Brigitte got pushed down the gutter this patch

yeah the lucio and zen one is going to be rough, no more crazy ultimates, no more crazy damage, much longer time on lucio boops much less damage, mercy will be fine because most mercies don’t believe in her gun but they will mourn the ress and the big nerf to damage boost.

anas nade will no longer anti-heal or deal damage, sleepdart is now a melee ability and her damage is now lowered to 40 dmg per shot.

baptiste? even longer charge time on boots to 5 seconds, lowered damage to 35 per burst, heal is now halved.

like honestly i don’t even know if the rest of the supports can handle this change.

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Brig was not useable in 2/2/2 if the other team was not getting in close on her by mistake.

Honestly do you want old Brig back without any nerfs or what? So Tracer and Genji will be deleted from Pro Play forever???

I’m very passionate about supports and I never even wanted to play Brig and Moira in several months Brig even longer.

Guess what happened… Brig will heal more now and use more useful in more situations, and Moira got a Buff as well, guess it’s time to go back to those heroes and get excited! :heart_eyes:

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Please, I beg you, go on my profile and read my posts. You will then understand why Brig will not heal more (even less) and why she needs some buffs.
Thank you!


Exactly, and to an extent, I believe Blizz purposely under-powered her for a period of time as penance for her prior sins.

go play brig and tell me how that goes on the ptr, i did and it’s boring as hell.

might aswell pick mercy, stand behind ashe and just damage boost her for the rest of the game.


Better to be underpowered and have small buffs.

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While I do agree with some of it, brig has recived almost a New Nerf every patch. Even if you could say nerfing the shield to be, “Fin,” why could they dropped it to 400.

Honestly I always like the idea of her being a healer with the hp/survival abilities of a tank pre 2.2.2 where some comps you were lucky to have a single off tank. So the heal reworks are ok but I hope they start buffing her flail more in the further. Because she was already easy enough to burst down but now she will have no answer to any range heros.

Brigitte has no real role any more. She is not a “true support” like some claim because her repair pack is effectively Mercy’s old Heal beam on CD. For 2 seconds you get 60hps, wee. You have 3 uses with some delay before you hit a wall of a CD. It can’t “stack” and only resets the timer if more dmg comes in.

Her passive requires her to hit things and now she lacks the survivalist to get close enough to do so. Her damage dealing ability is very situational and garbage. She has almost no use at range and her Ult which takes twice 22% longer to charge was never that great to begin with.

She does no dmg, provides unreliable healing and her Ult won’t save any one. She’s a pretty lousy support.


Its almost as if certain heroes have such stupid design choices at their core.

Baguette was supposed to be a hero to protect the backline.
Instead due to her passive, she was on the frontline due to her stupid amount of sustain.
Bad design.

15% dmg boost now.
We felt that mercy was too good at enabling her team on an individual dmg basis. It made tanks too strong. This change should keep her not monopolize utility placements

Zen nerfed back to 200 and then 150 hps
Lucio barrier 150 max added

We felt that it worked well for mercy to use valkyrie not as a defensive tool and wanted this to go to Zen and Lucio. It felt unfun to get your ultimate as zarya, coordinate with your dps ally, and have it cancelled by Lucio or Zen. We feel they still are very strong ultimates, but no longer a must pick ability

Saint _ have been in scores of games with Brigs compeletly out of position - we all know she has to hit something to heal (nvm her repair kit), but repeatedly, repeatedly for a character designed to protect the backline… there she was in the front, or most often, out of range for her heal and out front on her own because her sustain was too great. Her kit was flawed, but people didn’t even try to play her as a defensive support 90% of the time, she was offensive. Now, she’s finally getting re-tuned to be where she should have been, in the back-line as a healer more often working in tandem with the other healer.


Pretty much, any hero designed with a “niche” in mind usually fail. Because they are rubbish at everything outside of that Niche but considered “OP” if they are too good in that one area. Look at the likes of Bastion, Sombra etc. They can only really do one thing, but they are not allowed to do that thing because people hate the idea of a freaking giant Gatling gun cannon doing more dmg than a 6 shot pistol.


Of course I will read your posts, give me a few minutes!

But whatever happenes to her the new direction is way better I wanna heal more and I’d take a 200hp shield any day if I can be useful in more situations!

You can’t forget that she has 3 healing charges and more passive healing if she initiates her Passive once.

Of course I don’t deny her playstle will be different, it will be a huge change! But it’s just PTR they might buff other things about her, if it feels really bad!

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All Brigitte mains wanna heal more. Yet it’s not what we get.

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zen damage nerf and ult nerf so he heals 100hps in trans would be still pretty good, not op but good, he’s no longer invincible during it either.

lucio added one more change, no speedboost and can no longer “wallride” but he can still jump off walls, but he doesn’t gain any altitude from doing so.

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I had to laugh when I read this…

Only if you had one shot kill potential. Otherwise, while she may not be killing you, you weren’t doing much either.

Brig supporters are still just as clueless about why her release version was ridiculously OP I see.


Let me give you one example maybe you understand then what they are trying to do with her!

Ana has no shield and 0 passive heals but she can heal much faster and more but has to aim!
And has a nade for herself.

Brig has more HP has a 200hp shield has a passive aura that she can trigger.
But she heals a lot slower but she does not need to aim!

Maybe that’s the direction they want to take her in! I do believe it must feel weird and she might be needing in small tiny buffs but they wanted to get the save route, just don’t expect too much back!

They might increase her healing output a tad bit or close range damage a bit if it turns out to be too weak!
But she will never get her shield back because 250hp plus a 200hp shield is still a lot!


ok :slight_smile:

we felt it was unfair that mccree could flashbang and kill someone during the duration so we lowered the stun duration to 0.1, it’s now only to stun characters out of their respective channeling abilities.

we felt that tanks did too much damage so now all their damage is halved, also they were too good at all levels of play so now every ability they have is halved.