Brig no longer can combo Tracer

Why do I think she needs changes? Because she is way too strong. I agree that she shouldn’t be able to 1v1 everybody.

This is why we have a problem and it boils down to Tracer just being too strong. Like Seagull said… she is just basically a God. She is just too good.

Brig was a good counter to Tracer, and yea sure the armor makes it a little annoying for Tracer, but Brig also countered too many other heroes.

The other thing here is that by nerfing Brig this way, they are also kinda solidifying goats. Think about it. Brig can’t bash through the shield anymore. Now you can’t stop goats.

The hero balance in Overwatch is just this huge mess.

I agree with you in a sense that Brig should be more focused around support with minor tank utility (survivability) and she didn’t need that dps, but at the same time, she should be able to combo (meaning she has to use all her abilities) to kill a Tracer.

The other thing here is that all other stuns in the game are skill shots as I think they should be. I play Brig. It isn’t a skill shot to land a Shield Bash.

Thats why I really think the rework I suggested would fix things. It adds a skill level to Brig while making her a much more viable healer.

Then you still have goats, but again, I think goats is strong because so many other heroes are super weak in this game like Reaper and Bastion.

You should be able to run a Bastion and Reaper and destroy goats, but it doesn’t work that way.

Overall, the game is just a mess right now. 1/10 when it comes to hero balance.

The game just isnt fun anymore and it hasn’t been for a long while. Granted, playing a goats comp is fun as hell because the other team has no other option to run a mirror comp but if they dont, you stomp them. Sadly, goats is so dumb to watch.

CC and mobility are also big problems in this game.

We honestly need fundamental core changes to the game at this point just like back in season 1 when they removed hero stacking from the game because it was bad for the overall health of the game.

Now we are in that same boat again and CC/mobility needs to be looked at for the overall health of the game.

I really think they should start trying to find someone else to do hero balance though or maybe they should start spending more time playing the game because they really really seem to be out of touch on a lot of things.

Rework I suggested: