@Brigitte haters

Yup, first two aren’t viable at high ranks. Pharah is going to be less viable with Ashe. And only a tiny few people are good with Sombra.

They said, are to familiar with the concept of GOATs?

sombra counters goat just hack the lucio or brig and ur team goes in boom! win or just get an ana and anti nade them

Considering about 80% of the esports teams are GOATs variants in OWWC, I wouldn’t say they are fully countered.

goats is easily countered by just using 1 ability the anti nade because goats rely on healing to stay alive

As a Zen main I’d rather defend myself than play with a Brig. Her design is just bad, she’s a suffocating presence. If they toned down her team-wide armor and burst heals she’d feel much fairer. It might even be fun to play her if there was some kind of challenge to her, if you couldn’t have armor on your entire team 24/7 and actually had to choose who to peel for and be in the right place to do so and predict the enemy’s actions… that might be fun for both the Brig and the enemy team.

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her kit is to counter dive so the armor pack is good for the dive target

Hack is unreliable, and landing an antinade past shields and dva matrix is hard. And bubble clears the anti.

true, but depends on what kind of tanks they are using but bubbles only help her and 1 teammate so you cans still go in

So…Brigitte is fine even if she single handedly counters the meta because she’s supposed to do so.

Nice argument OP

I’d take dive any day of the week

She already has her bash, boop and auto-aim primary to counter dive though. The burst heal is unnecessary strong on top of all that, it could be toned down a bit.

the devs don’t like dive comp so that’s why they designed her :slight_smile:

And that justifies her being balanced?

Do you know how to structure an argument?

she is balanced she got many nerfs like rally and especially the shield bash so be grateful fool

Incidentally the devs are probably going to do this:

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Hope after that change people will stop being a baby

And Tracer’s job is to click on their heads. That doesn’t stop them from having unintended repercussions, like how Tracer’s pulsebomb got nerfed because it was too good against Tanks.

Brig was designed like that, yes, but she because the queen in dueling and it took nothing to achieve it.

She has thee most powerful abilities at her fingertips, and all she has to do is point and click.

I’d rather have Dive back because then Tracer goes back to looking UP in gold. People have amnesia and don’t remember the discussions of Tracer being UP below Diamond, even while Dive was rampant… in higher ELOS.

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Got many nerfs =/= balanced.

So I’m supposed to praise jesus that Blizzard finally is trying (but failing) to fix a broken piece of a hero, which they should have done so in the first place?

You sir really have no idea how to debate. Your points are the exact opposite of brigitte–Brittle, frail, easily defeated

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nerfs= balances heros u noob


oh wait sorry