Brig shouldn't survive a Hanzo headshot

I think it’s great.

In fact, more squishies should exist that can survive oneshots.


She’s still the second best support with the best winrate of any support. So it looks like we do need to take some more things from her.

To be fair, no hero should survive an arrow impaling them in the head.

Only In masters and GM*
(just adding a little more context)


You know what she shouldn’t be able to survive? A Roadhog hook combo.

she’s not useless at all.

She survives. That’s all that matters when it comes to snipers critting squishies. Other squishies don’t. Reaper doesn’t, Mei doesn’t, no other 200 HP hero does. She doesn’t need it. She is already excessively survivable. If you managed to land a shot at her critbox with a fully charged arrow, she should die. Her critbox is tiny and she also has a shield.

That’s how armor works buddy. And Blizzard works in increments of 50 health

And I’m saying, she should lose it. Entirely.

She is a thicc girl just storm arrow her noobs.

A support doesn’t get headshot by a Hanzo smashing his forehead into m1? Blasphemy!


Better than a lucky Mei icicle to the brain. For the Brig I mean. Screw Hanzo.

Let’s also take away her ability to walk. It’s too OP.



Oh no, my log sized arrow fired at a doorway didn’t immediately reward me with dopamine and serotonin? This is blasphemy! Blizz nerf immediately please


Everyone except tracer should survive a Hanzo headshot. It is the most broken 1-shot in the game. Most of the time it is luck - he misses 5 arrows then headshots you with the 6th. That’s not skill. And combining 1-shots with a sonic arrow was such a dumb decision. You can’t even peek without getting headshot - and if the other DPS is widow she gets to see it too. Has to be one of the dumbest ability combinations in the game, along with the rest of the team being able to see with sonic arrow.

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Hanzo shouldn’t be able to one-shot anyone* fixed it for ya

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You guys can’t ever leave Brig alone can you
Wait 2 months before calling for more Brig nerfs like the rest of the people around here


How about instead we make it so theres no such thing as a one shot and reduce your stupid arrows damage.


Person sick of being hit in the face by a hanzo in Tunisia around 500 corners, up a slope and through a locked door.


I think it’d be really interesting if there was a hero which if they’re above 90% health, they survive any damage that would kill them and leave them at 10 health or something. That would be pretty cool.

Wait, what? a 250hp Brig survives a hs? Am I insane or do I still get hs by Widows and Hanzo even at full hp?

Edit: I just tested it and wow she does live with 5hp. That’s kinda insane.