Brigitte Hero Concept

Hey guys,

Now that Brigitte has a good chance to be Hero 27, I’d like to share the concept I made a few months ago for her.

Hero: Brigitte
Role: Tank
Subrole: Brawler
Occupation: Adventurer. Reinhardt’s Sidekick
HP: 100 + 400 Armor

Playstyle: Brigitte´s defining trait is using a personal shield to get into battle and prevent damage agains her. She’s a Tank, but just like Roadhog she doesn’t provide much protection to her team except when acting as a meat shield herself. She has high survaibability. Her tankiness comes from her being able to be in the frontline and take a beating. Her Ult allows her to defend a specific area by herself. She provides some utility to teammates by granting them increased healing. Her playstile would be reminiscent of the archetypical paladin of other fantasy games.

Look and feel: Brigitte would ideally look like a Sci-Fi or Futuristic version of Johanna (HotS and Diablo). Her color scheme and armor would look a lot like this skin from Battleborn’s Galilea. Brigitte would wear the armor pieces, unlike Reinhardt’s that’s clearly a suit.


LMB - Magnetic Flail / Brigitte uses a flail that connects the ball and handle with magnetic energy (no chain) / Melee works in combos. One click will launch the flail straight into the crosshairs direction (will ideally end up hitting the floor after the swing) / Range 5 meters in a straight line or arc / Keeping LMB pressed will cause Brigitte to swing the flail overhead in 3 fast arcs. / Base damage 65 hp on first direct hit. Combo starts 1 second after first swing. next arc strikes have a rate of 0.25 per second. Arc swings damage 55 hp per hit

Magnetic Flail looks like the Scorpion Flail of Ratchet and Clank. Or now, like that hammer and chain just released on twitter!

RMB - Defensive Stance / Brigitte raises her shield in front of her to absorb incoming damage. This shield is physical, not energy. Brigitte can protect herself with the shield but cannot attack while sustaining it. / Absorbs 1000 damage / Shield doesn’t regenarate hit points. Once it has absorbed 1000 damage, Brigitte cannot raise her shield for 8 seconds. Once it’s off cooldown it starts again with 1000 hp. / 10% speed reduction.

E - Shield Throw / Brigitte throws her shield, dealing 100 damage and stunning the enemy for 2 seconds / max range 20 mts. / Projectile speed 40 meters per second / Shield uses magnetic energy to bounce back to Brigitte after hitting a target or reaching max range / while throwing the shield, brigitte cannot enter defensive stance / 8 second cooldown / shield can be thrown while Defensive Stance is on cooldown.

Shift - Biotic Enhancer / Brigitte presses a button in the chest of her armor and it emits a wave of biotic enhancing energy / Brigitte and allies around her in a 5 meter radius take 60% increased healing from allied sources for 5 seconds (doesn’t apply to healthpacks). / cooldown 10 seconds

Ultimate - Resonance Field / Brigitte slams her shield on the ground and plants it. Resonance from the slam creates a damage immune zone for Brigitte that lasts 8s. 6 meter radius from shield. After the 8 seconds, shield uses magnetic energy to bounce back to Brigitte.

Anyways, that’s my take on the character. I know several see her as a builder and this is not exactly that.

As an engineer I figured she would build her armor, weapon and shield.

I’d love to hear your comments :slight_smile:

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I’m starting to hear a lot of news about Brigitte being the next hero. Can anyone confirm this and if she is what would she play as?

A little late to the party, but I think I got some things right :smiley:

My initial post is from november 2017 :stuck_out_tongue: