Brigette punishes BAD POSITIONING

They should be allowed to have an opinion, even if it sucks.

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Because a Brig can just solo flank and take out a support and almost the entire dps roster one v one (some exceptions).

Why is this so hard for you to see?

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I did think about the points made, though. Enough so that I was able to provide valid and reasonable counterpoints to each one on a point-by-point basis.

You’ve really never seen a Mei wall off a Rein and freeze him? No? I do it all the time. Hanamura defense is a great map for it. Doomfist may be going after a support or squishy, but his rocket punch does, in fact, stun and knockback. This can and does achieve the same effect as Brigitte using her combo on a Reinhardt should Doomfist decide to target the Rein. And Doomfist is able to do this every four seconds while Brigitte can only do it every seven seconds. Not to mention the fact that Doomfist also has the ability to launch Rein into the air with his uppercut, which also takes Reinhardt out of the fight for a few seconds and displaces him from where he was set up. Also, displacing Reinhardt is usually just as effective, if not more effective in some situations, as stunning him for a second. It often takes Reinhardt longer than a second to get back into position to protect his team.

Yes. I am not the smartest of players, and I have no trouble dealing with Brigitte. If I can deal with her, then players who cannot must truly be clueless and not understand the matchup. Just because someone is calling out where she is does not mean that know how to deal with her or that they’re not going to do something stupid. You can very well stay more than six meters away from her until she uses her shield bash. And if she uses it as a gap closer? She just used the cooldown and can no longer stun you. Just kill her. Pharah and Junkrat are completely viable options against Brigitte, and can offer plenty to their team being that they have mobility, extremely high burst damage, and the ability to splash/displace enemy heroes. Hanzo and Widowmaker are also very much viable options to completely shut down a Brigitte, as well.

This is a massive wall of text, but just reading the first sentence, I can already tell it’s going to a place where I’m going to call you wrong. Wrecking Ball’s damage falloff doesn’t start until fifteen meters.’s damage falloff doesn’t start until ten meters. Winston’s tesla cannon has a range of eight meters. Roadhog, especially with his right click, can fight from far outside of six meters. Zarya’s beam reaches sixteen meters. Orisa has no damage falloff and can, should she choose, shoot from across the map.

What this means is that the only tank who actually has to fight inside Brigitte’s effective range of six meters is Reinhardt, and he is very much able to, believe it or not. Nine times out of ten, when I’m on Rein and a Brigitte decides to try and fight me, she gets run over.

For your statements regarding dps, that’s a big jumbled mess and hard to read, but I can point out a couple of things right away that are uninformed and/or completely incorrect. Mei doesn’t have to stand still while she’s using her freeze ray. Your argument assumes that Mei has to stand still and cannot kite the Brigittte, which she absolutely can. McCree’s flashbang actually has a range of five meters, but the hitbox extends two meters in every direction from the point of impact. This makes its effective range seven meters, which out ranges Brigitte. Not only that, the hitbox for flashbang is actually much larger than the frontal cone that shield bash hits, and it can be aimed vertically as well, while Brigitte’s shield bash can only be aimed horizontally.

Brigitte does have low mobility. With the exception of her shield bash, Brigitte’s mobility is the same as Bastion’s when she’s at normal walking speed. If she uses her shield bash as a gap closer, then she’s not using it as a stun. If her shield is up, she walks slower. She is absolutely a low mobility character. To call her high mobility because she can use her shield bash for mobility would be like calling Reinhardt a high mobility character because of his charge.

I don’t think you know what I mean when I talk about threatening and peeling for the backline. Much like you do not have to kill a Brigitte to limit her effectiveness, you do not have to kill a flanker to limit their effectiveness. As long as she’s scaring them from going in and getting kills in the backline, she’s preventing them from operating as effectively as they should be.

She does take that sort of knowledge, though. Just on a smaller scale. Brigitte protects herself and can potentially protect another with her shield. She absolutely does take knowledge and sense knowing when to move between the front and back of a fight, especially when she needs to go help peel flankers. She absolutely needs to know when to drop her shield so that she can get hits in to keep her Inspire up. It’s very much the same sort of skillset as a tank, albeit on a smaller scale, while also having to juggle her role as a support and peel for the backline.

Her pickrate is low, though. She’s like the second least picked healer in the game right now, I’m pretty sure, and even when she is picked, usually two more healers are picked alongside her.

In my experience playing her, I’ve seen plenty of people die before my heal pack reaches them. As for a blading Genji, a McCree can damn near insta gib him with a flashbang combo. I stated a fact. Her armor pack has travel time, and it is very possible for a target, especially a low health one who would be a priority for a burst heal, to die before it reaches them.

I see Pharah a hell of a lot more often than I see Brigitte. And Brigitte’s shield really is not a lot of health to focus down. And the point that it’s a tiny shield that can be shot around went completely over your head. You’re probably one of the people who treat it as if Brigitte just has 750 health, I’m guessing.

Yes. Six meters. That is her effective range. All you’re doing is repeating yourself and showing that you don’t know how to stay out of the six meter effective range that she has. I’ll give you a big hint. It involves not walking at her. :slight_smile:

Ah ah ah ah ah don’t you go trying to move goalposts on me. Look at what I responded to with that. You said that it takes three or more people to kill Brigitte after her team is dead. I told you that I can 1v1 her on multiple characters, which I can. This means that in the situation you provided, she can absolutely be killed without the need for three or more players.

