Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Yes. Brig should never kill so reliably.

Brig should be like this from the start. Tank/support utility hybrid. She didn’t need killing potential, and all the previous nerfs were bad because they aimed at her survivability, rather than her dmg.

I still want to get some defensive buffs or reverts now.


That is so great for outright making her utility inconsistent or unable to counter something she was added for. Much more healing needs to be given to her to even justify her being a support.

Really bad changes, in my opinion. You could have buffed other characters, and they already were, to counter her, she had enough counters already, now she cant do anything to survive long enough when against shields, not protecting backline form Dive, not countering Tracer at all, what is her role in the game now I can’t tell.


So Tracer is finally going to get nerfed?

Btw: Jeff joked about “forum Brigitte” a week ago, and now they’re crippling her. Wut? He knew they were about to break her like she’s Hog 1.0, right? I’m so confused.


This is what I want to know. Maybe its a typo?


whipshot=70 damage

bash will be 5

melee =35 damage

70 +35 +5 =110

I was wrong, but the combo does do more than 75 damage

Unfortunately, it still means she’s going to be pretty bad.

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Yes. There is no way around that.

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Looks like that Seagull video is making a strong impact. Looks like a positive change although I still do not understand how Brig is able to self heal while hacked and Lucio can not. :thinking:


All that is not reliable at all, Tracer just evades it, both at shields and her kit. She presses Recall, she is gone before the melee damage is even there. The combo does not deal any damage now, stop acting like its still does this is hilarious.


I’m hoping that’s the case.

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Honestly, same


Lol that has to be a typo


Hallelujah!! Jeff has delivered us from evil!!

Bless you Jeff, Bless you sir!!


Brig is still good against tracer, just not a hard counter. She won’t be able to easily kill her on her own, but she can easily protect others and herself


If it’s a typo, what does it change tho? If it’s anything less than 45, she can’t combo Tracer, and she’s hot garbage. If it’s 45, she kills everything in the same number of swings and it makes no difference.

I rarely, if ever, say this, but… this change is absolutely some of the most atrocious garbage I have ever seen


why? because she doesn’t get free kills anymore? she still forces flankers off of anything she hits, and still counters their damage with the passive heals and armor she provides.


Im sorry but using all your abilities is not a free kill


Mass whiners? Pretty sure the Doomfist nerfs that come along with it show that this simply isn’t the case. A lot of people who play McCree, Ana, Zen, Bastion etc wanted more counter play to Doomfist’s ult.

And the counter play we got? Well now you have a better chance of walking out of the one shot radius, you still don’t escape the full thing though.


Well, Inspire is being buffed to compensate:


Easy? With laughable heal which works only when commiting, no consistent utility, no damage on combo which was removed, all while leaving her defenseless if she wants to heal because her shield is down. Rally not be consistent against anything but Tracer, Genji bursting though it and killing her and her entire team unlike when you take Zen or Lucio in.

I am hoping this is a typo, because this is complete overkill on her role.