Brigette punishes BAD POSITIONING

That’s not necessarily true, just like you can’t say if widow sniped you that you were out of position. Sometimes you just can’t avoid those things. You can take steps to stay out of their effective range or line of sight, but at some point they will make a great/coordinated play or you will be forced into an action.

I recently made a huge thread about how to tackle playing as Brigitte and playing against her. I would appreciate it if you gave it a read and gave me some feedback. I’m looking for help improving the guide and I think it can help you as well.

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I didn’t say that you said that, I was simply pointing out the fact that the problem is not Brig herself, but people not playing accordingly to her, therefore Brig is just fine.

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I didn’t say the rein moved, I said the brig turned the corner and did a 6m bash on the rein.

While that’s afact and is what all good players say, it doesn’t change the fact that a great deal of the community STILL doesn’t realize this is a FPS with focuses on match-ups/teamwork.

So then they go in solo with Tracer, who has a bad match-up with Brigitte, and wonder why - oh why - they lose.

Clearly it’s because Brigitte is ezmode to use and can win every fight. Despite having a 7m effective range, giant hurtbox, and a shield that can’t block AoE. Soooo ezmode, braindead, and perfect. Yep. That’s it. Pls nerf. :^)))


Symmetra used to do that to players and look what they did to her.

a 200 hp 50 armor support, possibly 200hp 150 armor support with a roadhog in her pocket as a shield and is much easier/more consistent at doing her combo than roadhog on top of being harder to hit. There fixed it for you although I suppose her shield is more like a mini roadhog now with the hp nerf.

Hi, I’m a Roadhog One-Trick.

People don’t want Roadhog to be viable because he punishes poor positioning.

The single best way to improve in Overwatch is to ignore EVERYONE ELSE, and focus on yourself. Not how well you did either. Ignore that. How did you go wrong?

That’s how you improve. Naturally, over 50% of the community is below Diamond. The reasoning for this is constant blame on others, or belittlement of themselves rather than focusing on training and improving.

It doesn’t matter WHO it is for punishing bad positioning. They complain because they refuse to accept that it was THEIR mistake.

Sombra when she was first released.
Sombra after the hack buffs.
Doomfist throughout his cycle (when played by a good Doomfist)
Roadhog 1.0
Roadhog 2.0
Roadhog 3.0
Brigitte (all)

It literally doesn’t matter how long it’s been in the game.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a DPS, a Tank, or a Hybrid.
It doesn’t matter to them.

It’s not hard to understand.
It’s hard to choose to understand.


She isn’t a problem now but she was at launch. It was impossible to 1v1 her as Genji or Tracer but now you can easily.

Then there’s me who doesn’t even pull that crap because I get decimated the moment I try to from focus fire lol.

Negative winrate? so Below 50%? Coz if i pull up the last week of stats post nerf, she is well over, with the highest OVERALL winrate of all the ranks, and is in at least the top 5 heroes with more than a 1% pickrate by winrates.

Shes definitely not nerfed into negative winrate. That’s just not true.

That is a legitimate high rank strategy Brig players above gm use, Perma-flank brig. It seems to be a thing. PVPTwitch talked about it on an overwatch channel.

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So… you are telling me that Brig was a problem because the heroes she counters couldn’t 1v1 her? My god… I understand now, nothing to do here.


So Rein is always out of position then? Oh then a team being on point is obviously out of position as well?

Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have an opinion.

If one character can make it so everything else is out of position: your balance team should be out of position as well.


Pretty sure everyone punishes for bad positioning. I haven’t actually seen anybody say this is the reason we hate Brigitte. The reasons I see are legit reasons that aren’t being made up, like

  • Being behind a Rein shield that suddenly disappears
  • Trying to do your job then getting stunned before you can run
  • Having no counter play
  • Her survivabilty
  • The fact she doesn’t counter the Genjis and Tracers people are so upset about
  • High reward with no skill
  • No kind of aim needed
  • Just having her on your team is a threat
  • Makes it almost impossible to kill flankers due to burst heals
  • Shield health:size
  • Isn’t like an off tank or healer at all (can play literally anywhere and be fine)
  • Takes 3+ people to kill her after her team has died
  • She can’t be killed until her team is killed

and so on. People who are defending her are the only ones bringing up the “bad positioning” reason and just use extreme cases to destroy good arguments

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Doomfist and Mei can also do this. Characters like Junkrat and Pharah can displace the Reinhardt, achieving the same effect.

You got stunned because you were within six meters of the Brigitte. Have some awareness and approach the fight in an intelligent manner and that won’t happen nearly as much.

