Brig no longer can combo Tracer

CAuse you don’t play tracer so you don’t understand how brig counters her same with every other person who thinks the stun is the counter

Im sorry, but I am still so lost on what youre trying to prove here?

Are you trying to tell me that the stun wont counter Tracer?
Are you trying to prove to me that Tracer already eats Brig for dinner?
Are you trying to prove that just by having armor you can’t one clip through it?

I mean… either way you are just going to prove me right. I have said:

  1. Before PTR nerf, Brig combo was best way to deal with Tracer
    (if I cant land the stun, then I am right because armor will do nothing to save Brigs life)
  2. After PTR nerf, Brig can’t kill Tracer with the combo so Tracer will win and I was right here too

as Ive said before, a good Tracer will just kill Brig anyway because she knows to keep away from the stun, but if the Brig can land it, at least she can stop Tracer.

This is my point. If you nerf Brig like this, then you need to nerf Tracer. I already have a clip for you of Tracer outside Brig range and Tracer can melt Brig. Have a look:

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Think about it.

How can something that should never hit you be your hard counter? If brig is standing near one squishy I can just blink to another squishy and brig won’t get there in time to stun me. Cause I am WAY faster with blink

How is she saving that target I picked when she not even close enough to do anything about it with her stun???

Is brig magically always standing right beside every hero the map so she is ready to stun tracer no matter who Tracer picks to fight??

Yeah, you can actually. Because stuff that doesn’t translate to GM ladder can be easily be viewed as something that is due to the format of tournaments rather than just about the hero.


Again, I just have no clue what your point is :smiley:

2 squishy are not standing right beside each other.

How does brig protect both at the same time with stun?? If tracer is going to kill one of them in 2 seconds?

Tracer is much more mobile then brig an can simply attack the person who doesn’t have a brig with her.

Do those two squishies do any damage at all? Nah, of course not. Squishies have no REAL way of fighting back against flankers. That’s why Brigitte is such a saving grace.

But now Brig can’t kill the Tracer so Tracer will kill the Brig. lol

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As if Brigitte doesn’t stun for one second already, leaving Tracer in the open. At most, she’ll be forced to recall and escape, or your own team will focus her down with you. Armour is already a huge problem for Tracer and makes her ineffective.


Ok, you win.

Lets give Brig her stun back but remove the Armour from her kit. We need to make sure that tracer is countered LOL.

Please do my a favor and get blizzard to do this. I beg of you. Cause I will take that trade in a second as a tracer player.

Been playing since beta my friend, I am just smart enough to know how to stop her in her tracks

Holy moly god is real and he has come to save us.

Combat roll + flashbang is a nifty combo to use in situations like this.

Yes, you are lying. The combination requires one less hit, but the fact remains that it is possible to kill her before she gets away (assuming no moronic teammates wake her up prematurely).

She’s been able to from the beginning. This gem was made back when Ana’s damage was reduced to 60, by the way.

Why not let shield bash also disable mobility abilities and passives for two seconds? It won’t really affect low-mobile characters like McCree, Mei or Sym while characters like Tracer and Genji will struggle more (as they should).

Yes, she’ll go back to having no viable counters, that’s the whole point I’m making here.

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In Overwatch, two seconds is forever.

But apparently Tracer one clipping in 1 second is long enough for your healer to throw a Repair Pack at you.

I have some ideas to buff Brigitte:

You can’t get a Repair back off but you can run over to the fight and stun her in time???

If you can’t land a pack you are not going to be able to land a stun in time either. The pack is WAY faster than brig and will get there first unless the fight starts with Tracer inside brigs stun range. And even then your so close together the difference would be very little