Brig would be completely balanced if she simply moved slower while attacking

That’s true.
The trauma of her release state might also be part of this, same could be said about Mercy buffs.

Nobody wants them because they were insanely strong… before.




Check comment number 35!


Well she deals damage every 0.6 seconds.
You don’t have to panic: it might not be 70 DPS but it’s pretty close to two hits per second so it’s not very far off.

On any squishie these 0.1 seconds won’t matter. On the long run against tanks or healing then it will make a difference.

on a squishy, even a 0.2 difference matters, especially when it comes to mobilty

especially when your hp is so limited

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She doesn’t do 70dps. It’s 35 dmg every .6 second or 70 dmg every 1.2 seconds. .2 is 16.7% of 1.2. So you multiply 70 x .167 to get 16.7 % of 70. That comes out to 11.69. You then subtract that from 70 to get the damage per 1 second and you get… 58.31 dps.

Brig does 58 dps, which is one of the lowest dps characters in the game. I think only Moira does less damage at 50 dps.


I’d argue the opposite. She’d be balanced if she didn’t do AoE healing while damaging at the same time.

Not true at all, Brig is already in the dumpster, she doesn’t need any more nerfs.


People genuinely don’t push S while shooting enough and if you get caught in melee without any help from your team than you were probably out of position.

If your considering the whole of a Goats lineup, then it gets more complicated. Unless your equally well equipped for melee then you really shouldn’t be engaging them in melee, they’re on point. As an extreme example, your widow isn’t gonna want to jump on point to contest unless it’s a last ditch stalling effort, and the same logic applies to most others heroes in the game. If your gonna die if you fight on point and the hero your fighting are a melee specialists, don’t fight on point (don’t let them capture the point either, bend don’t break I think is the phrase I’m after).

Personally, the biggest issue of goats is fully stacking heals and their natural counters (ie Pharah/Junk/Bastion/Mei/Roadhog/Orissa) being extremely weak. Bunker comps involving the above should be able to put out enough damage to put goats in the dust but heroes in this group are currently unviable. After this current patch I think a wait an see approach would be best…

Well hang on, your not factoring their attack speeds properly… Rein’s attacks per second is 0.9 vs Brig’s 0.6.
Rein DPS ~ 83
Brig DPS ~ 58

That’s not factoring abilities like firedtrick/charge/shield bash of course, but that tends to get messy…

(Seems like this was addressed by many people already. I’m on phone so I cbf deleting this)

Maybe? Or tie her self healing to armour pack and keep her friendly aoe heal on proc. Being unable to heal herself at all would make her pretty bad as a support…

If the devs are keen on pushing 2:2:2 (though their role queue thing they’re working on is probably a decade or so away…) then I’d say she is pretty bad. Having said that, perhaps theres a combo outside of goats that she is incredible in but no one has found it yet?

Again, I’d say wait till the dust settles on this latest round of patch notes before pushing for buffs/nerfs.

Pushing 2:2:2 is the dumbest idea they’ve ever had and it’s literally just another one of their “bandaid” fixes that they always do instead of ever actually addressing any of the real issues, same thing with Reaper getting his Lifesteal bumped all over the place and only after years of that not working do we finally begin to see any change in the right direction, albeit still flawed.

The only time Brig is a good option at all is if Dive is being played (which will once again become the dominant meta under 2:2:2 but bandaid fixes, right?) and even there she’s not very good anymore now that she can’t actually punish Tracer.

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The real issue is simple. Tanks do too much damage.

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Also not the real issue.

I wouldnt call her scary, they just need someone playing a tuba as a sound effect while she W + M1s at people.

Because of her armor, and her passive which allows her to survive for so long. Rein has an incredibly huge hitbox, slower attack, and is incredibly easy to CC when he shields.

You realize she’s vulnerable to all the same CC Rein is when shielding, moreso even since her shield is smaller, Rein has over double her health, quadruple her shield health, 150% her DPS, not to mention significantly higher damage and range on both of his abilities, and an ult that can guarantee at least one kill if not more easily.

I fail to see how a 16 HPS is creating some massively oppressive difference… Pretty sure this boils down to you not playing around her design and just trying to mash your face into her like every other support…


I mean, sure, if you make it so people can just take two steps and they become impossible for you to hit them, that would make a hero pretty un-threatening.

“B-B-But Rein has a giant ‘hit me’ sign on him! I don’t have control over my target priority, when I see Rein I have to shoot him above all else!”


Mei’s freezing beam deal 55 DPS, for comparison.


The only really problematic tanks are Zarya and, but for different reasons.

Zarya is the only tank with a reliable long-range attack. This allow her to work both with ranged and melee teams (she performs better on a deathball team because she can get charged faster). Plus, Graviton is pretty much a win condition with a little bit of coordination (ie, a single attack ult). is stupidly mobile, have an extra life (that she can instantly reset the mecha with a self-destruct if the situation calls for it), and Defense Matrix blocks too much stuff. I don’t think DM need further nerfs, but by far being a DM bot is the main role of on goats. If you have watched any POV in stage 1 you can see they rarely chase people. They just stand around the try to DM the enemy Zarya, doing some damage bursts while DM is on cooldown.

All the other tanks do deal a hefty amount of damage, but they are severely limited by range or clip size. Reinhardt and Winston are melee range. Wrecking Ball have a small clip and harsh decay. Roadhog have only 5 shots in the clip. Orisa have a medium spread and she fire projectiles, making it inconsistent at range (plus all other Orisa problems).

Zarya got a nerf last patch. got one in the patch before that. Zen discord got nerfed. Lúcio speed got nerfed. Brigitte is already subpar if she isn’t the third support (in comp I have to tell people that, when I pick her, I play as off-tank, so that our Zen/Lúcio don’t swap out for another off-tank). Reinhardt is still stupidly powerful, but he requires a team behind him to extract value, so not as useful depending on teammates.

I expect goats to die in stage 2, but don’t expect it to happen overnight. Teams will still swap to goatsoften because that’s what they have been training for the last 6 months. When Brigitte was on stage 4 last year, teams still ran dive because of that same reason, but it dwindled as time passes.


Uh… I’d argue Brig is even easier to cc when she shields, considering it’s so small and thin. Hell, unless you’re looking at her straight on, you can easily shoot her around it so…

Well that’s taking healing or eventual support into account. Having 0.1 more seconds or 0.4 etc to kill Brigitte in a 1v1 won’t make much a difference.

Fight for 10 seconds with healing into account and then it makes a much bigger difference

I mean it could!

Think of this

Tracer does 240dps

0.1 seconds is 24dmg
0.4 seconds is 96 dmg

Think of that, that 0.4 seconds could equate on brig losing 38.4% of her hp (not factoring in armor ofc)

So it can make a difference