Brigitte Gameplay Q&A with Geoff Goodman

Overall, will Brigitte be able to heal as much as other healers, such as Moira and Mercy?

Any plans to implement an in game Guild system in the future? I think it would help decrease toxicity in game.


Will we be forced to defend with brigitte on almost all matchs because the enemy can come with the dive?

Right now we are forced to defend with 1 or 2 pharah counters, because the enemy “can” come with pharahmercy…

Will there ever be a slow ability? Like Lucio but the opposite. Could be hero targeting or like a puddle on the ground which slows the enemies if they walk over it.

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You and the rest of the development team have done amazing jobs with every hero addition, and their skins and designs are amazing. However, some new heroes have been nerfed very recently after they were released. Do you believe this will happen with Brigitte?

Every hero goes through a ton of changes throughout internal development! We have great tools to work worth so often instead of just talking about what might or might not be cool we can just throw something together and try it out.

For example, her ult started out very ‘kitchen sinky’. It used to do all of these things (at the same time):

  • Gave her a ton of upfront armor for herself (I think it was like 150?)
  • Armor regen for everyone
  • Speed boost
  • Made her shield solid metal which made it indestructible.
  • Made it so if she shield bashed you while using this shield, you were knocked down like a Reinhardt ult, instead of just staggered.

Obviously this was pretty crazy but it was interesting to see what elements people really liked. Ultimately we decided to clean it up and get it down to what really mattered. Plus the stun thing was super overpowered :slight_smile:


Will you ever change existing maps to accommodate new heroes’ skill or move set?

During creation of Brigitte, did development go the same way as in other developing clips shown at Blizzcon? Hanzo’s dragons used to be big worms, :laughing:, were any of Brigitte’s abilities or weapons different or reused from other heroes?

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Any plans on Mercy balance and her Res? Are you interested in the idea of making it an earned ability much like a mini ult and removing slow and cast time? I would really appreaciate a response, thanks.


the solid shield idea in particular sounds very interesting. any plans to port this onto a tank in the future?


I have a question regarding all of the heroes released so far. Only 1.5 heroes have been hitscan: Sombra and Scoped Ana. With addition of Brigitte it certainly seems like the game is shifting more toward MOBA-like heroes than FPS game heroes, are there any plans for new hitscan heroes in the future?

I think this game wasnt supposed to be an FPS to begin with as it has elements of mobas mixed with fps-like gameplay

we have lots of hitscan gun using heroes though…I want something diversed like a flame thrower, primary sword weilding, harpoon type gun etc

Why is it that you chose to lock Brigitte until the next season…
Why can’t we just keep the timer the way it is now? And then you could do it for the next hero and line up the release with season 11?

This is a good question. Obviously by the time a hero comes out we’ve done more playtesting on it than anyone else, so we generally have some things on our ‘watch list’ for any given hero.

For Brigitte there are a few things we’re keeping a close eye on.

  • Is there too much max health gain potential now? Is Torb/Brigitte/Sym going to be some crazy thing where you stack Tracer up with so much health she becomes nearly unkillable for example?
  • Is her ultimate too strong? The fact that half of it can linger indefinitely and how powerful armor can be in the game, it might just be too strong overall.
  • Her stun burst combo. Even though she has fairly low DPS across the game as a whole, she can put out quite a bit of damage if you shield bash -> melee -> whip shop and it is fairly safe since they can’t really act until they are flying away from you.

This list is mostly a ‘this might be OP’ list, but there are other things we really want to keep an eye on such as making sure her Inspire passive feels useful and powerful, and making sure her ultimate is worth using in combat instead of only outside of combat for the lingering armor.


but it’s literally a first person shooter game primarily, it was advertised as such and mechanically and technically speaking it is an FPS game to its core with MOBA elements, not the other way around since other way around isn’t possible…

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Are you planning on doing more Q&A posts like this one?


I have a question about buffing/nerfing, as we will most likely see the topics on Brigitte when she goes LIVE on competitive mode.

Who’s opinion is the most valuable to you when it comes to this. Is it the pro’s and Overwatch League - or is it people like me, who play this game daily in ladder and enjoy seeing more heroes used than just Tracer, Genji, Winston, etc?

We recently saw Sombra getting a buff. A deserved one. Now you’re nerfing her within 3 weeks of her buff. Not much time to adapt, learn counterplay etc. Is it because the pro’s talked to you about it?


Are you concerned with the fact that buffing all these heroes, now Reaper and Mei, is hurting Reinhardt? He’s been a victim of powercreep over the past years, with all the mobility tanks generally outclassing him and a lot of his counters being buffed (Reaper, Mei, Doomfist, Junkrat).
Do you find this concerning? Do you think Brigitte can alleviate this in any way?

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Ok thanks everyone, we have to wrap this one up!

The good news is Brigitte is rolling out to the live game as we speak so you guys should be able to just go play her!

As always, keep the feedback coming!