Brig shield bass should do more damage

That’s how I feel. The combos don’t feel potent enough

I think Brig needs buffs especially if further GOATS nerfs are gonna happen, but I think Shield bash is fine. Rather than bringing back her kill potential I’d rather see her get some of her bulk back. Like the 150 armor cap during rally and 600 shield health back. Rally isn’t good anymore and she isn’t a hard target to take down anymore, especially without the pressure of a 5 second cooldown shield bash that does 50 damage.

But her treble is just right.

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It also helps you secure the last 110 damage to a hero.

Yeah and only 5 of that is shield bash

How can you ask for Brigitte buffs when she is one of the enablers a meta the devs have been trying to stop for ages? They’re much more likely to nerf her.

If they nerf her she will be an absolute throw pick

And? It stuns them and lets you do 105 damage which they can’t avoid.

Thats like saying sleep dart is bad because it does 5 damage.

Or you could continue to left click and finish them with shift?

Briggs is a healer, it isn’t her job to make space.

Brig is a tank, it is her job to make space. She is a hybrid, which has been stated time and again

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yeah wouldnt want to do that…watches OWL all night with Baptise replacing Brig multiple times without missing a beat

…oops Jeff

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She is in support. Her main role is healer. She has a tiny shield that was meant to protect the other healers. She might be a hybrid but she isn’t a tank.

If Brigg can justifiably be called, and played, as a tank then there are far too many DPS Moira hate threads.

^ PezLex has it up there.

I feel like there is some revisionist history going on. Brig was meant to be a Support that killed Genji/Tracer/Diving Winstons. Thats it.

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Sym was in support for two years, and her main role was damage. Her only “support” ability was her ultimate.

Furthermore, the devs have literally said that she is a tank support hybrid, and that she should be treated as such.

No revisionist history. She is supposed to be a hybrid


And then she was changed because she want a healer. Know what they said about Brigg? They were going to make her more support and a lot less tank.

Tank support hybrid doesn’t mean she is meant to fill the role of tank. If that’s the case, next time someone complains about DPS Baps or Moira’s, I’ll be sure to point out the hypocrisy.

I now openly encourage them to take the DPS slots instead of focusing on healing.

Shield bass you say…

Lucio drops the beat

why are you the support battling zen in first place?
you should be focusing on healing your team and not wondering into their backline in the first place.

its not meant to do anything but stun the enemy not to help you kill. that was the issue with brig when she came out. The stun was a low CD and had high damage it went from a stun thats meant to cc someone into a making dps a joke. Second off all that is supposed to be used for certain situations only and not to kill (as mentioned above). So no i dont think its damage should be buffed. what should be buffed/nerfed is her heals.

you already have a huge advantage, and if u use shieldbash you’re garenteed to get two free hits
if anything it needs more nerfs

And they didn’t make her more support, they just made her less of a tank. By nerfing her shield bash, so it’s useless for Brig to create space as a tank to make space with.

I mean, it kind of does? Kind of why she’s such a bad healer is to make up for her being closer to a tank? Similarly Zenyatta has a low, single target heal to make up for the damage he brings to the table, on top of his utility.

Baptiste is like Ana, and is not a DPS support hybrid. And if Moira isn’t taking up a healer slot to go be a really bad DPS, and there are two additional healers who are actually healing, then yeah sure I don’t care. I wish we had a DPS that did more damage in the same range, but so long as the team isn’t starving of healing (the real issue when a Moira goes DPS is that she tends to cause a lack of healing in the team, so all the healing has to be taken by the second healer which generally is too little) then I don’t see a problem with a healer going a DPS, other than there being characters who are better at it.