I play Junkrat and Mei quite a lot, yes, though not just to counter Brigitte. I play Junkrat a lot, because I was a demoman main in TF2, and his kit is something I was already somewhat accustomed to. I play Mei because she is hands down the most survivable character in the game, which makes her effective for me when solo queuing. When I’m playing Rein, I do not forget to shield my team, but I also have a pretty good idea of when to drop my shield and throw down. For example, on Hanamura attack point A. I’m in choke with my shield up, and Brig stuns me. After that, a short charge to the rock and she’s dead. Or I toss a fire strike and she’s usually dead because my team was shooting her when she pushed into the choke to shield bash me.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

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Sometimes being on the point is being out of position, though. You do not have to be on the point to kill people on it. Much in the same vein, you do not have to be on the point to defend it. If the attacking team is staggered and decides to trickle, do you allow them to set up or do you push forward, press your advantage, and kill them so that they remain staggered, keeping your team at an advantage?

Just because there’s a glowing square doesn’t mean you’re supposed to always be standing in it. That would be a huge limitation and put you at a huge disadvantage at all times regardless of whether you’re attacking or defending.

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You have to be on the point to capture or contest it.

I have strong feelings about standing in the big glowing square. I’ve noticed that I can’t win games if I let the enemy stand on it.

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That requires her ult. Her ult makes her harder to kill. It does its job.

Rein has 3 Roadhogs in his pocket as a shield.

It has a 6 metre range. Roadhog’s hook has a 20 metre range, and Roadhog’s underpowered at the moment.

Therefore she doesn’t have as much range or damage as him. Plus, she doesn’t have a 300 hp burst heal that reduces damage taken by 50%. Don’t try and compare them, because they’re nothing alike.


If a Brigitte hits you, you should assume the position.

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what does that even mean

And if this was really an effective solution there would be more soldier play.

Winston only does 30 dps to armor. If he jumps on her, she can combo him and get him out of range, healing up the jump pack damage he took. So he needs to save jump pack to reengage after she combos. Except he still can’t kill her before she gets whip flail back.

I don’t have her exact numbers but I’m pretty sure she can kill him 100% of the time 1v1 if she does combo at like 200 hp, starting from 250. Pretty sure Winston even has to reload in there at some point. If she has armor from her ult there’s no question.

LMAO dude i just said Tracer and Genji as an example. Can you imagine what she did to Mccree, Soldier, Winston, back then? any hero without burst damage just could not touch her at all. You could literally 1v1 a Hog and he wouldn’t do sh** because of your 4 seconds knockback and 5 seconds stun(preventing him from healing). Also, you’re missing the point of the “counter” term. You’re not supposed to easily destroy the ones you counter by pressing 3 buttons, it needs to be a fair duel like Winston and Genji which the best one wins. Are you saying that she was designed to counter all the others i said that aren’t dive? no? then quit making assumptions about people that you don’t even know about.

Saying that Tracer or Genji couldn’t 1v1 Brig is like complaining about how Winston cannot 1v1 a Reaper, it’s just wrong.

McCree and Soldier have no burst? Are we playing the same game here? Also, Brig is meant to counter dive which includes Winston. As someone who literally mains McCree and also plays Soldier and Dva often, those heroes have never had an issue against Brig in the slightest, particularly McCree and Soldier, since they have range and it’s quiet easy to deal with her.

Hmm no my friend, you don’t really understand what a counter is. It is not supposed to be a “fair” duel, being a counter literally means you have a clear advantage.

She doesn’t counter those heroes, that is a myth spread by Brig haters.


This reminds me so much of when everyone was screaming “Well don’t get close to her, dying is your fault.”

Armed with this powerful advice I went back into a game and as the clock ticked down, I see a Brig standing on the point.

Now… how to get ON the point without getting close to Brig…

You pick a ranged character and you shoot at her from a distance.


That won’t stop a game clock.

If you need to be on the point you need to be on the point. If you’re talking about position(which this thread is doing) then its important to realize where you’re standing isn’t always a free and willing choice, sometimes you need to be where you don’t want to be. It’s one of the main reasons Syms new ult is so underrated, you can force enemies to re position, or concede space.

So if I have time to switch, kill her, and get on point sure.

If it’s a clutch moment and I need to cap, nope, Mace to the Face.

It would only happen if she is alone on the point, and you are alone in there, and everyone else on both teams are nowhere near, which sure can happen but it’s a very rare occasion. Most of the time there will be people contesting the point, and ranged characters can stay out of her range and shoot at her, that is my point. As someone who plays ranged characters I do this all the time, there is no need to go nowhere near her 95% of the time.


That’s pretty much true, no real argument there. However the situation may arise more than 5% if you factor in the countless other things that could be taking place. I mean, what if Brig uses a teleporter to jump people who can’t fight her? Between a teleporter and her kit, there would be little escape.

Lots of heroes have escape or defense mechanism, just like Brig could use the TP, the other heroes could use their abilities to escape or neutralize her. Now that I think about it, the situation that you mention has never ever happened to me since Brig came into the game and Sym was reworked, mostly because almost no one plays Sym nowdays. Like i said, and this is just my experience, as someone who plays ranged heroes, I never ever worry about Brig nor do i have to go anywhere near her.


Ya my experience is a bit different. I play mostly short-mid range heroes.

Yeah, those heroes will have a hard time against Brig, but that doesn’t make her OP, as long as she has weaknesses then she is fine, all heroes should have strenghts and weaknesses.

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