Brigitte complains

Cubic and tatzecom

Go, go SensualSpud!


Hahahahaha thats a nice gif mate, where did you find that? :smiley:

And you forgot how small her shield is, if she isnt directly facing hog she can be hooked and killed

Okay I give up, I’m mid diamond and can counter every hero except brigitte, you win guys

Nevermind she won’t be nerf anymore since she’s barrely played in OWL and Blizzard is looking for Esport. Good thing a learning curve still exists in this game even some heroes require more skill than other, but the way the whole thing interact is still something to learn and work on in order to climb.

It’s on the forums. S T I C K E D

You can’t counter Brigitte as Tracer or you just can’t counter her ? Because when I play her I get pretty much destroyed by Phara/Junkrat and Doomfist can annoy me a lot

dude the sheild is not the end of youre life, just play some time in qp (there are a butt load of brigittes there) and see waht goes against her instead of staying on the forums all day

I’m all out of likes, and I really want to give you some love with these hearts, but the forums say NEIN

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I hardly play tracer, I just find brigitte to be close to immortal

As I said, I give up, I’m trash I understand

Have one from me.

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Thanks fam :smiley: Made my day :DDD

Does that mean Symmetra is a tank? :thinking:

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how come? 20 characters

I gave him one for you too mate ^^

Why should she be a tank?

She’s got an 1000 HP shield which is more than Brig and Orisa.


I thought it was OVER 9000

which can only be deployed once in a short time and it disapears

I’m saying I give up and you just continue smh