Incorrect. There are characters who can straight up delete Brigitte. Most of the tanks can counterplay her, at least three of the healers can counterplay her, and all of the DPS, even the ones who Brig supposedly “hard counters” can counterplay her, and the counterplay for Brigitte is actually incredibly simple. Her effective range is six meters, one of the lowest effective ranges in the game. Even Mei’s freeze ray has a longer reach than Brigitte with her melee and stun. Do you run right up on a Mei? Do you walk up to a McCree who still has his flashbang? No. Treat Brigitte the same way and you won’t get CCed.

Her survivability is balanced with her low mobility, low damage, and low healing.

She fullfills the function against Genji and Tracer that she was put into the game to do. Even with them out ranging Brigitte, she can still threaten them and peel them off the backline.

No skill? You seem to think that mechanical execution like aim is the only form of skill in a game like this, right? If you think that, then I suppose you think Winston and Reinhardt also take no skill, eh? Brigitte requires the same sort of skillset as Winston and Rein just to keep herself alive while also having to juggle the responsibilities of supporting her team and peeling for the backline. Yeah. Keep saying that she’s a “no skill” character. It only shows that you haven’t played her, which is probably why you’re complaining about her. You don’t know the matchup.

I see her as a liability on my team a lot of the time. If I’m on Junkrat, Pharah, Mei, Hanzo, or Widowmaker, an enemy Brigitte is a free kill for me nearly 100% of the time. Her pick rate is low because she is a niche pick that only works against specific comps on specific maps in specific situations. As soon as any of those variables change, Brigitte becomes a liability instead of a threat.

No it doesn’t. Her burst heal often times won’t reach the flanker before they die, wasting the cooldown, and any dps in the game can burst down a squishy during the activation and travel time of Brigitte’s armor pack, and if not, you can definitely kill them when it’s on cooldown.

500 health. Nerfed from 600. I can 1clip Brigitte’s shield with Junkrat and kill her with a mine combo. You mention the size of her shield, but it only covers her from the front, and even then doesn’t do a very good job of covering her. It curves in at the bottom, and it’s so small that characters like Pharah and Junkrat can actually hit her with splash damage by shooting the edges of the shield from directly in front of her.

She can’t play anywhere and be fine. She has to be within six meters to be proccing her Inspire in order to be useful to her team. This puts her at risk of being focused down, and last time I checked, it’s usually a good idea to focus healers first. Not only that, Brigitte is incredibly easy to poke and kite due to her low mobility. She absolutely needs to take up proper positioning around her team and use corners, objects, and terrain to her advantage.

I can solo kill her with any dps, most of the tanks, and like three healers. If you don’t believe me, I’d be more than happy to 1v1 your Brigitte with every character on the roster to show you just how easy it is to kill her.

Yes she can. I do it all the time with Junkrat, Pharah, Mei, Hanzo, and Widow. Oh and Reinhardt.

There’s nothing “good” about your arguments. In fact, a lot of them are straight up incorrect. :slight_smile:


Saying a hero punishes bad positioning just guarantees they’ll be nerfed into Oblivion, and then some.

Just look at Hog.

This might be true some of the time, but do not convince yourself this is 100% all the time.

Sometimes being on the objective and fighting with your team and getting killed by Brigitte isn’t bad positioning😂


Alright. Let’s start here. I’m going to make a pretty good assumption you’re just here to argue and not actually think about other people’s points. Especially since the sentence before all these reasons is

No where do I say these are my reasons. Now let’s start into your “counters”

I don’t ever recall a Mei making a Rein shield disappear instantly. Same with Doomfist. I always see a Mei holding M1 trying to freeze a Rein while her team closes in to help. Doomfist you can hear coming and he’s probably going after a support or squishy and not the front line that doesn’t matter to him. You forgot to add Lucio to that list of displacement heroes, but look back at my first point with Mei. They just move him around. His shield doesn’t just disappear leaving his team 100% open to other attacks without counter play or knowing when exactly he’s going to be tossed around

Are you seriously calling me and most of the playerbase clueless? Have you even joined voice in a competitive game in the last 5 months? Everyone’s always yelling for a callout for where Brigitte is at. Also, please tell me how in a team fight I can stay 6 meters away from only her and keep her 6 meters away the entire fight. I’m honestly interested in knowing how you do this without being useless or dead. And before you say Pharah or Junk, think about how effective they really are and how much they actually help their team in a game

