stay just far enough out of reach that I can’t kill them, and keep peppering so that I always know they’re there. I can’t turn my back on them, and can’t get near them. Which keeps me off the front lines and away from the other tanks. She can be outplayed by flankers if they’re good. But flankers are used to being able to rush in, get a kill, and toddle off. And playing like that gets you killed against Brigitte, which frees her up to go after your tanks.

Basically, get better at harassing. You can’t just rush in and get kills anymore. That’s specifically what she was put in the game to stop.


I still think it’s funny how the best way to avoid a hero designed to counter mobile heroes such as tracer and genji is having mobility to stay away from her range, I really feel like she is much more oppressive and annoying to deal with when you have NOTHING to do once she gets close to you, than when you can just blink or dash away when she gets too close. She counters so many immobile heroes right now. At first I thought Brigitte would be super fun to have on your team, my favorite support to play as is Ana, and I always loved the idea of having a support that could support me and help me to defend myself from flankers, but as it turns out every Brigitte on my team plays on the front lines so she can be constantly bashing people and healing, and is good for protecting nothing other than herself.

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If you feel that her shield bash is OP and needs nerfing, then you need to rotate power to her healing.

I can agree to a power reshuffle on brigitte’s abilities, not a flat nerf.

You cant remove brigitte’s utility and leave her healing the same atm, because its bad.

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She is not overpowered. Instead of complaining on the forums and being stubborn in your hero selection, why don’t you try to counter them? You’re ignoring the fact that Pharah exists.

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Have you tried swapping?


It’s nice to see a Tracer complain about something.

BOOM! Headshot!


Only her ultimate is OP.

You have to understand that Flankers have ran supreme for almost 1.5 years now against supports, but the moment Blizzard adjusts this with 2 heroes that can actually defend themselves and potentially shut those flankers down. They come on here crying for nerfs to said heroes. Sorry but it is ridiculous. Tracers and Genji’s say it “isn’t fun” to play against. Now they know how it feels to play a support where it is so damn hard to survive with a flanker on their nuts constantly and how “un fun” that is…


If her stun was on a shorter cd than it would be too easy to bait out and ignore and she wouldn’t be a proper dive counter( see roadhog). People are getting too worked up over balance concerns when the character hasn’t even hit comp yet. I’m sure it’s frustrating for flanker fans now since she’s so popular in qp, but the novelty will wear off and you’ll stop seeing her in every game.

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Well let’s wait for her to be playable in comp and in OWL.

If she’s “senselessly OP”, then Tracer won’t be picked at all in OWL.

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Tracer wrecks Brigitte.

Where are all these people who think a 600hp shield is easy to take down when my team needs to kill three 200hp squishies?

Are they just super good at hitting shields rather than characters or something?

Just for fun I looked at your Top heroes for quick play and competitive, guess what… Most of the heroes you play with the most time can win against Brigitte…

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Correct-o-mundo, way to hit the nail on the head.

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Gee, it’s almost like she was specifically designed with countering flankers in mind… It’s almost like they were trying to give us an option to break away from the dive meta strat of picking off a support and snowballing from there every single match. It’s almost like people have been tired of flankers being the uncontested dominant force in the game. It’s almost like the game consists of more than just flankers.

Nah, that’s ridiculous. Nerf her into the ground and give Genji and Tracer a couple buffs while you’re at it.


Its very difficult to kill Brigitte as Mei or as Sombra.

-With Mei, you’re just not going to win.
-You cannot freeze her, both Brigitte’s Stun and Knockback are on too short cooldowns to ever freeze Brigitte.
-Your icicles dont do enough damage to break her barrier fast enough for it to matter, Brigitte will get away or her teammate will intervene.
-If Brigitte simply melee’s Mei, she can out Armor Mei’s damage anyway.

-With Sombra, a win is more likely but still, its too easy for Brigitte to simply turn towards you with her Shield up, when you attempt to Hack.
-Sombra can keep her distance from Brigitte’s Shield Bash and dodge the Whip Shot, but Sombra cannot burst down Brigitte due to her passive armor building on melee hit.

Oh look its another dps main complaining about their counter. Simple answer you’er a tracer avoid her. Yes her combo is frustrating, but so is that tracer buzzing around.


So the solution to 1 hero is make 6 heroes fit against her? You’re implying 1 hero needs to be countered by entire enemy team and that is not OP? …

Ooooof these forums are getting dumber by the minute…

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So, Brigitte is overpowered because she can combo Tracer? wow the favoritism.