Brig no longer can combo Tracer

This is what I completely agree on, too much was taken her from her kit considering the other nerfs she had before which all impacted her ultimate economy, armor provided, CD on utility and mobility twice, nerf to shield HP and damage, now she gets no utility around shields and a complete damage reduction on the combo.

By some calculations and testing how the Shield Bash adds to ultimate charge, and the damage lack will affect it too she will get a nerf on her ultimate as well, not sure if 0.66 hps will offset that. It is still only increase of 0.66 hps.

She needs more to be viable as an alternative to Lucio, who is almost always a better pick then her now. Up her healing if she needs to play a supportive role, or RP, she is worse then Lucio without his range, better mobility, better healing and a better ult providing actual protection for the team against burst ults.

Thank you for your feedback Jerant.


I 100% agree

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Mccree flashbang range… so about 7 meters

Currently Tracer can one clip you outside the range of abilities that are meant to counter her.

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Counters to Tracer’s pulse bomb or significantly reduce its effectiveness.

Zarya Bubble (Anyone), D.VA Defense Matrix (Anyone), Wraith Form, Fade, Transcendence (Zen only), Sound Barrier if timed extremely well (anyone in range), Primal Rage, Bastion’s Tank Configuration, Roadhog’s self heal, Orisa fortify, Sombra’s translocate, Tracer’s recall, Mei’s ice block, Torb’s steroid, Doomfist’s ult. Am I missing any? Thanks to the pulse bomb nerf she gets a whopping 2.7 kills per game in comp with it.

Pretty sure Zarya can do her thing even after Tracer’s stuck a target. No preemptive actions needed.

Things that can one-shot Tracer.

Everything that can one shot 200 hp heroes.

Everything that can one shot only Tracer (Or… Pilot… I guess). Mei’s head shot (which has gotten buffs thanks to more ammo, no fall off, and faster projectile speed. Oh freeze also lasts longer), damage boosted Widowmaker/Hanzo body shots, damage boosted McCree headshots (no flashbang required!), damage boosted direct Junkrat grenades or mines, damage boosted direct Pharah rockets (make sure to dive down on her from above for maximum effectiveness and reduce projectile travel time!), Damage boosted Soldier: 76’s direct helix rockets. Torb’s alt fire (must land all pellets so get in close), Damage Boosted Torb primary headshots. Half charged Doomfist Rocket punch (Must have wall impact as well). Reaper landing 11 (one more than half the total amount) pellets as headshots or 16 pellets as body damage and 3 as headshots (that’s right he still doesn’t need to land all his pellets!), Roadhog landing all his pellets as body damage or half as headshots (No pesky hook required). He’s more consistent now making this even worse for Tracer. Also Ashe can one-shot headshot Tracer without any boosting like Mei except no need to account for pesky projectile travel cause hitscan. Damage boosted dragon blade or nano blade which is all the rage these days I hear. Remember no amount or mobility or Recalls will save you from getting one-shotted!

I’m sure there are tons more via combining damage boosting, discord and nano boost in various ways. Such as Reinhardt’s melee (needs all three), or Fire Strike (just damage boost and discord.)

Nail in the coffin is a successful Sombra hack can take away her defenses to avoid all of this. Which if you can’t get off a .65 second ability on an unaware target (You get to control when and where you engage with Sombra thanks to stealth) Sure, thing is Tracer needs to get within her range to do any kind of meaningful burst damage. Also, flashbang does work since Tracer has to get within its range to do damage. Also, McCree has combat roll on a lower CD now if Tracer’s is being cheeky and dancing outside its range. McCree’s should not be rewarded with a dead Tracer for missing their flashbang end of story. This goes for Roadhog’s who miss their hooks too. Maps, flanking routes and objective points force Tracer to play in the danger zone more often than I would like and limit her blink range (Don’t want to blink off the sides on some maps after all). I get caught blinking on geometry on the maps a lot of the time.

Biggest thing I can say is Overwatch is a team game. Not 1v1 death match in a vacuum Fox only, no items, final destination. Tracer’s mobility DOES NOT make her immune to damage at all or even abilities as I have been hooked and flash banged mid blink countless times. People like to argue that she can just blink and avoid damage acting like it somehow makes her immune to everything and that’s all they need to argue. That’s way too simplistic. That’s not how it works in real game play, trust me.

Incidentally both Zarya and D.VA can stop Tracer from one clipping anyone.

She can’t recall or blink out of flash bang/hook/Shield bash as an escape, she can only avoid it.

