⭐ Brig-haters go away

What don’t you like about her?


I was never around for the brig release meta. I just saw screen shots of Gold support players hitting GM by using only Brig.

So I can only assume she was incredibly unbalanced for awhile.

o my god brig was a murder machine worse than doomfist glad she’s gone.

yeah if you see older Gold-Plat players their stats on Brig is just insane. Even on my best game where the stars connects and my team stomps i can never hit stats those high… She was definitely really OP for a while.

Current Brig is actually quite weak tho after the nerf.

That’s his gimmick though. He probably already forgot he said it. I bet when she’s out of the rotation they’ll complain about Moira again or the next tank.

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Iz a lot.

But… Umm… In short…she do all the do and that means she gives value in some way all the time

It bad

question, why when brig mains refused to admit she was way over the top at launch, would we consider taking anything of your OP as anything more that garbage?


Look man, I enjoy playing Brig too, but the way she was implemented was a complete blunder on Blizzard’s part. Instead of making balance changes, they implemented a hero to counter an entire meta and it turned out hey, she counters every hero in the game. It is completely understandable why she was hated, she has a great character, but she was implemented wrong imo.


You are right once Echo kills a flanker it’s going to be " does anyone else think Echo blaster is too strong ?"

Give it 6 months and she will be trash


I disagree. Plenty of heroes have launched underpowered. Brig , doom and sigma were the ones to not.

When everyone else is weak on launch they

Take years to find value- orisa sombra Moira
Get buffed beyond needed or designed- Baptiste, ana
Or no one likes them to play- ashe., Hammond

So brig isn’t at fault for this tbh. Everyone wanted better launches. Blizzard gave them what they wanted.

Lo and behold…people don’t actually know what they want and are dumb

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Any hero that my dog can effectively play will always be hated. Brigs in the same boat as Moira, Mei, Sym

So why do we have to discuss her launch kit for 83 years and cry for her to be deleted every 2 months, until the end of time.

I dont get why people can’t look at the game in front of them, not the game from 2018 :expressionless:


In my defense… I am looking at her today.

And see a big ol dum dum

Dude, I get this on a spiritual level. You know me, the Bastion main. People can’t get over the past. It really sucks. Brigitte isn’t who she was in the past…


It’s the same thing with Moth meta and Mercy. We’re what… like 2 years removed from that and people still have it out for Mercy despite her being in a horrible spot.

It’s a grudge that some people will never let go. Same with Baguette and Goats.


Brig was the one time Blizzard attempted to ignore the community threads and it blew up in their faces, blew up in our faces, and now we gotta live with it.

They ignored #deletebriggers until it became digital riot level protesting, and then when they caved in, they nuked her so hard it she became a whole other hero.

So who won here? Nobody. Haters gonna hate anyway cause shes still here. Defenders cant say squat because they either hate her design now, or get drowned out by the people who already hated her. And the devs just have to shift through it constantly.

I’m tired of it. They mishandled her horribly. And now we gotta live with it every time a streamer decides to open their mouth about her for 5 seconds.

Like you said
People need to



I do hate the threads, the past nerfs were justified. I know the Devs said they wanted Brig leaning towards Main Healer, I just dont see that being a thing.

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Fixed that :sob:

I love Brig. Hope I will love Echo too.




Yes and no. Imo, you need to look at where her changes have gone and how it affects the game.

They’ve changed and redone the whole game around how people reacted with her
And that doesn’t go away no matter who or where you stand on her in particular

… I think it’s more than a thing. And I definitely am glad she finally got a Nerf post rework

Tbh, I hope not.

People seem to only care once a hero is good. Most recently, Baptiste

I’m fine being a minority in favor of a hero, able to see their value outside of pros or streamers.