Tanks have to be within 6 meters to be effective, which makes your last argument invalid. If a support is trying to take out Brigitte alone, they’re probably not doing their job and the rest of their team is already dead or watching them try to take her out after her team dies. The DPS can’t worry solely about Brigitte, they have many other things to do, especially when the other team is using snipers. If you mean Tracer and Genji as to who she hard counters, then you’re right, but they have to be good and have the time invested that made them that good. But why would they be playing Tracer or Genji with hours invested in them instead of someone they can dominate with no time at all on? Again, please let me know how to always stay 6 meters away from Brigitte without being useless or dead. Mei doesn’t have a shield, or armor, and takes time to freeze you. It’s not instant (never has been so don’t really get the point you’re trying to make), and requires her to be able to stay on one person long enough without being interrupted. Did I ever say I just run straight at Brigitte? That assumption honestly needs to die because I haven’t heard a single complaint of “I can’t outplay Brigitte when I walk straight into her. This is unbalanced”. Mccree’s flash has a lot smaller range and a longer cooldown and he has to be able to shoot you after he uses it for it to mean anything. Also, I’ve seen almost everyone walk at a Mccree who’s had flash. If he’s not that skilled, then it’s useless, unlike Brigitte where you only have to turn in the person’s general direction and fly towards them and you have a good chance to stun them

Pretty sure her mobility isn’t low. She has more or the same damage output as an actual tank. And her healing makes it so you have to run and she just has to hold her shield and she’ll be back at full health with no extra help before you can come back to fight

I have yet to actually see her fulfill her function as a Tracer and Genji shutdown. The people who haven’t given up and moved to an easier hero almost never die or get countered by her. They’re more likely to do to a stray Hanzo arrow

I’m pretty sure no skill and no aim required are in 2 different categories. Does Brigitte take the knowledge to know when to jump into the middle or back of the enemy team? Does she take the knowledge to know when to drop a giant shield protecting her team for maybe a little bit of damage or to ult? No. She is nothing like Winston or Rein. Plus, her hitbox is a lot smaller and she heals herself. She doesn’t have to peel for her backline, she can just help take out the other team’s frontline and let her DPS or tanks deal with peeling, if she didn’t stop someone mid dive. I have actually played her, and I’ve won every single game I’ve played her in. I have 800 hours on D.Va and I get kills easier as Brigitte

This is extremely hard to believe. Especially since double sniper or goats is a big thing and you never know what will be ran. If it’s double sniper, it’s who has the better snipers. If it’s goats, it’s who can stall the longest. What game are you playing where her pickrate is low and her being played depends on the comp, map, and situation? I’ve seen her many times on every map in all 2 comps being played. Even in the random comps she gets played

If her heal doesn’t reach them then they were either LOS’ing her or she wasn’t paying attention. How do you shut down a blading Genji before he gets healed without an anti or a Brigitte of your own close enough to your backline to stop him? I’ve had to and have seen many people run from someone that was low they were chasing after because she healed them or gave them armor overflow

Great. Rein’s shield has 2000 health and is 8x as big, and loses health a lot faster. Her shield should be no more than 250HP. You can deal a massive amount of damage to anything if you hit all of Junk’s mines on it. That really does nothing with your argument. If Pharah and Junk are the end all answer to Brigitte, why aren’t they being played as much as her?

Again with my 6 meters question. If Inspire is up, that means she’s working on taking someone out, which means she’s either in the frontline or on someone that she got within range herself. Also, thanks for telling me to focus healers first. Look at my 6 meter question then try again with that. And how do you do poke damage to someone who can get it back by stunning, hitting, then throwing you back then putting a shield back up? How do you kite someone who can hit anything in front of her on her screen? She doesn’t need to use positioning when she can check around a corner first then decide if she wants to go or wait for her team

During or after a team fight? How do you solo her as a tank before her team gets back or before she almost kills you? Do you remember to heal your team or do you just go battle support to take her out as the supports? I’d take you up on your offer, but you forgot this isn’t about 1v1s, which is sad. You almost made it all the way without giving an almost logical counter

You really play Junk Pharah and Mei that much? I believe Mei and Hanzo because of wall and Spamzo, but killing her as Widow seems like luck or when a fight hasn’t started or just ended. Also, do you forget to shield your team while 1v1’ing her as Rein? Or is that also after the team fight is over?

Because she’s a brawler that generally sticks around on the point.

Being on the point isn’t being out of position, but it is where Brigitte can hit you.

tbh they need to swap the effects for shield bash and rocket flail. Being able to stun someone while staying safe behind a shield the entire time doesn’t leave any room for counterplay. “Staying far away” isn’t an option when Brig’s contesting the point.


also, Brig punishes flanking with constant CC and armoring people being targeted.