Neither her average 2.63 competitive kdr, 1.72% pick rate or 48.70% win rate suggests that she needs either counters or nerfs. I’d also like to point out that Reaper does more damage per game, and heals more per game then Tracer does with recall. He also has effectively the same KDA. His ult gets more kills per game. Also there are tanks that do more damage per game then Tracer does (Dva who also gets more eliminations, Zarya, Reinhardt is comparable to Tracer, and Hammond. Roadhog as well with 10% less accuracy.)

The average is 36% competitive accuracy on Tracer. She doesn’t one clip people nearly as often as people thinks she does. Cut that 240 down to around 86.4 and you have a more accurate number. This is why people think Tracer is op is they assume 100% accuracy all the time. That’s just not the case.

Hope this helps.


I think this is the real win. Good play from a Brig will make a Tracer disengage or fully commit. This change makes for real consequential decisions without impossible hard counters.

You need to get good at this game, it isnt easy for a tracer to kill the backline, there are many counter play to tracer. Brig’s repair pack is a direct counter to aggressive flankers and her ult (armor’s ability to halve dmg that is less than 10, like tracer’s pulse guns) is also a counterplay. You just dont know how to play against a tracer so you ask for a hard counter that even pro tracers had to quit playing her because a master brig could just delete the tracer. Somethings just never change and thats you’re mindset.

Repeat what you just said " good Tracer will mop the floor with Brig now". Is there something wrong about a better player outplaying a bad player???

A good tracer 1v1 Brig, maybe. But if you are caught in a pure 1v1 with no backup on either side, someone is screwing up. I am still not worried on that level.

I mean Brigittes design was bad to begin with, they should have had never added her to the game, but just nerfed Tracer. Now its too late, they should either rework her or do some “light” nerfs when it comes to damage. 50>30? She is designed around her combo and nothing else. You cant just take all her damage away while leaving her with such low healing. Its the same scenario we had with Roadhog, a hero designed around hook+1shot combo. As soon he got nerfed he was trash, no matter how they buffed him, he was trash, why? Cause he was designed around that combo, same as Brigitte you have to rework her if you plan to nerf her damage like that.

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I can already see more Tracers and Gnejis in my games, even tho the change hasnt even happen yet lol. People practicing those heroes again

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Your welcome Kelvan.

Let’s hope Blizzard agrees with our us and buffs something to compensate for all the nerfs.

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I totally agree with you, people dont understand that tracer can be punished but good tracers improve their aim, movement and cooldown. To shut down a tracer, all you need is a someone peeling for the healers. Like most popular choice was DVA. But people think that Brig’s combo is fair except that her other kits repair pack counters a hyper aggressive tracer and her ult is a direct counter to her. People forget about skill in this game.

pros like seagull were speaking for thousands of us. this relates to plat and diamond games too. All these people arent just blindly going with his points we’ve felt this way about the rock-papers-scissor problem regarding goats/brig for a LONG TIME and he finally got tired of waiting before bring more attention to it in his vent video

You now have to flail her a bit befote your combo can kill her. Thats good.

If she recals THEN you combo her. How is this hard?

She has the mobility to kite you while her fall-off starts while she’s out of your range and if by some miracle you get her health down recall exists and lets not forget she has the lowest charge requirement in the game currently so she can end it with a pulse bomb or just leave and bomb someone else and come back since your a non threat

For that matter, just keeping her at bay should be enough time to alert someone else on your team that there’s a back line attack going.
But a lot of the time the DPS are way off in the distance demanding healing (Genji stereotype cough) and just assumes that they haven’t let anyone pass them.

I frankly feel this makes Brig even better. As a healer, increasing those aspects of her kit is awesome. By taking the dps out of her, we won’t have dps main players switching to her JUST to be able to counter the dps player on the other team.

Just like Moira, a lot of players sabotage their team by picking a healer, but not healing at all.

I personally do at least 10K healing with Brig, and THAT is my focus. Unlike Mercy, Brig can still defend herself, but will be playing away from the front line now. This just feels like a good nerf that she should have started with as her kit.

Im a Brig main BTW

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Hard counters are inherently bad for the game

P.S. no I am not regurgitating Seagull quotes. That is just how I also felt since Brig got added.


Brigitte’s mistakes were too forgiving, and she could easily get away with anything she wanted most of the time. These nerfs just make her more team oriented.


for real. team oriented is exactly how she should have been played. im not sure how other brig players complaining about changes have been playing her to think that she will now be useless to the team