Brigitte and Mercy are very similar

Brigitte and Mercy are extremely similarly designed heroes after their reworks believe it or not. Maybe not in playstyle, but definately in the impact of their abilities

  1. Auto Aim Single Target Primary Heal that’s better for DPS than Tanks
    (Repair Pack, Caduceus Staff)
  2. Ability that helps allies secure kills
    (Shield Bash, Damage Boost)
  3. Self Healing Passive
    (Inspire, Regeneration)
  4. AOE Sustain Ultimate that gives them added mobility
    (Rally, Valkyrie)
  5. Deal less Damage on average compared to Healing Output

It makes sense if you think about it. Brigitte grew up with Mercy as a family friend and has voicelines acknowledging that she met Mercy in the hospital not on the battlefield. (“Angela it’s so strange seeing you in your armor”).

I’d consider Brigitte and Mercy “pocket healers” because they’re more focused on keeping individuals alive rather than groups. They don’t have the healing output to keep up with Ana/Baptiste/Moira as “main healers” . But they also have higher healing than Lucio/Zen and don’t have defensive ultimates to be true “off healers”


It’s a strange place to be in, neither a main healer or an off-healer. Both with a messy kit design.


They are kind of a middle term healer, low output for main healers, high output for off healers.

If your team is able to kill and stay alive, you could pair them with off-healers. If your team is struggling, it’s better to pair them with main healers or play two main healers.
Something like that…


I was going to guess “Blizzard deleted most of their player agency from their kit.”. But what you said is true too.


which honestly feels “weird”. i mean they’re fine (i can make them work), but at the same time they’re not when you look at them design-wise. it feels like they’re so far from their either their intended use or how their playerbase want to use them, or even both. mercy was best in juggling and pocketing was considered bad play back in the day. brigitte used to be a front liner, not it feels she’s best at the back lines (despite having a shield). it’s like they went 180 degrees after the reworks

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Oh I believe it. And I have another way that they’re similar for you.

  1. There’s hardly ever a reason to bring Brigitte or Mercy over one of the other healers.

That said, Mercy is better than Brigitte right now. She has better survivability than Brigitte because of guardian angel, she can keep better and more consistent uptime on her healing than Brigitte, and damage boost is better utility than Brigitte provides in nine out of ten situations.

Both of them need buffs. Brigitte needs buffed more.


When you put it that way I guess I can kinda see it

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Most of the supports are based on:

  • High range + Low mobility;
  • Low range + High mobility.

Problem is both are bad against

  • Close range + High sustain + CC abilities comps.

Brig was the only support that was not like that, but she contributed to the problem. Her kit seems somewhat weird now.

id argue that mercy doesn’t need a “net buff” but like an “alternate play” without overall making her more powerful.

if you agree she was fine at 60hps, then continue reading, but if not dont because im tired at people thinking she was op during prework. anyway, mercy is stuck at 50hps because of how strong cd rez can potentially be, but at the same time cd rez is extremely situational. so what if mercy had an alternate e ability, that shares the same 30s cd with rez. this would activate when there s not a rez target in range, and give mercy 60hps for a duration. this way it gives mercy her powerful hps back but at the cost of a potential rez. this gives mercy her juggling capabilities back to a degree as well. also bigmainlittlechains need to be a thing so juggling is a thing during valk :confused:

as for brig i feel like she’s in a weird state because the devs are trying to make her, in their words, a “primary healer”. but it feels awkward because her kit still feels like she’s supposed to be an off healer. :confused:

Methinks you might enjoy this. Just… maybe don’t try to use the workshop stuff… I have no idea what kind of state I left it in.

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cool thanks. tho i’m going to bed now, i’ll try to check it tomorrow. that being said ill give a short uhhh initial thought on the GA 15HP thing. could be useful and would very much help juggling to a degree, but i think one of mercy’s downfall in comparison to the other healers is the sheer difference it takes for her to heal a tank back to health. a one time 15hp isn’t really going to make that easier by much :confused: i’ll try to remember checking out your thread when i wake up no promises tho. that being said it s so cool you can do this in the workshop, and even cooler that you actually did these kinds of things!

That is a perfectly fair point… which I ended up agreeing with and I upped it to 25 and 50 in Valkyrie when I actually built the thing in the workshop.

Quick side note, with GA’s CD being 1.5 seconds, perfect usage of that ability is pretty much +10 HPs. It’s just slightly more bursty, harder to use, and riskier than just giving her a 60 HPS beam.

And both have been reworked into gutter tier

I wonder if this is why I’m better with new Brig than I was with old brig.

They’re not gutter tier. MAYBE Brig at the very top of the ladder but anywhere else she’s actually pretty decent.