Brigitte is how the devs want her to be


(Your pool of tears do not count as proof)

The one where momentum things stun her as well? like charge +bash= both lying down? Please don’t make me get it.

go get where the Devs said another nerf is coming. I will wait. i have another 5 hours easy of sitting here

The only thing that annoys me is you can’t walk in front of her shield to shoot her like you can with Rein. So the only way is to break her shield(lol), the Brigette screwed up by putting down her shield when she has almost no speed penalty with it up or you play heroes that ignores her shield entirely.

Brigitte leads the next highest support by 5% in winrate over all ranks.

She. is. freaking. OP.

For reference there is less than 5% from the next highest support to Mercy.


20 chars of mumbling obscenities

great now you can stop crying, she is getting nerfed

Post says brig is where devs want her, I replied. No complaints yet,l just replying to OP’s assumption.

Checkmate to those who complain she’s too hard to kill*

Now for other complaints…

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yknow, they probably oughta keep that a secret

Yeah i am really glad the collision fix is coming

What they need to do is fix the bug that makes anyone one who faces brigitte lose 1000 skill points

No matter if you’re for or against Brig, it doesn’t matter. Devs don’t consult the forums for rework/balancing guidance. That’s why they have a whole team of gameplay designers


No. That’s not how we work. We let new people complain when new people get upset, the rest of us upvote it and try and explain to those who disagree why they are fallacious. We don’t become an echo chamber.

Scattuh. Lucio speed revert on wallride.

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That would be a horrible mistake for any developer. Feedback from your actual customers is an absolute requirement for… well, anything.


the devs haven’t listen to the forums for any rework, ever

Why would it change now
Mercy mega-thread ignored
Bastion mega-thread ignored
Sym PTR changes ignored

The forums are just a group of children screaming and crying


No one ever said Blizzard don’t make horrible mistakes… at least, not anyone who’s ever played one of their games.

Once again, lucio speed revert. Look it up, Lucio almost lost his speed on rollouts

You’re not more of an authority than the people who are just as adamant that it IS her damage that is the problem, or that it is her suvivability. No one can even agree on what the issue is, which says a lot about all these imaginary “problems.”

People STILL can’t figure out how to play around this character? Okay, this is what you do. You know that shield she carries that is REQUIRED for her to not only approach safely, but also Shield Bash? Yeah, that one. Here’s what you do. You take your gun, and, now stay with me here, you shoot the barrier. Because believe it or not, that thing doesn’t have infinite health. And believe it or not, she can’t shield bash without it. And believe it or not, she dies 1v6 without it.

So if you’re playing Orisa or something and you see Brig walking through your barrier at your supports, don’t just drop your hands and give up. Pick up that gun attached to your arm and shoot her. I promise you this will save your healers’ lives. The same goes for any other hero with a gun. Please stop acting like she carries around Symmetra’s ult. At the very least, breaking it will force her to retreat. So stop spreading these lies that there is nothing you can do to protect people from her. It’s blatantly untrue and this attitude is not healthy for the community.


I swear to Jeff, it’s so funny and sad, every time I play Brig, (well almost every time), I get so many ez kills because nobody shoots my shield. they see it and think it’s rein shield subconsciously. So many times I think in my head ‘please dont shoot my shield please dont do it…’ and they don’t and I am able to get into lethal range


Brig only has as much power as you give her.